九年级英语上册 Module 1《Unit 1 What is a wonder of the world》课件 外研版

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九年级英语上册 Module 1《Unit 1 What is a wonder of the world》课件 外研版_第1页
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1、Module 1 Wonders of the world,Unit 1What is a wonder of the world?,Pyramid 金字塔,Egypt 埃及,wonder n.奇迹,v.对好奇band n.乐队review n.评论ancient adj. 古老的,远古的composition n. 作文grade n.成绩,年级pyramid n. 金字塔,pupil n.学生meeting n. 会议listen up 注意听call v. 叫做, 打电话event n. 事件,比赛项目,Talk about the pictures!,Pyramid 金字塔,Egypt

2、 埃及(ancient),S.E.S Brand,write a composition,Activity Two Now read the answers and think of the questions.,The Great Barrier Reef澳洲大堡礁,1.Friday2.Dance club3.About 4,500 years ago4.Australia5.300 words,1.When is the concert held?2.Where will the girl go on Friday?3.When did the people build the pyram

3、id?4.Where is the Great Barrier Reef(澳洲大堡礁)?5.How many words must the students write the composition?,Part 3. Listen to the tape twice, and choose the best answer.The best answer.1.b( The school magazine)2.a (Writing a composition)3.a ( A singer with the band Crazy Feet)4.b (A school diary)5.c (Writ

4、ing a composition),Language points,1.have a meeting 开会Eg.have a class meeting have a parentsmeeting2.listen up 注意听3.Did anyone watch television yesterday?有人昨天看电视了吗?Eg.Look! Someone is playing baminton.,Has anyone ever been to Hawaii?,4.She started a school magazine called New Standard when she was a pupil here.她创办了名叫新标准的校刊。Start=begin 表示“开始”,可以互换。When will the meeting begin/start?Start还有“开办,创办,发动的意思”Eg:His father started a company last year.5.Why dont we.?,



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