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1、The Application of Domestication and Foreignization in the Subtitle Translation of English Film AbstractFilm subtitle translation is a purposeful activity with a regular assignment to deliver the directors intention by offering relevant information to target audience in a specific culture. However,

2、due to the constraints such as time and space constraints, the cultural-specific expressions and cultural vacancy, subtitle translation becomes quite complicated. This paper from a case-study, aims to discuss the application of domestication and foreignization in the subtitle translation of English

3、films.This paper contains five parts.The first part serves as the introduction. It is about the importance of foreign movies in Chinese life and the importance of improving translating film subtitles. A film translator must make full use of the proper translation strategy to let the audience have a

4、better understanding.The second part is a careful analysis of the nature and features of film and television works and language and subtitle translation. Subtitle translation is the written translation of the spoken language of a television program or film into the language of the viewing audience;

5、the translated text usually appears in two lines at the foot of the screen simultaneously with the dialogue or narration going on in the source language.The third part introduces the two translation strategies: domestication and foreignization. Domestication refers to the translation strategy in whi

6、ch a transparent and fluent style is adopted in order to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for target language readers. Foreignization designates the type of translation in which a target text deliberately breaks target conventions by retaining something of the foreignness of the original

7、.The fourth part relates to domestication and foreignization to the translation of English film. Subtitle translation of English film contains many points such as religious expressions, expressions and ideas with regional characteristics, proverbs and fixed expressions, etc.The fifth part is the con

8、clusion. In film translation practice, there is no domestication without some degree of foreignization; by the same token, there is no foreignization without some degree of domestication.Key Words: subtitle translation; domestication; foreignization 归化和异化在英文影视字幕翻译中的使用摘要电影字幕翻译是有目的的行为,旨在根据导演的意图,向处在特定文


10、言的对话或者叙述。第三部分介绍两种翻译策略:归化和异化。归化是指译者从目标语读者的角度出发,为了将外语文本中的异域性最小化而采取的一种透明的、通顺的翻译策略。异化是指译者通过保留源语文本的异域性,从而有意地打破目标语的语言规范和文化惯例的翻译策略。第四部分将这两种翻译策略与英文电影字幕翻译联系起来。英文影字幕汉译包含很多要点,例如与具有地方特点的人名和地名,谚语和固定短语等等。第五部分是结论。在影视翻译实践中,没有绝对的归化,也没有绝对的异化。关键词:字幕翻译,归化,异化Introduction1.1 Research BackgroundWith the rapid development

11、of Chinas private economy and the introduction of reform and opening up, communication between China and other countries all over the world has become close than ever. Also, films and TV programs are essential in todays modern society. They are both important entertainment and information channels o

12、f communication. The exchanging of films, as a way of cultural communication gets speeding up. It helps people to understand each other better. Watching foreign audio-visual products promotes intercultural communication and exchange. Therefore, we see a growing demand on film translation in recent y

13、ears.However, there are a lot of different languages all over the world. Chinese is the most widely used language in the world. But only a relatively few Chinese audience can understand English language movies. Thus, importing film with subtitle translation is necessary to meet the need of large num

14、ber of Chinese audience. For those export foreign films, subtitling translation quality affects directly whether the audience can fully understand the foreign culture through the film. Since the films are delivered to the whole world, subtitle translation is one of the most critical factors.This pap

15、er tries to combine the subtitle translation methods of domestication and foreignization strategies, in order to improve the quality of the film subtitles.1.2 Research SignificanceAs technology develops, people know more and more ways to get whatever movies they want very easily and in quick speed.

16、Watching the movies, people can get sight of foreign movies and TV series and are influenced by them nearly every day. Therefore it is very important to ensure that the imported foreign movies or TV series are properly understood and digested. However, for foreign movies or TV series, there is one important factor that affects their quality: the translation of the subtitles in the movies and TV series. The following reasons explain in



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