贵州省习水县七年级英语下册 Unit 11 How was your school trip(第3课时)Section B(1a-2c)教案 (新版)人教新目标版

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贵州省习水县七年级英语下册 Unit 11 How was your school trip(第3课时)Section B(1a-2c)教案 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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贵州省习水县七年级英语下册 Unit 11 How was your school trip(第3课时)Section B(1a-2c)教案 (新版)人教新目标版_第2页
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贵州省习水县七年级英语下册 Unit 11 How was your school trip(第3课时)Section B(1a-2c)教案 (新版)人教新目标版_第3页
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《贵州省习水县七年级英语下册 Unit 11 How was your school trip(第3课时)Section B(1a-2c)教案 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《贵州省习水县七年级英语下册 Unit 11 How was your school trip(第3课时)Section B(1a-2c)教案 (新版)人教新目标版(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 11How was your school trip教学课题第三课时Section B (1a-2c)教学目标【知识目标】Important words:museum,fire,painting,exciting,lovely,expensive,cheap,slow,fast,robot,guide,gift,everything,interested,dark,hearImportant phrases:fire station,all in all,be interested in,go on a school trip,visit the science museum,not

2、. at allImportant sentences:1.Today I went on a school trip.2.Then the guide taught us how to make a model robot.3.it was difficult to take photos.4.I didnt like the trip at all.【能力目标】能正确使用一般过去时描述假期活动。【情感目标】培养学生积极参加集体活动的意识。教学重难点1.一般过去时的使用。2.形容词的使用。教学过程Step 1Revision1.Teacher shows some pictures abou

3、t activities.(见课件)2.Students read the phrases after the teacher,then match the activities with the pictures,and then make their own conversations.A:What did you do on your last vacation?B:I.3.Teacher asks several students to show their conversations.Step 2Listening1.Listen to the tape and answer the

4、 questions in 1b.2.Listen to the tape again and fill in the blanks in 1c.(见课件)3.Check the answers by asking students to give their answers.教学过程Step 3Work on 1dLet students discuss what their last school trip was like with their partners.Step 4Reading1.Ask students to read the words in 2a and tell wh

5、at things are the words used to describe?2.Students read the two passages in 2b and answer the two questions.3.Check the answers.(见课件)(1)No,they didnt.(2)Helen thinks that the trip was interesting,but Jim thinks his trip was terrible.4.Read again and fill in the blanks in 2c.(见课件)HelenJimthe tripexc

6、itingterriblethe trainfastslowthe museuminterestingbig,boring,darkthe gift shop and giftscheap,lovelyexpensiveStep 5HomeworkWrite a short passage about your last school trip.板书设计Section B (1a-2c)重点短语1.be interested in2.go on a school trip3.visit the science museum4.not.at all重点句型1.Today I went on a

7、school trip.2.Then the guide taught us how to make a model robot.3.it was difficult to take photos.4.I didnt like the trip at all.课堂练习.单项选择1.We visited the yesterday and saw lots of old things there. A.schoolB.libraryC.parkD.museum2.Its in the room so we cant see anything in it.A.quietB.smallC.tidyD

8、.dark3.Hey,Jimmy.Please run or we will arrive late for school.A.fastB.busyC.slowD.free4.Sorry,I didnt what you said just now.Can you say it again?A.soundB.lookC.hearD.read5.They to the countryside and many farms there.A.go;sawB.went;seeC.went;sawD.going;seeingKeys:15DDACC.根据汉语意思完成句子1.今天我参加了学校旅行。Toda

9、y I a school trip.2.我去礼品商店给父母买了一些礼物。I went to the gift shop and some gifts my parents.教学过程3.一切都是关于机器人的,但我不感兴趣。 is about robots but Im not that.4.房间里很暗,照相很难。The rooms were really and it was to take photos.5.我根本不喜欢这次旅行。I like the trip .Keys:1.went on2.bought;for3.Everything;interested in4.dark;difficult5.didnt;at all教学反思南洋兄弟烟草公司是以粤商简照南、简玉阶兄弟为主体,南洋华侨集资创办的在旧中国最大的一家民族资本烟草企业。简照南、简玉阶兄弟原在香港经营怡兴泰商号、贩运土洋新货于日本、香港、泰国之间,数年后积余资本3万多元。3


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