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1、2011备考必知:考研英语翻译常用多义词 2010-08-28 20:40 | (分类:考研英语) 单词熟义 生义accomplished a.已完成的,实现的 a.熟练精通的account n.账户 n.报告,陈述acknowledge v.(不情愿地)承认 v.致谢answer v.回答 v.负责answer forapproach v.靠近,接近 v.开始,着手(工作,任务)(approach their work .开始他们的工作)artificial a.人工的,人造的 a.不自然的,不真实的assume a.假定,臆测 a.采取,担任(assume many roles 担任许多角

2、色)attribute v.把-归于(to) v.认为是。所为 n.品质,属性,特征balance n.平衡 n.差额,余款,结余beam n.横梁,光束 v. 发光,微笑bearing n.忍耐 n.收获,成果betray v.背叛,出卖 v.流露,暴露bond n.联结,结合物 n.公债,债券,契约breakdown n.破裂 n.分类,(精神等)衰竭chart n.&v.(制)图表 v.详细计划code n.代码,代号 n.法典,法规coherent a.黏着的 a.(讨论中)一致的column n.圆柱,柱状物 n.(报刊中的)专栏condition n.情况 v.被-制约consid

3、eration n.考虑 n.考虑因素cover v.覆盖 v.给.保险;采访discount v.打折 v.漠视,对不全信distinct a.不同的 a.清楚的,明白的establish v.建立机构 v.确认,证实establishment n.建立 n.机构evolution n.进化 n.缓慢进步exploit v.开发,剥削 n.功劳,功绩fellowship n.伙伴,友谊 n.奖学金figure n.数字,图形,图表,体态,相貌 v.出现(in);推断(on)(to figure in history 在历史上留名 They d on your arriving.他们预料你会来

4、)finance n.财政,金融 v.为提供资金flatly ad.水平地,平坦地 ad.断然地,直截了当地(He flatly refused to join us )fold v.折叠 (用于数词后的词缀)倍(five-fold 五倍 hundredfold 百倍)foreign a.外国的 a.无关的,不相干的given a.规定的,指定的 prep.鉴于,考虑到,倘若gross a.毛,总 a.明显的harbor n.海港,港口 v.心怀;给提供避难处hint n.暗示,示意 n.(pl)建议,点子idea n.理论 n.思想,观点import v.进口 n.要旨,含义inform v

5、.通知,告诉 v.告发,告密( on sb)level a.水平的 v.对准,指责(Criticism have been leveled against him.)interpret v. 解说 v.口译mirror n.镜子 n.反映,反射oblige v.强迫,强制 v.感激,感谢be obliged topackage n.包裹 n.一揽子交易(计划等)(package deal 一揽子交易)particular a.个别的,特定的 a.(用于表语)过分讲究的,挑剔的pattern n.样式,模式 v.仿制,模仿peculiar a.独特的,个人的 a.怪癖的platform n.站台

6、,月台 n.党纲,政纲practically ad.实际上 ad.几乎,差不多preparation n.准备,预备 n.制剂,制备品promise v.承诺,诺言 n.希望,出息promising a.有希望的,有前途的pronounced a.明显的,显著的,确切的provided pp.被提供的 conj.倘若province n.省 n.领域provincial a.乡下的 a.目光狭隘的provision n.供应,给养 n.条款,规定reach v.抵达 n.影响范围far-reaching的影响深远的reason n.原因 v.推理reasoning n.推理reserve n.

7、储备,保留 n.缄默,谨慎,矜持routine n.惯例 n.司空见惯的事royalty n.王族(成员) n.(著作的)版税safe a.安全的 a.谨慎的save v.救 prep.除.之外school n.学校 n.学派,流派second num.第二 v.附和,赞成sensation n.感觉,知觉 n.轰动,激动side n.侧面,边 v.偏袒,援助solid a.固体的 a.可靠的,有根据的,确实的some a.一些 ad.大约,稍微(some 10 years ago 大约十年前)(Its some warmer 今天稍暖和了点)specialty n.特性 n.特产,特制品sp

8、ell v.拼写 v.招致,带来 n.符咒(Does laziness always failure? 懒惰总会导致失败吗?That view might spell doom for marriage 这种观念可能会把婚姻引入绝境)stomach n.胃 v.忍受,忍耐How can you stomach their affronts? 你怎么能够忍受他们的侮辱?substantially ad.实际上,实质上 ad.(引申)大幅度地be subject to a.易于 a.服从thrust v.刺,攻击,推 n.要点,要旨The whole thrust of the project w

9、as to make money. 计划的核心在于赢利2011考研英语知识运用常用易混淆词汇表 2010-08-25 11:43 | (分类:考研英语)考研英语知识运用常用易混淆词汇表1.adherence和adhesion这两个词都是“粘附的”意思。adherence用于比喻的意思。例如:His adherence to the strict letter of the law.adhesion是指物质上的。2. adjacent,adjoining,和contiguous这些词都有next to“紧挨”的意思。adjacent“毗邻的,邻近的”,但它们可能并不相互直接接触。adjoinin

10、g和contiguous指相互接触,通常之间有一个edge或boundary。3.admission和admittance它们都有“the act of entering”的意思。但admission用于公共场合。The price of admission to the gallery is5.admittance不指公共场合,一般指私人的住所。4. adopted和adoptiveadopted“收养的,过继的”an adopted son (daughter)养子(女);my adopted country我所入籍的国家; adopted words外来语。adoptive“收养的”,我

11、们说adoptive parents,但很少说adoptive child;“采用的”,“假冒的”an adoptive courage假充勇敢。5.averse和adverseadverse“不利的,反对的”,用于事,不用于人。adverse weather conditions; an adverse reaction.averse“嫌恶的,反对的,不乐意的”,常和“to”一起使用,而且用否定形式。6.advise和adviceadvise“劝告”(动词);advice“劝告”(名词)。7.affect和effectaffect“影响”vt.,它的第二个意思是“假装”,Though she

12、 affectesindifference, I knew she was really very upset.effect n.“结果”,“效力”。vt.“产生”,“导致”,它比“tocause, to bring out”更为正式。His aim was to effect a radical change in the party structure.8.all ready和alreadyall ready意思是“completely prepared”already“已经”。He had already had his lunch.9.altogether和all togetheral

13、together (in total)“总共”all together意思是“in a group”。如:We put the sheep all together in onefield.这两个词还可以分开。We put all the sheep together in one field.10. allude和eludeallude“暗指”,“暗示”,“(婉转)提到”。elude (to avoid or escape)“闪避,躲避”。如:to elude sb.s grasp逃脱,没有被逮住;to elude the law规避法律。The meaning eludes me.那个意义

14、我摸不透。11.illusion和delusionillusion“幻觉,错觉”be under no illusion about sth.对某事不存幻想。delusion“欺骗,迷惑”He suffers from the delusion that hes attractive to women.他糊里糊涂地认为自己对女人很有吸引力。12.amended和emendamended (to alter or add to something)“订正,改正”,“修正(议案等)”。an amended bill修正案;amend ones ways改过自新。emend (to correct


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