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1、Unit 4 Then and Now Part A Lets try & Lets talk,写出下列动词的过去式,go-,see-,eat-,ride-,hurt-,bought-,ran-,were-,fell-,came-,went,saw,ate,rode,hurt,buy,run,are,fall,come,写出下列动词的过去式,stay-,have-,like-,visit-,study-,cook-,enjoy-,look-,play-,want-,stayed,had,liked,visited,studied,cooked,enjoyed,looked,played,wan

2、ted,写出下列动词的过去式,clean-,watch-,stop-,plan-,do-,can-,listen-,try-,am/is-,take-,cleaned,watched,stopped,planned,did,could,listened,tried,was,took,playground,library,computer room,garden,grass,gym,dining hall,school,Lets review !,Boys VS Girls,tall,thin,quiet,Magic eyes: 男生读红体字,女生读绿体字。看到一起出现的,全班一起读。 Are

3、you ready?,short,young-old,kind,active,strong,smart,cool-cool,change,change,change,What are these ?,old photos,Guess:(猜一猜) Who is he?,Thats funny .,Twenty years ago, he_ (play) the piano at home.,played,Twenty five years ago,the boy _ (visit) the Great Wall.,visited,Now ,he _(be) playing basketball.

4、,are is was,His wearing a _T-shirt .,A.yellow B.red C.white,Fortyfive years ago, he was a student. Guess(猜一猜:) Who is he?,They are all different now.,Before I was . .Now , Im very . . (tall,thin,short ,kind ,strict , long hair,funny,old,strong,active quite ) How about you ?,1.两个同学一组,就像Mike和John。,The

5、n and now,in our family,Then and now,in our school,Then and now,in our city,The world is changing.,stars,Can you see the stars during the day?,Yes, I can.,No, I cant.,/,I can see stars at night.,Do you know the name of this star?,Its very easy.,I can look it up on the Internet.,look up 查阅,Internet 互

6、联网,look it up on the Internet,look it up in the dictionary,look it up in the book,friend,star,I like the moon. One day Im going to visit the moon.,moon,Canadians,Chinese,Americans,Who have been to the moon in 1969?,19,69,nineteen sixty-nine,The Americans took about five days to get there in 1969.,Wh

7、at was your school like five years ago? What is it like now?,Five years ago, there was_. There was_. There were _. There were _.,Now, there is _. There is_. There are_. There are _.,Tell us about your old school, please.,A:There was no library in my old school.,B:There was a big TV in my old classro

8、om.,C:There were no computers or Internet in my old school.,D:There was only one small building near the hill.,找出一个错误的选项!,There was only one small building near the hill. There was no library in my old school. There were no computers or Internet in my old school.,now,five years ago,The school was _

9、five years ago. The school is _ now.,old,new,The desks were _ five years ago. The desks are _ now.,old,new,The _ was old five years ago. The _ is new now. 单数,The _ were old five years ago. The _ are new now. 复数,lights chairs walls,blackboard teachers desk,Today, there is a guest visiting the school.

10、 Listen and tick or cross.,Preview 快速浏览课文,找出下列单词,guest 客人 change 改变 a little 少量的,一点 library 图书馆 school 学校 tellabout 告诉关于 only 仅仅,只有 small 小的 building 建筑物;楼房 hill 小山 could:can的过去式;能够,打算 star 星星,at night 在晚上 me too 我也是 be going to 要,会,将要 visit 参观,拜访,游览 moon 月球 American 美国人 took(take) 花费,耗费(时间等) get th

11、ere到达那里,达到目的 easy 简单的 look up 查阅,查找 on the internet 在互联网上 computer 计算机,电脑 time 时代,Grandpa: Wow, a library! There was no library in my old school. Sarah: Tell us about your school, please. Grandpa: There was only one small building on a hill. Wu Yifan: Could you see stars at night? Grandpa: Yes, I li

12、ked the stars. Sarah: Me, too. One day Im going to visit the moon. Wu Yifan : The Americans took about five days to get there in 1969. Sarah: How do you know that? Wu Yifan: Easy, I looked it up on the Internet. Grandpa: Ah! There were no computers or Internet in my time.,自读课文,并回答下列问题:,Was there a l

13、ibrary in grandpas old school? What was grandpas school like? When did the Americans go to the moon?,G: Wow, a library! There was no library in my old school.哇,一座图书馆!我以前的学校里没有图书馆。 S: Tell us about your school, please. 请给我们讲讲您的学校吧。 G: There was only one small building on a hill. 以前只有一座小房屋在山上。 W: Coul

14、d you see stars at night? 晚上你能看见星星吗? G: Yes, I liked the stars. 能,我喜欢星星。,S: Me too. One day Im going to visit the moon.我也是。有一天我要去参观月球。 W: The Americans took about five days to get there in 1969. 1969年美国人花了五天的时间到了那里 S: How do you know that?你怎么知道的? W: Easy, I looked it up on the Internet. 很简单,我在网上查了一下

15、。 G: Ah! There were no computers or Internet in my time. 哦!我那时候没有电脑也没有网络。,G: Wow, a library! There was no library in my old school. S: Tell us about your school, please. G: There was only one small building on a hill. W: Could you see stars at night? G: Yes, I liked the stars.,S: Me too. One day Im going to visit the moon. W: The Americans took about five days to get there in 1969. S: How do you know that? W: Easy, I looked it up on the Internet. G: Ah! There were no computers or Intern


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