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1、出国英语口语 用英语畅游世界,乘飞机;入境检查,2,办理护照和签证;购买机票;准备出行物品,1,入住宾馆,3,饮食;购物,4,参观游览,5,出国旅游的基本步骤,1. 办理护照和签证;购买机票;准备出行物品,签证和护照,持中国护照的居民,要去哪个国家,还需要在护照上有那个国家的签证(申根签证、落地签、免签等特殊情况除外),表明这个国家准许你入境。如果你在京沪等大城市,可以自己去该国的大使馆或者领事馆办理签证;也可以找签证公司代理,办理签证的难易程度不同,一般来说,发达国家的签证都比较难拿。,购买机票,买机票首先要提前购买,提前天数越多,机票折扣就越多。淡季错峰出行,机票成本越低。一般而言,旺季为

2、1-2月,7-10月,淡季为3月、6月、11月、12月,4-5月是平季。提前2-3个月,关注航空公司官网及其微博、微信公众账号“机票促销”专区,往往能预订到划算的机票。,准备出行物品,护照;机票 手机 (出游前要开通目的地国家的国际漫游、境外随身移动wifi) 万能电源插座 零钱;现金;信用卡 常用药 采购单 摄影设备,2. 乘飞机;入境检查,乘飞机,May I see your ticket and passport, please? 看一下您的机票和护照好吗? Do I have to write down all the things I have to declare? 我要把所有要申

3、报的东西都填上吗? Can my luggage weigh up to 30 kilos? 我可以携带30公斤的行李吗? How many items of carry-on luggage are permitted? 我可以随身携带几件行李? I have a piece of baggage to check. 我有件行李要托运。,Id like a window seat. 我想要靠窗的座位。 Can I have an aisle seat, please? 请给我靠道旁的座位好吗? When will we begin boarding? 我们什么时候开始登机啊? Which b

4、oarding gate should I go to? 我应该去哪个登机口? Which gate is for the flight to NewYork? 哪个登机口是去往纽约的?,window seat 靠窗户的座位 aisle seat 靠走道的座位 middle seat 中间的座位 the seat next to the emergency exit 靠紧急出口的座位,劳驾,请问机场服务台(新西兰航空公司柜台)在哪里?,Useful Expressions,Excuse me, but where is the information counter (Air New Zeal

5、and counter)?,2.请问国际出发大堂在哪儿?,2.Could you please tell me where the International Departure is?,3.我在哪儿可以兑换外币?,3.Where can I change money?,4.什么时候登机?,4.What is the boarding time?,5.飞机准时起飞吗?,5.Will the plane take off on time?,6.免税商店在哪里?,. 6. Where is the duty-free shop?,7.请系牢安全带,并使坐椅直立。,.7 Please keep yo

6、ur seat belt fastened and put your seat in the up right position.,8.请勿吸烟,直到“禁止吸烟”的灯号消失为止,. Please refrain from smoking until the “No Smoking” sign is switched off.,9. 请系牢你的安全带。,9. Please fasten your seat belt.,10.现在可以松开你的安全带。,10.You may unfasten your seat belt now,1. I feel sick to my stomach. sick通

7、常指身体不舒服,sick to (ones) stomach则是 “肚子不舒服, 胃痛” 的意思。 That food makes me sick to my stomach. 那食物使我感到肠胃不舒服。 2. Could I bother you for some ice water, please? 麻烦你给我杯冰水好吗? Could I bother you for+n./to+v. ? 是请求帮助的客套语,适用于正式场合。由于它有 “很冒昧麻烦您”的意 思,因此请求的对象,多为陌生人或职位、身份较高者。其他说法有: Could I get some ice water? My I tr

8、ouble you for some ice water? Would it be possible to have some ice water?,1. I feel sick to my stomach. sick通常指身体不舒服,sick to (ones) stomach则是 “肚子不舒服, 胃痛” 的意思。 That food makes me sick to my stomach. 那食物使我感到肠胃不舒服。 2. Could I bother you for some ice water, please? 麻烦你给我杯冰水好吗? Could I bother you for+n.

9、/to+v. ? 是请求帮助的客套语,适用于正式场合。由于它有 “很冒昧麻烦您”的意 思,因此请求的对象,多为陌生人或职位、身份较高者。其他说法有: Could I get some ice water? My I trouble you for some ice water? Would it be possible to have some ice water?,1.嗨,你能告诉我我的座位在哪里吗?,1. Hello, can you show me where my seat is?,2. 我能不能换座位?/ 这是空位吗?,2. Can I change my seat?/Is this

10、 seat vacant?,3.我可以暂时移到非吸烟区吗?,3.May I move to the non-smoking area for a while?,4.我觉得不舒服,我想我有点晕机,我可以吃点药吗?,4 . I dont feel well. I think Im getting a little airsick. May I have some medicine?,5.几点供应正餐?,5. What time is dinner served?,6.你有签证/护照吗? -这是我的签证/护照。,6.Do you have your visa/passport? This is my

11、 visa/passport.,7.你是什么国籍?,7. Whats your nationality?,入境检查,8.这是我的最终目的地。,8. This is my final destination.,9.您计划待多久? -我计划停留7天,我是来出差的。,9. How long do you plan on staying? Im planning to stay for 7 days. Im here on business,10.您来这里的目的是什么,公务还是旅游?,10.Whats the purpose of your visit? For business or for ple

12、asure?,海关申报,每个国家的出入境申报规则都不一样。有的国家不允许携带农产品、动物制品。有的国家对于携带现金金额有严格的规定。然而,按实际情况申报是我们出国必须要遵循的一个共同原则。如果被查获违规,不仅经济上会付出加倍罚款,还会破坏旅游心情。所以最好的就是要事先了解所到的国家有什么海关规定,以免兴冲冲地带了一堆东西,结果都在机场被没收了。,Officer: Are these your bags, sir? Mr. Brown: Yes, thats right. Officer: Have you anything to declare? Mr. Brown: No. Ive only

13、 got some clothes and things like that. Officer: Whats the purpose of your visit? Mr. Brown: Im here on business. Officer: I see. Would you mind opening this one? Mr. Brown: Not at all. Officer: Whats inside the package? Mr. Brown: Presents for some of my friends. Theyre glass vases and so on. Offic

14、er: Would you mind showing me your camera, please, sir? Mr. Brown: Not at all. Officer: I seeRight. Thats all. Thank you.,Going through Customs,详 解 实 用 对 话,机位预约与确认,虽然现在很多航空公司已经取消72小时需要确认机位的手续,然而以防万一,最好在回国或者前往下一段旅程前打电话确认机位无误。若机位有问题,最好马上重新定位,以免延误行程。,Check in验票并领取登机牌,Passport 护照 pspt Ticket(Electronic

15、Ticket)电子机票 tkt,Boarding pass 登机卡 Boarding gate 登机口 Boarding time 登记时间,Check in,出示本人有效护照、签证,选座并托运行李,领取登机牌,Window Seat 靠窗座位 Aisle Seat 靠过道座位 Checking baggage 托运行李 Carrying on 随身行李,Dialogue 出示有效护照、机票,Q: Good Morning! Passport please? A: Morning! Here is my passport. Q: Do you have an e-ticket or a pap

16、er ticket? A: Yes.Here is my ticket. Q: Great, Thank you. A: It is ok. Q: What your final stop? A: Beijing is my last stop.,Dialogue 选座并托运行李,Q:Would you like a window or aisle seat? A: Window seat, Please. Q: Are you checking baggage or carrying on? A: Oh, I I want to check two luggages. Q: Please put your luggage on the belt。 A: OK Q: Well, 22.9 pounds. A:


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