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1、安徽大学 硕士学位论文 基于层次分析法的我国购物网站评价研究 姓名:曲乃云 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:情报学 指导教师:周瑛 2010-04 I 摘摘 要要 二十世纪六十年代末期,互联网作为一种新生事物产生,在诞生之初就表 现出强大的发展势头,在经过不断的技术完善和制定协议对网络通信进行规范 之后,就形成我们现在正在使用的因特网,互联网已经深入到世界的每个角落, 对整个世界的发展起到了重要的作用。我国的互联网起步较晚,但是发展的速 度却是惊人的,现今,我国的互联网使用人数已经超过了美国,跃居世界第一, 互联网的普及率也超过了世界的平均水平,并且增长迅速。这一切都为网络购 物在我国的迅猛发展提供

2、了坚实的基础。从二十世纪末,各种购物网站逐渐出 现,卓越亚马逊、易趣、淘宝等,作为几个标志性的购物网站,见证了我国网 络购物的发展历程,也为未来我国购物网站的发展开辟道路。 由于人们对网站的功能和提供产品质量的不确定以及网站经营商了解自身 在同行业中所处地位与制定发展战略的需求,在网站诞生之初就产生了网站评 价,当时也只是局限于对网站的硬件指标进行评价,后来发现一个在技术上做 的很好的购物网站并不一定在商业上就是成功的,所以在后来的评价过程中逐 渐加入了对网站本身的产品、服务以及售后情况等一些指标的评价,并在评价 过程中加入了一系列的评价方法,起初运用的定性分析比较多,后期出于准确 的需要,给

3、定性指标赋予一定的数值。这一切使得对网站的评价相对完善起来。 本文通过对前人的评价理论进行综合, 选取购物网站这一类型的网站进行评价, 以期发现我国购物网站经营和建设过程中存在的一些问题,希望能为这一类型 网站今后的发展指明道路。本文有以下创新,针对以往论文,只是针对问卷调 查的结果进行分析的缺点,在对调查结果进行分析之前先对调查问卷的可信度 和有效性进行分析,确保问卷的合理性,并最终确保问卷调查结果的有效性, 使之能够很好的代表被评价对象。本文将定性评价与定量评价很好的结合在一 起,并对新时期下购物网站的情况进行了透彻的分析,使用定性分析对主观性 较强的指标进行评估,特别是在确定评价指标上,

4、运用德尔菲法工作量巨大, 得出的结果也很有说明性和代表性。 II 本文在研究过程中主要做了以下几项工作:首先对我国购物网站发展的背 景进行简单说明,阐述了进行购物网站评价的现实意义,然后对国内外的网站 评价理论进行综述,说明现有研究的不足,进而提出自己的研究思路和研究的 基本内容;其次,对购物网站评价过程中所涉及的一些基本定义和理论进行简 单说明,把本文中将要进行评价的网站类型和具体网站进行介绍,并陈述了本 文的评价原则和评价的三种方法,即调查问卷法、专家访谈法和综合分析法; 再次,本文对问卷调查的具体工作过程进行说明,运用问卷调查法和访谈法确 定问卷的基本内容,对问卷的回收结果进行分析,主要

5、进行信度与效度的检验, 判定问卷为有效问卷;在后续的工作中,本文结合调查问卷的结果和专家访谈 的结果对评价指标体系进行了最终的设定,对相应的指标进行了简单的说明, 而后运用层次分析法结合专家评分法对指标体系的各项指标分配权重,进行加 权求重,得出各个网站的最终得分,分析其网站建设和运营方面存在的不足, 提出对策,这些都可以帮助购物网站的用户们分析购物网站的服务优劣,产品 的好坏,为自己获取优质的服务;也可以帮助网站运营商发现网站在技术、硬 件以及服务上的一些不足,并对其进行改正,确保购买过程的流畅、物流的及 时和售后服务的完善;最后,总结全文内容,指出本文虽然在评价过程中取得 一些创新,但是由

6、于自身水平和条件所限,所采用的方法和工具仍然摆脱不了 主观因素的束缚,所服务的对象也以购物网站本身为主,对顾客的参照意义不 是很大,问卷涉及的样本范围也比较狭窄,直接导致评价指标和数据的片面性。 针对这些缺点,本文给出展望,希望能在客户服务、网站需求和网站特点结合 在一起,以开发出一种新的购物网站评价体系。 关键字:关键字:购物网站;信度;效度;层次分析法 III Abstract At the end of 1960s,internet shows a good developing tendency when it was invented。After consummating the t

7、echnique and formulating the rules to norm the communication,the internet were used to use come true。Nowadays internet can touch every location of our world and play an important role to the development of the world. Although in china internet has existed for a short time,it has a rapid developing s

8、peed. By now the number of the people who use internet in china is more than the same in America,takes the first place of the world,and exceeds the average of the internet spreading rate of the world with a rapid development. The above supply a good foundation to the development of the shopping onli

9、ne. At the end of 20th century,a variety of shopping website appears,joy.amzon、eachnet、 taobao etc play a primary role in the history of the development of shopping online in china and also start a new situation for it. Because of the peoples uncertainty about websites function and the quality of th

10、eir goods, and owners of websites have the intention to know its rank of the market and make the strategy。there was the evaluation of the websites since the website appears, but it was confined to the hardware, afterward its found that a website with good hardware and techniques will not succeed,so

11、in the later some indexes such as product、service and logistics and a serial of evaluating method are used in the appraisal. In the beginning,Qualitative methods were more used; later accurate Quantitative method was used,all those above make the evaluation perfect. The paper summarizes the past the

12、ory of evaluation and uses some quantitative method to evaluate the shopping websites,in order to find the problem in the operation and construction,then put forward the solution and direction. There are some innovation in the dissertation, the past papers were limited to analyze the result of the q

13、uestionnaire,contrary to this ,we first analyze the reliability and the validity of the questionnaire to ensure the reasonability of the questionnaire,and make the IV evaluation perfect. The paper combines the qualitative methods and quantitative methods,makes a thorough survey about the new situati

14、on and lay particular stress to the quantitative methods with Delphi, so the result is convincing and representative. The paper makes the following researches,first,giving a simple introduction of the background of Chinese shopping websites and the importance of evaluation, then put forward the thin

15、king and detail of the paper; second, introducing some basic theory and definitions、 sorts of the shopping websites and the introduction, and three methods such as questionnaire、Expert interviews and Integrated approach;third, introducing the detail of the questionnaire, deciding the context of the

16、questionnaire, analyzing the reliability and the validity,and make sure the validity of the questionnaire; in the following work, we determine the final index system, make the distribution of the weight of indexes based on AHP, give the final marks to analyze the advantages and the disadvantages in construction and operation, so the costumers can choose better goods and services and owners can find out the problems in hardware and service and improve the merchant process, logistics and afte


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