【优化】高三英语专题复习攻略 第二部分考前第13天课件 新人教版

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1、,考前给力20天,考前第13天,记一记单词识记circumstance 情况;形势civilization 文明clarify 澄清coincidence 巧合;巧事colleague同事Under no circumstances should a baby be left alone in the house.无论如何都不能把婴儿独自留在家里。,collection 收藏品commit 犯(罪或错);承诺commitment 承诺;约束command 命令;统帅comfortable 舒服的,(2011年高考湖北卷)Giving up my job to go back to fullti

2、me education was a big commitment,but now I know it was the best decision I ever made.放弃自己的工作,回到学校接受全日制的教育,这是一项重大的决定,但现在我知道了,这是我作出的最好的决定。,companion 同伴;伙伴company 陪伴;公司compare 比较compass 指南针compete 竞赛complete完成;完全的Compared to/with our small apartment,our uncles house seemed like a palace.和我们的小公寓相比,叔叔的公

3、寓就好像是座宫殿。,短语有约1give构成的常用短语give away 分发,赠送give back 归还give in 屈服give off 放出(气味、热、光等)give out 耗尽,用完,分发give up 放弃,投降,Whats the matter with you,Lucy?After the long walk,my legs gave out and I couldnt go any further.Lucy,怎么了?走了这么长时间路,我精疲力竭再也走不动了。,2above all 尤其是after all 毕竟first of all 首先not at all 一点也不(2

4、011年高考安徽卷)To be great, you must be smart confident,and above all honest. 要想变得伟大,你必须是一个既聪明又有信心的人,尤其是诚实。,佳句诵读1be about to do sth. when.be doing sth. when.had just done sth. when.be on the point of doing sth. when.(2010年高考大纲全国卷)Tom was about to close the window when his attention was caught by a bird.汤

5、姆正要关窗户,这时他的注意力被一只鸟吸引住了。,She had just finished her homework when her mother asked her to practise playing the piano yesterday.昨天当他妈妈叫她练习钢琴的时候,她刚做完家庭作业。,2No sooner.than.Hardly.when.Scarcely.when.刚就Hardly had the girl rung the bell when the door was opened suddenly,and her friend rushed out to greet he

6、r.这个女孩刚按门铃,门突然被打开,她的朋友冲出来迎接她。,练一练(2011年枣庄高三调研) Do you consider yourself to be a streetsmart person?Could you go into an area you are not_1_with and blend in(协调) ,and you do not attract unnecessary_2_to yourself?If not you need to learn some_3_skills to be streetsmart and keep yourself from getting i

7、nto a situation you would rather_4_.,First off you should just avoid going to any area or place you are not comfortable with or feel would not be_5_.Why put yourself into a dangerous position for no_6_? If you must go into an area such as this you want to do whatever it takes to not draw attention t

8、o you.,_7_in a way that makes you look like you belong there.Dont look flashy(奢华的)or over dressed because people will be_8_you out and it may draw someone to you.Leave your_9_things at home,for someone may want these_10_more than you.,Look and act_11_you are from the area and dont speak to anyone un

9、less you have to.If you speak,say as_12_as you can get away with.If someone asks you a question,answer back_13_but not in a way that will prolong the_14_, unless you want to keep moving along.,Avoid making eye contact with anyone.If your eyes_15_someone elses,dont lock onto theirs,and keep your eyes

10、_16_as if you are looking for something and they just_17_to cross theirs._18_you should avoid any dangerous situation by staying away or going around it.You_19_know when something can go bad so being streetsmart could_20_your life.,1.A.carefulBfriendlyCpopular Dfamiliar2A.trouble BattentionCpressure

11、 Dgreeting3A.simple BmeaningfulCspecial Dfunny4A.enterBhateCavoidDcontrol5A.easy Bsafe Ccertain Dclear,6A.reason Bprofit Cexcuse Dresult7A.Walk BSpeak CDress DLook8A.figuring BcheckingCtaking Dhelping9A.fine Bsecret Crare Dvaluable10A.clothes BtreasuresCitems Dfoods,11A.as if Beven ifCin case Das so

12、on as12A.fast Blittle Cmuch Dslowly13A.exactly Bcalmly Cnaturally Dpolitely14A.conversation BprocessCeffect Dcommunication15A.reach Btouch Cmeet Dcatch,16A.passing Bfixing Cclosing Dmoving17A.hesitated Bhappened Cfailed Dmanaged18A.Obviously BSpecially CHopefully DImmediately19A.also Balready Cstill

13、 Dnever20A.survive Bruin Csave Ddevelop,【解题导语】 做一个善于在街头营生的人可以帮你避免很多不必要的麻烦,那么你怎样才能使自己成为“街头智慧”的人呢?,1解析:选D。根据下文内容可知,此处表示进入一个你不熟悉的(familiar)地方,故选D项。2解析:选B。从第二段末的you want to do whatever it takes to not draw attention to you的提示可知,在陌生的地方不引起其他人的注意(attention)。3解析:选A。后文内容介绍的是在穿着、说话方面应该注意的问题,故这些是很简单的(simple)技巧

14、。,4解析:选C。不让你自己进入那些你宁愿避开(avoid)的场合,根据上下文语境可知,选C项。5解析:选B。从后文内容Why put yourself into a dangerous position可知,首先你不要去任何你觉得不舒服或觉得不安全的(safe)地方。6解析:选A。根据上下文语境可知,这些场合充满了危险,因此你没有理由(reason)进入这样的场合。,7解析:选C。从后文提示。Dont look flashy(奢华的)or over dressed可知,此处表示你的穿着(Dress)不能过于显眼。8解析:选B。假如你的穿着打扮过于显眼,别人很可能会注意到你, check ou

15、t“观察(有趣或有吸引力的事物)”,符合语意。9解析:选D。根据下文提示for someone may want these_10_more than you可知,应该把你的贵重(valuable)物品放在家里,因为有人可能会对这些物品比对你更感兴趣。,10解析:选C。根据前句中things可知,此处应选items。11解析:选A。你应该表现得好像(as if)是本地人并尽量不要跟别人说话。as if引导方式状语从句,表示“好像”。12解析:选B。根据上文内容尽量不要跟别人说话可推知,即使说话也尽可能少(little)说。13解析:选D。如果有人问你问题,你应该礼貌地(politely)回答但,14解析:选A。根据前面,别人向你提问与你的回答可知,此处应指交谈 (conversation),而不是交流,故不选communication。15解析:选C。不要跟陌生人有目光接触,万一你们目光相遇(meet),也不要锁定对方的目光,meet sb.s eyes“和(某人)对视,目光相遇”。16解析:选D。从下文as if you are looking for something可知,你的目光要不断移动(moving),就像你在寻找什么一样。,


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