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1、河北大学 硕士学位论文 基于ADAMS和MATLAB的机器人联合仿真 姓名:李月月 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:检测技术与自动化装置 指导教师:宗晓萍 20100601 ? I ? ? !“#$#%?ABCD?EFG?H;IJ KL.MNOPQR3 STUVWX?YZ ADAMS 8 MATLAB ?_abQ cdefg h_ij?kl (min_Qo Kp12?q!rst6u v wxQR?yez3ST|mp? ?1?UV ADAMS ?(?+,C?0?6?)*+,8 MATLAB CD?12+,?l ?j_?$de?q!a?F GQo K?m? ? 8 ? ?_a3 ?2?“R(m?fi f

2、l ?s?+, K; ADAMS ? (mYV?)*+,45F?” m? ? 8 ? ?fi fl ?_a3 ? PUMA560 ?q!?rs?+,L? ; ADAMS ? (m PUMA560 ?q!?)*+,?” ; MATLAB ? ders?UV? 45? 6E ADAMS ?rsa ?3 STp?q!rs?tu fgm ADAMS 8 MATLAB Y_?i?-? _aQR3?w?_12Qo V?12?3 ?_aADAMSMATLABPUMA560?q! ? -II Abstract With the continuous development of virtual prototy

3、ping technology, more and more people are expecting not only to create a virtual physical model, but also to establish good control model. With the help of virtual experiments and tests, we can realize the potential problems in the aspect of design in the primary process of the research and developm

4、ent of the product, and find the solutions so as to improve the efficiency of product development. With the appearance of the problems in the development of current virtual prototyping technology, this thesis aims to discuss these problems from the aspects of the joint simulation of ADAMS and MATLAB

5、D. This thesis will make use of the advantages of both, and establish two joint programs, and take the example of controlling the behaviors of the robot to testify the feasibility of the method. The thesis has completed the following task: (1) With the advantage of the virtual model based on the ADA

6、MS software to reflect the actual physical model and the advantage of MATLAB to help users build complex controlling model immediately, the design of integrating the two programs emerges. (2) With the Lagrange method, the dynamic model of two degrees of freedom manipulator is established, the trajec

7、tory planning task is set, the joint simulation of ADAMS and MATLAB platform is also set up, and expatiate the joint simulation of ADAMS and MATLAB. (3)Expatiate the structure and parameters industrial robots of PUMA560, and with the explanation of the tasks, the trajectory planning of the PUMA560 r

8、obot is found out. In addition, combine the two aspects of building a virtual physical model in ADAMS and calculat ing the data in MATLAB, then go on the simulation and analysis. This paper takes the robot as example, and discusses two different joint simulation methods of the ADAMS and MATLAB. The

9、results show that the application of joint control scheme is intuitive and effective in the complex system control. Key word? ? ? ?co-simulationADAMSMATLABPUMA560robot ? ? ? 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?G? ?G? ? ?$ K;?Nm?13?V? ?dem? ? A ;?-?!“?# ;?-?23 ? $?%G?(?(,)*+ , K;?+?8)*?YW?,Ca63 ?2?FG ;G?(? -$?.E6)* ? V?F

10、G?zde/089:3 ?3?FG aj1a8+,?n2_ -| ?3?S ?v?e?L3 ? ? STUVWX?YZ ?8?_abQ cdefg3=T?|?8? ”?=?|?m?1? ?E K?mST?|?3 ”?q!rs?8s? ?q!rs?8s? VW?1? ? K?PUMA560?q !?L? ?mPUMA560?q!rs?+,8?fi fl ?s? ?+,3 ”?)*+,+? ;?(?+ , ?m?8s;?(?fi fl ?+, K? m? ?3 ”?8?_a?i?-?_Qo ?6Em ? -4 ?rs?8?fi fl s?_a3 ”?;S=T? ?F53 ? ? ? ?!?“# 5

11、 ? ? ? ? ? 12323 45?6?789 ;?fi ?rs5? =?fi ?1?eq?fi ? ?XY?rs3?U)? ?|?; XY?QR113 ?q!?n45?s)?sZE123 ?q!? I?q!PnZ;XY?Z8?3 tmPn;-?n?Z ?-? ?|;?n?n3? PnZ? ;?XY?ZByp?;?n?(l;?XY? $13 -?Byp?x?;?XY? 3 1232323 :;? ?in?-?n(l K?nQY- j?in JY?Z3 ?M ? O ?F?8?(lY- ?Q?-3?“yp? B AR $?YV? Q?3lp;?8?Q?t p A 8 p B j p A 8

12、p B +?p?Z? pRp B B AA =? d? B AR ypt ),(),(),(zRyRxRRB A =? ?),(xR ),(yR ),(zRt? ?O?zyx,? ? ?zyx,?O? ?,?O?3?zyx,? ?15 16 = cossin0 sincos0 001 ),(xR ? A y A x A z B z B y B x ? ? ? p ? ? ? 7 = cos0sin 010 sin0cos ),(yR = 100 0cossin 0sincos ),( zR ? ? V? ?h?(l?Y- ?/?Y- ?(l B O;?Z?Ot O B A p ?YV? ?t B AR j?yp? O B A p? B O l ?:?N?3 ?M ? O lp;?Z?tp B jp;? ?Z? p A t O B AB B AA ppRp+=? ? ? XYin?JY?Z?“yp?8?$de3 ?n?T?l? j?nl;?n? ?ypr?_?17 183?H?V? p B $vK? ? ?O?$?3t?“?|?H?H?EH? A O B O ? ? A z A x A y B y B x B z p A O B A p p ? ? ? ? ?!“?#$% -8 Otb0?EH ?



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