九年级英语上册 Unit 3《Topic 1 English is widely used throughout the world》 Section B 课件 仁爱版

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1、Welcome to the unit,Unit 3 English Throughout the World,Topic 1,English is used more and more widely around the world.Section B,New words,pack 把打包on business 出差Spanish 西班牙语,西班牙人的be similar to 与相似,与相像interpreter 翻译,口译者translate 翻译translate into 把译成,New words,orally 口头的exactly 精确的,确切的system 体系,系统compa

2、ny 公司general 大体的,笼统的,总的in general 通常,总的来讲,大体上besides 还有,此外 除以外(还有),New words,once in a while 有时,偶尔whenever 每当,无论何时French 法语,法国人的divide into 把分成deliver 投递(信件包裹等)postman 邮递员,信差,Teaching aims and demands,1. Master some new words and useful expressions:on business, similar, be similar to, possible, conv

3、ersation, translate, translateinto, company, general, in general, besides, once in a while, whenever2. Go on learning the simple present passive voice.3. Talk about languages around the world,Review,Review the simple present passive voice. Ask the students to find where the passive voice is used in

4、our life. For example:We can see “Made in China” on the back of watch. Divide the students into groups. Each group sends the students to find where the passive voice is used.,Presentation,1. Listen to the tape in 1a twice with the books closed , and then mark the following sentences (T) for True or

5、(F) for False. ( 1 )Janes father is going to Cuba for a trip. ( ),F,(2) Spanish is spoken as the official language in Cuba. ( ) (3) English is nearly similar to Spanish. ( ) (4) If we only speak English, we dont need a translator when we travel to Cuba. ( ),T,F,F,1a Listen,read and say,Work alone,Ex

6、plain the words:1.similar:2.conversation:3.language:4.pack:5.possible:6.trouble:7.interpreter:,Practice,Read passage in 2a, then answer the questions in 2b. 1. Where does Janes father travel? 2. Does he have any trouble understanding people from different countries most of the time?,3. When does Jan

7、es father need an interpreter? 4. What does an interpreter do? 5. Why is an interpreter important to a businessman or a businesswoman?,Key words,once in a while = at times whenever = no matter when 1. He usually telephones me, but once in a while he writes to me. 2. Whenever you go shopping, remembe

8、r to get a dictionary for me.,Project,1. Finish 3. Circle the countries where English is spoken as the first language. 2. Draw the flags of the countries where English is spoken as the first language.,Cuba,Great Britain,China,Canada,France,Explanation,1. Im going to Cuba on business. 我将去古巴出差。on busi

9、ness 出差,公事 如:She went to London on business. 他因公出差去伦敦。拓展(1)do business with sb. 和某人做生意(2)Business is business. 公事公办。(3)business as usual 照常营业(4)get down to business 开始认真工作、着手、处理正事 如:I have a plane to catch, so lets get down to business.我要赶飞机,所以我们还是立刻投入工作吧。,2. Is English spoken as the official langua

10、ge in Cuba? 在古巴,英语作为官方语言使用吗?,(1)as 在此是介词,“作为,如同”之意。如:She works as a nurse. 她是护士。(2)official 在这里是形容词,意为“官方的,正式的”。如:They made an official visit to the King. 他们对国王进行了正式访问。拓展official还可作名词,指“官员,行政人员”。 如:government officials 政府官员,3.Is Spanish similar to English? 西班牙语与英语相似吗? Not really. 不完全(相同)。,1)similar

11、adj. 类似的,相像的 如:There is bread, cakes and other similar foods on the table.桌子上有面包、糕饼和其他同类食品。My opinions on the matter are similar to James.我对这件事的见解和詹姆斯的相似。,4. It is possible that you will have some trouble. 你可能会碰到一些麻烦。,It is possible +that 从句 可能 如:It is possible that he will answer the question. 他可能会

12、回答这个问题。链接It is possible (for sb.) to do sth. 对某人来说做某事是可能的。 如:It is possible for us to solve the problem. 我们可能会解决这个问题。注意It is possible (for sb.) to do sth. 不能说成sb. is possible to do sth.,课堂互动,S:老师,在本课中出现whenever这个单词,意为“无论何时”,其他的疑问词也有这种形式吗?它们都是什么意思?T:不仅when有whenever这种形式,其他的疑问词也有这种形式,下面我们一一介绍它们。(1)when

13、ever意为“无论何时”。如: You can ask for help whenever you need it. 你如果需要帮助随时可以提出来,(2)whatever意为“无论怎么样,任何事情”。 如 Whatever decision he made, I would support it.无论他做什么决定,我都会支持它。Do whatever you like. 你喜欢什么就做什么。(3)wherever意为“在任何地方”。 如:Sit wherever you like. 你喜欢哪儿就坐哪儿。Wherever she goes, there are crowds of people

14、waiting to see her.她所到之处都有成群的人等着见她。(4)whichever意为“无论哪一个”。 如:Whichever they choose, we must accept their decision. 无论他们如何选择,我们都必须接受他们的决定。,Choose whichever brand you prefer. 挑选你喜欢的任何一个品牌(5)whoever意为“无论是谁”。 如:Send it whoever is in charge of sales. 把它寄给负责销售的人。Whoever you are, come out of there. 无论你是谁,从那

15、里出来吧。(6)however意为“无论到什么程度,不管多么”。 如:She has the window open, however cold it is outside.不管外面多么冷,她都开着窗户。However carefully I explained, she still didnt understand.无论我解释的多么仔细,她还没有弄懂。,S:老师,这类疑问词还有其他的语法点吗? T:有的,同学们一定要注意这种结构:wh-ever = no matter + wh-。 如:Wherever you go, I will follow you. 相当于No matter where you go. I will follow you. 无论你去哪,我都会跟着你。,



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