【优化课堂】2012高中英语 Unit4 period ⅲ using language课件 新人教版必修5

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1、Period ,Using Language,默读文章两次并完成下列任务。Task 1:快速浏览课文“Getting the Scoop”并回答下列问题。1How many paragraphs does it contain?_,It contains 4 paragraphs.,2How many people read Zhou Yangs article before it was,ready to be processed into film negatives? Who were they?,_,Five.They are a senior editor from his depa

2、rtment, the copyeditor, the native speaker polishing the style, the chief editor, and the news desk editor.,Task 2:阅读课文“Getting the Scoop”并连线。,_1.journalist_2.senior editor_3.copy-editor_4.native speaker_5.chief editor_6.news desk editor,Acheck the evidence and read the articleBmake all the stories

3、and photos setCinterview people and write the articleDpolish the style of the articleEedit the article and design the mainheadline and smaller headingFread the article and approve it,C,A,E,D,F,B,【探究】阅读课文“Getting the Scoop”并按正确顺序,将新闻报道从写作到出版的全过程排序。,_ You do some research to see if the story is true o

4、r not._ You give the article to another editor to check and thecopy-editor to edit the piece and design the main headline andsmaller heading.,_ You begin to write the story using the notes from the,interview.,6,1,3,_ The article is checked/approved by the chief editor._ The first edition of the news

5、paper is printed.,_ You go to an interview to get the information for your,story.,_ The article is given to a native speaker to check the,use of English and polish the style.,_ All the stories and photos are set and the colour,negatives for the printing are made ready.,2,7,4,8,5,Task 1:快速阅读课文“Gettin

6、g the Scoop”,以约 30 词概括文章的大意。,提示:本文主要告诉了我们新闻报道的写作及出版过程。,_,The passage mainly tells us the process of writing and printing for a newspaper article.,Task 2:仔细阅读课文“Getting the Scoop”,选择正确答案。,1Why did the editor want Zhou Yang to get the story ready,quickly?_,AThey wanted the story to be a scoop.,B They

7、were afraid of being caught up with by the other,newspapers.,CThey wanted to be ahead of the other newspapers.DAll of the above.,D,2When he writes a story, Zhou Yang should be _.Aconcise and accurateBpositive and active,Cthrilled and attractiveDdelighted and willing,A,3Which of the following stateme

8、nts is TRUE?_A After finishing the article, Zhou Yang gave it to thecopy-editor first.B The chief editor approved Zhou Yangs article withoutasking him for evidence.CA front page article will attract many readers attention.DThe article is only written in Chinese.4 How many negatives do they need if t

9、hey need to usese-veral colors on the story?_,A3,B4,C2,D5,C,B,Task 3:根据课文内容,完成下列表格。,interviewing,check,polish,printing,Task 4:复述课文,根据课文内容完成下面语篇。,Zhou Yang got a scoop about a famous (1)_star, whohe realized had been lying.But he knew he could not (2)_,him directly, for he must be (3)_He could be ver

10、y concise,and write with no wasted words or phrases because he had been(4)_ for months.Before printing the story, Zhou Yang hadto give it to several people to read so that they could check the,(5)_ , (6)_ the piece and (7)_the main,headline and smaller heading, (8)_ the style as well as(9)_ the stor

11、y.After that, the story would be processed with,other stories and photos into film negatives and be (10)_,film,accuse,accurate,trained,evidence,edit,design,polish,approve,printed,Task 5:课文佳句背诵。,1His first task was _ his story, but hehad to do it carefully.他的第一个任务是写报道稿,但是他必须认真地写。,2Zhou Yang smiled _.

12、周阳高兴地笑,了。,to write,with happiness,1ahead of,在前面,We need it in this edition to be ahead of the othernewspapers.(教材 P30)我们要抢在其他报纸的前面在这一版刊登它。ahead of 可以表示“(时间上)在之前;提前”,可以表示“(空间上)在前面”,也可以表示“(比喻意义)比更成功;处于优势或领先地位”。go ahead 实施;进行;往下说,There are many countries _ us in,this technique.有许多国家在此项技术上领先我国。,Two road

13、s _ us.在我们前面有两条路。,The event will _ as planned in,Shanghai next summer.,这项活动将按计划于明年夏天在上海举行。玛丽在别人之前到达。,_,ahead of,are ahead of,go ahead,Mary arrived ahead of others.,2senior adj.年长的;高年级的;高级的(无比较级,反义词为,junior),The first person who saw his article was a senior editor from,his department.(教材 P30)第一个看到他文章的人是他们部门的一位高级编辑。,be senior to 比年长/高级/资深,All the _ in the company attended,the conference.,公司主要的高层领导都出席了大会。,His father is three years _ his mother.他爸爸比他妈妈年长三岁。,Williams felt himself to be _ all of them.,


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