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1、第六讲,询价与议价 ( Letter of Inquiry and Negotiation),常用术语与表达,询盘(enquiry) 报盘(offer) 还盘(counter-offer) 定盘(firm offer ),1.询价函的概念,询价函就是买方向卖方就某项商品交易条件提出询问的信函。 询价的目的是请对方报出商品价格,询价对交易双方都没有法律上的约束力。,主要内容,商品目录本; 价目单; 商品样品,样本等。,格式,1标题:写明信函种类。 2称谓。 3正文:主要内容 4结尾。,询盘(enquiry),询盘(enquiry)也叫询价,是指交易的一方准备购买或出售某种商品的人向潜在的供货人或

2、买主探寻该商品的成交条件或交易的可能性的业务行为,它不具有法律上的约束力。 询盘的内容可涉及:价格、规格、品质、数量、包装、装运以及索取样品等,而多数只是询问价格。所以,业务上常把询盘称作询价。,询盘,询盘不是每笔交易必经的程序,如交易双方彼此都了解情况,不需要向对方探询成交条件或交易的可能性,则不必使用询盘,可直接向对方发盘。 询盘可采用口头或书面形式 。 在实际业务中,询盘只是探寻买或卖的可能性,所以不具备法律上的约束力,询盘的一方对能否达成协议不负有任何责任.由于询盘不具有法律效力,所以可作为与对方的试探性接触,询盘人可以同时向若干个交易对象发出询盘。 但合同订立后,询盘的内容成为磋商文

3、件中不可分割的部分,若发生争议,也可作为处理争议的依据。,在实际业务中,询盘一般多由买方向卖方发出,是买方主动发出的向国外厂商询购所需货物的函电。 对多数大宗货物和商品,应同时向不同地区、国家和厂商分别询盘,以了解国际市场行情,争取最佳贸易条件 。 对规格复杂或项目繁多的商品,不仅要询问价格,而且要求对方告之详细规格、数量等,以免往返磋商、浪费时间。 询盘对发出人虽无法律约束力,但要尽量避免询盘而无购买诚意的做法,否则容易丧失信誉。 对垄断性较强的商品,应提出较多品种,要求对方一一报价,以防对方趁机抬价。,询盘也可以是卖方向买方发出的征询其购买意见的函电。 卖方对国外客户发出询盘大多是在市场处

4、于动荡变化及供求关系反常的情况下,探听市场虚实、选择成交时机,主动寻找有利的交易条件。,询盘问题,从表面看,是一个比较简单的问题,其实是一个很深的问题,也是一个所有从事外贸工作需要思考的问题,因为这关系到能不能抓住这个客户、能不能发展这个客户的问题。,询盘需要考虑的问题,询盘的技巧,样例,询盘 Inquiry的惯用表达,1. What is it in particular youre interested in? 2. Im interested in your bicycles. 3. I think they will find a ready market in Malaysia. 4

5、. Id like to have your lowest quotations, C.I.F. Rotterdam. 5. Thank you for your inquiry. 6. Would you tell us what quantity you require so that we can work out the offer? 7. We wish to place an order with your corporation for 5,0000 bicycles.,你对哪些产品感兴趣? 我对你们的自行车感兴趣。 我觉得它们在马来西亚会很有销路。 我想请你们报鹿特丹到岸价的最

6、低价格。 谢谢你的询价。 为了便于我方提出报价,能否请你谈谈你方需求的数量? 我们希望向贵公司订购5,0000辆自行车。,8. Could you give me an indication of the price? 9. Here are our F.O.B. price lists. The final prices are subject to our confirmation. 10. Wed like to know what you can offer in this line as well as sales, such as mode of payment, delivery

7、, discount, etc. 11. As a rule, we deliver all our orders within three months after receipt of the covering letters of credit. 12. Our prices compare favorably with those offered by other manufacturers either in Europe or anywhere else.,你们提出一个估计价格好吗? 这是我们离岸价的价目单,最后价格以我方确认为准。 我们想了解一下你们在这方面的供货能力、付款、装运

8、和折扣等销售条件 一般来说,在收到信用证后3个月内就可以全部交货。 同欧洲或其他地区的供货商提出的报价相比,我们的价格是优惠的。,询盘函的翻译:译例1,译例2,译文:,询价函的翻译练习,Dear sirs, We are glad to note from your letter of 1st September that , as exporters of Chinese Cotton Piece Goods , you are desirous of entering into direct business relations with us. This happens to coinc

9、ide with our desire. At present, we are interested in Printed Shirting and shall be pleased to receive from you by airmail catalogues, sample books and all necessary information, regarding these goods so as to acquaint us with the quality and workmanship of your supplies. Meanwhile, please quote us

10、your lowest price, C.I.F. Vancouver, inclusive of our 5% commission, stating the earliest date of shipment. Should your price be found competitive and delivery date acceptable, we intend to place a large order with you. We trust you will give us an early reply. Yours faithfully,询盘函(Enquiry)的翻译练习,Dea

11、r sirs, We learn from Spett. Ditta Fratelli of Rome that you are producing for export hand-made gloves in a variety of natural leathers. There is a steady demand here for gloves of high quality and although sales are not particularly high. Good prices are obtained. Will you please send me a copy of your glove catalogue, with details of your prices and terms of payment? I should find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of the various skins of which the gloves are made. Yours faithfully,


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