【优化课堂】2012高中英语 Unit3 period ⅰ warmingup & reading课件 新人教版选修6

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1、Unit 3,A healthy life,Section Warming Up & Reading,一、课文大意填空,The passage is a letter which a (1)_ wrote to his,grandson, (2)_In this letter, the grandad explained how a,smoker became (3)_ to cigarettes and why he should giveit up.Also the grandad sent some (4)_ to help him stopsmoking and (5)_ his re

2、solve.,grandad,James,addicted,advice,strengthen,二、根据课文内容,选择最佳答案1Why does James grandad write to James? _ABecause he wants to tell James his sports activities.BBecause he wants to tell James his own experience.CBecause he wants to help James give up smoking.DBecause he wants to help James get some in

3、formation.2The phrase “due to” in the first paragraph probably means_.,Abut,Bbecause of,Cthough,Das,C,B,3 The first paragraph of the letter shows James grandad,_.,Alives a healthy life,Blikes sitting in the gardenChas nothing to do at home,Dis tired when returning from a long bike ride4According to

4、the letter, James grandad _.Ais lonely,Bsends some advice from the Internet to JamesCdoesnt give up smoking now,Dused to be a member of the basketball team,A,B,5_ forced James grandad to give up smoking.AThat he was taken off the school football teamBHis girlfriendCHis parents,DThat he ran too slow,

5、A,三、阅读课文,然后完成下列表格,physically,mentally,effects,pregnant,determined,help,Here are a few to start you off. 这里有一些词可以帮助,你开始,1start sb.off 使某人开始(某事),典例 His father started him off working quite hard.他的父亲使他开始非常勤奋地学习。,拓展 start sb.off on sth./doing sth.使某人开始做某事,start off 出发;动身,start off.with.以开始,运用 完成句子,He _

6、(使我开始学习) English with some,simple exercise.,Ill ask the driver what time we will _ (出,发),starts me off learning,start off,2abuse n& vt.滥用;虐待,典例 The book is about the abuse of power.这本书讲述的是权力的滥用问题。,He never abuses his privilege.他从不滥用特权。拓展 drug abuse 滥用毒品,child abuse 虐待儿童,abuse of power 滥用权力,abuse one

7、s power 滥用某人的权力,运用 完成句子,The government has set up a working party to look into the,problem of _ (滥用毒品).,The _ (滥用权力) must be pu-nished.,drug abuse,abuse of power,3stress,解析 (1)n.压力;重音,I cant bear the stresses and strains of modern life.我不能忍受现代生活的压力和紧张。,(2)vt.加压力于;使紧张;强调,He was being stressed before

8、he gave his lecture.演讲前的那一阵子他感到十分紧张。,拓展 under the stress of 在的压力下,为所迫,运用 完成句子, Some young people couldnt bear up _,(在的压力下) the modern life., The weight of snow _ ( 加 压 力 于 ) the,roof to the point of collapsing.,under the stress of,stressed,Do you think smoking should be banned? 你认为应该,禁止吸烟吗?4ban,解析 (

9、1)vt.禁止;取缔,The government has banned the use of chemical weapons. 政,府已经禁止化学武器的使用。,(2)n.禁令;谴责(常与 on/against 连用),The police lifted the ban against parking in the street.警察取消了不准在这条街停车的禁令。,拓展 ban sb.from (doing) sth.禁止某人做某事运用 用合适的介词填空,He was banned _ driving for three months after the,accident.,The gove

10、rnment announced the ban _ drink-driving,(醉驾),from,on/against,I think my long and active life must be due to the,healthy life I live.我想我之所以长寿而且精力充沛,要归功于我的健康生活。,5due to 由于,解析 due to 常置于 be 动词之后作表语,通常不置于句首。,如:,His failure is due to the fact that he doesnt work hard.他的失,败是由于没有努力工作造成的。,运用 完成句子,His absen

11、ce is _ (由于) his illness.,due to,First, you can become physically addicted to nicotine,which is one of the hundreds of chemicals in cigarettes. 首先你身体会对尼古丁上瘾,尼古丁是香烟里成百种化学物质之一。6addicted adj.入了迷的;上了瘾的,典例,Many kids now have become addicted to surfing the,net.现在很多孩子沉迷于上网。拓展 be/become addicted to (doing)

12、sth. 沉溺于;嗜好运用 完成句子Some people have _ (对上瘾) drugs.,been/become addicted to,This means that after a while your body becomesaccustomed to having nicotine in it.这就是说,过一段时间以后,你的身体习惯了香烟里的尼古丁。7become/be accustomed to (to 为介词)习惯于,典例,He has become accustomed to doing morning,exercises every day.他已经习惯于每天晨练。,a

13、ccustom sb./oneself to doing sth.使某人或自己习惯,拓展于做某事,运用 完成句子,Her eyes were quickly _ ( 习 惯 于 ) the,dark.,You should _ ( 使 自 己 习 惯 ) the new,environment as soon as possible.,accustomed to,accustom yourself to,So when the drug leaves your body, you get withdrawalsymptoms.所以当你的体内没有这种麻醉剂时,你就会出现脱瘾症状。8withdra

14、wal n收回;撤退;戒毒(或脱瘾)过程,典例,I got withdrawal symptoms after giving up smoking.我,戒烟之后出现了脱瘾症状。The company made the withdrawal of the product from themarket.公司从市场上收回了这种产品。His sudden withdrawal from the election surprised everyone.他突然退出选举的行为使每个人都感到惊讶。,运用 完成句子,He _ (命令撤退) of all UN forces from,the region.,or

15、dered the withdrawal,I was addicted in all three ways, so it was very difficult,to quit.我之所以上瘾是有着这三方面的原因的,所以要戒烟很难。,9quit vt.停止(做某事);离开 vi.停止;离开;辞职 典例 He has quit smoking.他已经戒烟了。,The money is used to help smokers quit.这笔钱是用来帮助吸烟者戒烟的。拓展 quit school 退学,quit office 离职,quit doing sth.(stop doing sth.) 停止做某事be quit of sb./sth.摆脱某人或某物,


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