新概念第二册第27课 Lesson27.

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1、A wet night,雨夜,field /fi:ld/ n田地、田野,在田野中,in the middle of the field,在广场中央,In the center of the square,in the middle在中间 In the center 在中心,tent /tent/ n帐篷,搭帐篷 在田野中央搭起帐篷,put up the tent in the middle of the field,put up a tent 搭建,campfire n营火,篝火,在篝火旁边,by the campfire,camp野营 camper 露营者 over 在垂直上方,sleepi

2、ng bag 睡袋 school bag书包 hand bag手提包,睡觉?()zZ,go to bed fall asleep sleep well sleep deeply睡得很沉 sleep soundly不但很沉。还很香,leap /li:p/ (leapt/lept/, leapt) v从地面向上跳起 jump 从一个点跳到另一个点,跳出睡袋,leap out of the sleeping bag,wind /waind/ (wound/waund/, wound)v蜿蜒,蜿蜒穿过田野 蜿蜒而行,wind across the field wind ones way,stream /stri:m/ n小溪,在田野上小溪已经形成,A stream has formed in the field.,creep /kri:p/ (crept/krept/, crept) v爬行,爬进帐篷,creep into the tent,tent,field,form,creep,soundly,campfire,wonderful,heavily,Words,leap,comfortable,sleeping bag,smell,stream,wind,right,


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