【优化课堂】2012年高中英语 unit 2:section ⅱ learning about language课件 新人教版必修2

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1、Section ,Learning about Language,Responsibility is the duty to be in charge and get introuble if things go wrong.(Page 12, Discovering useful wordsand expressions 1)责任就是职责,是遇到麻烦要挺身而出。1in charge 主管;看管典例 Above all, the person in charge was on the spot.最重要的是,负责人在场。,拓展 in charge of 负责;主管,in the charge o

2、f sb.(in ones charge)由负责take charge of 负责;掌管free of charge 免费,charge sb.some money for sth.因某事/物收某人钱charge sb.with sth.控告某人某罪运用 完成句子,When did he _ (掌管) the company?Please tell me who is _ (主管) here.Surprisingly, David _ (被指控) murder.,take charge of,in charge,was charged with,Now you are asked to mak

3、e a poster to advertise a,sporting event.(Page 13, Discovering useful structures 3)现在要求你制作一份海报为一个体育赛事做宣传。,2advertise vt.&vi.做广告;登广告,典例 We advertised our car in the local newspaper.我们在当地报纸上宣传我们的汽车。拓展 advertisement n.广告,advertise for sb./sth.登广告征聘某人/为某物做广告,运用 完成句子,They have already _ ( 为他们的产,品做广告) in

4、the newspaper., A satisfied customer is the best _ (广告),that we hope to have.,advertised their products,advertisement,一般将来时的被动语态,一、结构,助动词 will/shall/一些半助动词be动词的过去分词二、常用形式,1will/shall be done,Shall we be asked to attend the opening ceremony?我们会被邀请去参加开幕式吗?,Rapid progress will also be made in culture a

5、nd education.文化和教育也将会获得快速发展。,2is/am/are going to be done,Different activities are going to be organized in our school.我们学校将会组织各种各样的活动。,His birthday party is going to be put off until tomorrow.他的生日聚会将被推迟到明天。3is/am/are to be done,The work is to be done within two days.工作须在两天内完成。,注意:在时间、条件状语从句中,常用一般现在时

6、的被动,语态代替一般将来时的被动语态。,三、用法,1表示事物将受到某种影响或某种处理。如:,More trees will be planted and new roads will be built.将会种植更多的树木,并且修建新的公路。,2表示人或物将被动地接受某种行为或某种处理。如:,He wont be allowed by his father to marry Anna.他父亲不会让他娶安娜为妻的。,四、应注意的问题,1动词短语的被动语态,动词短语转换为被动语态时,通常被看作是一个动词,后面的介词或副词不能拆开或省略。常见的这类动词短语有 takecare of, look aft

7、er, take off, look at, send for, look up 等。如:,I am sure your children will be taken good care of when you,are away.,我保证你不在的时候你的孩子们将会得到很好的照顾。,2get/have sth.done 的将来时,两者的将来时为“will/shall/be going toget/have sth.done ”。,如:,They will get the job finished tomorrow.他们将明天完成这项工作。,Shall we have the books sent

8、 to him?我们该把书寄给他吗?,一、用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空,1Without the passport, you _ (not,allow) to go abroad tomorrow.,2_ you _ (have),you hair _ (cut) in the barbershop next week?,3If you _ (find) parking your car in a,wrong place, you _ (fine),4Christine, stop surfing the Internet.Your work is _,_(finish) by 5:00 p

9、m.,wont be allowed,Will,have,cut,are found,will be fined,to be,finished,5They _ (get) everything _,(ruin) if you continue to trust them.,6The child _ (take good care of) next,two months.,7The class are going to _ (examine),carefully in the coming test.,8If the meeting _ (put off) this afternoon,plea

10、se let me know as soon as possible.,9Just believe that you _ (reward) some,day by working hard.,10The old customs _ (replace) some day.,will get,ruined,will be taken good care of,be examined,is put off,will be rewarded,will be replaced,二、完成句子,1To celebrate the anniversary, an art festival _,(将被举办) b

11、y the university.,2John, a student from England, _ (将,被邀请) to our class to communicate with us in English.,3_ you have _,(把它修好) tomorrow?,will be hosted,will be invited,Will,it repaired,4 To improve our self-protection and awareness of safety, afire drill ( 消防演习)_ ( 将被举行) in our,school.,5If the program _ (被播出) at weekend,students _ (将被提供) with a chance to have,a deep understanding of British culture.,is going to be held,is broadcast,will be provided,


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