【创新设计】2013届高考英语总复习 语法专项训练 2-1-6情态动词和虚拟语气测试 牛津版(江苏专用)

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【创新设计】2013届高考英语总复习 语法专项训练 2-1-6情态动词和虚拟语气测试 牛津版(江苏专用)_第1页
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【创新设计】2013届高考英语总复习 语法专项训练 2-1-6情态动词和虚拟语气测试 牛津版(江苏专用)_第2页
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【创新设计】2013届高考英语总复习 语法专项训练 2-1-6情态动词和虚拟语气测试 牛津版(江苏专用)_第3页
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【创新设计】2013届高考英语总复习 语法专项训练 2-1-6情态动词和虚拟语气测试 牛津版(江苏专用)_第4页
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【创新设计】2013届高考英语总复习 语法专项训练 2-1-6情态动词和虚拟语气测试 牛津版(江苏专用)_第5页
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《【创新设计】2013届高考英语总复习 语法专项训练 2-1-6情态动词和虚拟语气测试 牛津版(江苏专用)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【创新设计】2013届高考英语总复习 语法专项训练 2-1-6情态动词和虚拟语气测试 牛津版(江苏专用)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、用心 爱心 专心 1情态动词和虚拟语气测试每小题 0.5分,共 30小题;满分 15分得分:_1.How did you do in the test?Not so well.I _ much better but I misread the directions for writing.(2010北京东城区高三一模试题)Awill have done Bcould have doneCmust have done Dmay have done答案Bbut 所表达的是一种含蓄条件,由其后的过去时态可知此处该用“could完成时”的虚拟形式。2She quickened her pace in

2、order that she _ with the others.Amay catch up Bmight catch up Ccould have caught up Dmight have caught up答案B这是目的状语从句,由主句的过去时态可知此空该用情态动词的过去时。3If it were not for the fact that she _ sing, I would invite her to the party.Acouldnt BshouldntCcant Dmight not答案C“她不能唱歌”是一客观事实,所以用现在时。4You didnt wait for Mr.

3、Black last night, did you?No, but we _.He didnt return home at all.(2010山东烟台市高三年级诊断性测试)Acouldnt have Bneednt haveCdidnt need to Dshould wait have答案Cneednt have done和 didnt need to do的区别是:前者是虚拟语气,意为“(过去)本没必要做,但事实上却做了” ;后者是陈述语气,意为“(过去)没必要做,事实上也没做” 。根据语境,该选 C。5Tom hasnt come to work since last Friday._

4、 he have had an accident?(2010福建市三明考前模拟)AMust BShould CMay DCan 答案D疑问句的推测常可用 can,一般不用 must / may。6Ill certainly be surprised if he _ to tell them what he knows.Adare Bwill dareCdared Ddares用心 爱心 专心 2答案D该句中的 dare作实义动词而非情态动词,因此有人称和数的变化。7Tom came to work last Friday, but no one has seen him since._ he

5、have had an accident? AShould BMust CMight DCould 答案D疑问句的推测常可用 could,一般不用 must / might。8It was really very dangerous;you _ him seriously.(2010江苏盐城市高三第二次调研考试)Amight have injured Bmight injure Cmust injure Dneed have injured答案AA 是虚拟语气,意为:有可能受到严重伤害。9Moms gift? She _ have chosen a better one for me.She

6、_ be very happy to know it.Ashould;must Bmight;wouldntCcouldnt;must Dmustnt;cant答案C第一空:否定推测可用 could,一般不用 must。第二空:must 一般用于肯定推测,意为“一定” 。10_ he have been chosen as captain of the football team?Yes, he _.ACan;must have BMust;must haveCCan;must DMust;must答案Acan 表推测可用于疑问句,must 不可这么用,即可排除 B、D。 “must完成时”表

7、示对过去的推测,A 项中的 must have是 must have been chosen as captain of the football team的省略。11You _ use my bike on condition that you give it back to me before I leave here.Ashould Bmust Cought to Dshall 答案Dshall 在这里表示“允诺” 。12Look, Johns fallen asleep.Oh, he _ too late last night.(2010湖北八校高三年级第二次联考)Amight sit

8、 up Bshould have sat upCcould sit up Dmust have sat up答案D该句是表示对过去动作的一种肯定推测。13Dont be so anxious about that.Helen _ a note.Amay leave Bshould leave用心 爱心 专心 3Cmight have left Dcan have left答案CC 表示对过去动作的一种推测。注:can 一般不用于肯定推测,所以 D不正确。14It would be impossible for him to leave hospital tomorrow if he _ fir

9、st aid when the accident happened.Ahadnt been given Bwasnt be given Cshouldnt be given Dwouldnt be given 答案A与过去事实相反,if 从句的谓语常用过去完成时。15Last years SARS outbreak tells us that a sound public health system _ be built up and strengthened in our country.(2010广西柳州高三第二次模拟考试)Ashould Bcan Cwill Dmay答案A这里意为“应该

10、” ,所以选 A。16Why didnt you make me a telephone call yesterday? I _ about it.Aought to tell Bought to have been told Cmight have told Dmight have been told答案B句意为:我本应该被告知此事的。17Mum, I climbed to get the Teddy Bear from the top of the shelf.My goodness! You _ have hurt yourself.You _ do that next time.Amu

11、st;mustnt Bshould;cantCmight;mustnt Dmight;wont be able to答案C第二空表示“禁止”所以只能填 mustnt,B、D 即可排除。第一空:“must完成时”表示对过去的一种推测,意为“一定” 。might have hurt yourself的意思是:你有可能伤害了自己。18We _ last night, but we went to the concert instead.(2010安徽合肥市高三第三次模拟)Amust have studied Bmight studyCshould have studied Dwould study答

12、案C该句选 C表示本应该学习而实际上未学。19You _ scold such a pupil who always keeps silent so seriously that you _ hurt him.Ashould;can Bmay;willCmustnt;may Dcant;must答案Cmustnt 表示“禁止” ,may 表示推测。20Can I go skiing on the mountain, Mum?用心 爱心 专心 4Of course.However, at no time _ you do so alone.(2010南昌市高三第二次模拟)Amust Bmight

13、 Cneed Dcould答案Amust 与 at no time连用表示“任何时候都禁止做某事” 。21GM, Chrysler and Ford expressed their desire that they _ in want of a $25 billion government aid to pull through the financial crisis.Awere Bwould beCbe Dought to be答案Cdesire 后的同位语从句的谓语需用虚拟语气,即“(should)动词原形”的形式。22If I ever decided to quit, then no

14、thing my parents or my coaches _ say _ change my mind.Its my life, not theirs.(2011湖南邵阳县石齐学校高三第 2次月考)Acould;would Bcould;shouldCwould;must Dwould;should答案A第二空表示过去将来用 would。23Why! I _ get you on the phone.We _ basketball on the playground when you phoned.Adidnt;must be playingBcouldnt;must be playing Ccouldnt;must have playedDdidnt;must have been playing答案D第二句表示“你打电话时我一定正在操场上打篮球” 。故选 D。24Recently quite a lot of experts _ that another law on wildlife protection _ as soon as possible.Asuggested;must be passed B


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