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1、华中科技大学 硕士学位论文 中文网络聊天话语的性别特征研究 姓名:李丹丹 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:外国语言学及应用语言学 指导教师:孙云梅 20080501 华华 中中 科科 技技 大大 学学 硕硕 士士 学学 位位 论论 文文 III 摘 要 摘 要 互联网的广泛应用为现代社会创造了一个新的交流平台。同时互联网也在许多 方面深远地影响我们的生活,不仅促进科技创新、文化发展也推动了语言革命。近 些年 CMC(计算机辅助交流)中的网络语言日益引起语言学家们的研究兴趣。随着语 言的性别研究变得更加系统化,CMC 文本也备受关注。然而多数现有 CMC 会话研 究都是以英文为语料,尽管中国的语言研究

2、者结合国外语言与性别的理论从事过汉 语的相关研究,但是很少有人对目前中国最流行的 QQ 即时聊天语言展开实证性研 究。本研究试图研究在中文这个特定的环境中男女的 QQ 聊天语言究竟有何不同定 量的性别差异,并且也揭示了导致这些不同特点的原因。 作者选择 12 个项目作为变量来研究 QQ 聊天文本,这些变量包括 5 个非言语特 征和 7 个言语特征。变量的确定一方面是依据网络聊天的交际特点(例如大量使用 流行语和表情符号),另一方面,参照他人研究中能反映性别差异的语言变量(见 赵蓉辉,2003)。作为主体的 32 个大学生(16 男,16 女)每人提供一个与同性聊 天的记录和一个与异性聊天的记录

3、。 依据研究需要, 文中 ICTCLAS, Wordcounter 1.1, Matlab 和 SPSS 13.0 用于不同的步骤。首先用 ICTCLAS 标注中文文本。接着 12 个 变量在 64 个样本中出现的频率由 Matlab 或者 Wordcounter 1.1 统计。运用 Matlab 把 上述频率数值标注化后,再录入 SPSS13.0。最后运行 SPSS13.0 对标准化数值进行独 立样本 T-检验,以比较男女聊天用语的性别差异。另外,产生在同性别和异性别聊 天中不同言语适应现象也用于探讨说话对象性别对说话人言语选择所产生的影响。 结果表明,多数前人研究中已确认的性别差异(例如,

4、女性更多的使用礼貌用语、 形容词和强调副词),同样存在于网络聊天,但是这些差异未达到显著性水平。在 数字、拟声词和个人信息这三个变量上,男性和女性的网络语言各自呈现出不同的 特点并有显著性差异。男性的网络语言呈现女性文体特点,而女性的网络语言则趋 于中性化,有时没有明显的性别标记。另外,同性别和异性别之间的网络聊天语言 都呈现明显的不同的言语适应现象,而且同性别之间聊天产生的言语性别差异大于 华华 中中 科科 技技 大大 学学 硕硕 士士 学学 位位 论论 文文 IV 异性之间的性别差异。也就是说男女都能够适应彼此的语言特点。男性和女性在与 异性进行 QQ 聊天时倾向于强化彼此的共性,于是双方

5、的语言出现言语趋同现象。 本文研究结果为研究网络世界中男女的语言特点提供了新的视角,同时也质疑 了日常会话中的两级差异论。研究证实计算机辅助交流中的网络即时聊天系统能够 帮助人们逾越跨性别交流中的一些障碍,促进男女间的交流和相互理解。实际上所 有这些网络语言的性别特征可以运用到时下许多流行的领域,如远程教育、网络交 易和网络广告策划等,以针对男女客户群体的不同需要策划文字信息,从而最大化 地利用互联网资源并且提高网络信息的语言效度。 关键词:关键词:言语社团 1; 言语适应; 性别差异; 网络聊天话语; 计算机辅助交流 华华 中中 科科 技技 大大 学学 硕硕 士士 学学 位位 论论 文文 I

6、 Abstract Abstract The world-wide application of Internet has created a new communicative platform in modern society. At the same time, the Internet has deeply influenced our life in many aspects including technological innovation, cultural development and linguistic revolution. In recent years, cyb

7、er-language in CMC (Computer-mediated Communication) has attracted sociolinguists growing interest. When the studies of gender differences in language step into a more systematic period, growing attention is paid to CMC discourses. However, most previous studies were conducted in English conversatio

8、n. Although combined with previous theories on language and gender abroad, many Chinese researchers have explored under Chinese context, few empirical effort has been made on the cyber-language in QQthe most popular instant messaging software in China. The thesis intends to investigate the quantitat

9、ive gender differences in mens and womens cyber-language under Chinese context in QQ chatting. Moreover, what lead to these gender differences are exposed and discussed. The author chooses 12 items including 5 non-linguistic items and 7 linguistic items as variables to study the QQ online-chatting l

10、anguage. These variables are identified according to the communicative features in online-chatting (for example frequent usages of emoticons and catchwords) or are affirmed variables reflecting gender differences in other peoples studies (see ZhaoRonghui 2003). 32 college students (16 females and 16

11、 males) are selected as subjects and each provide a same gender chatting record and a mixed-gender chatting record. In this thesis, ICTCLAS, Wordcounter 1.1, SPSS 13.0 and Matlab are used in different processes to meet corresponding research requirements. At first, ICTCLAS is used to tag all Chinese

12、 chatting corpora (see 2.4). After that all frequencies of 12 variables in 64 different chatting logs are counted by Wordcounter 1.1 or Matlab. Run Matlab to standardize the value of those variable frequencies, and then code them into SPSS 13.0. In the end, conduct an independent T-test on the stand

13、ardized data via SPSS 13.0 to compare the gender differences between mens and womens chatting speech. Besides, different accommodations reflected in mixed-gender online-chatting and 华华 中中 科科 技技 大大 学学 硕硕 士士 学学 位位 论论 文文 II same-gender online-chatting are discussed to discover how the audiences gender

14、influences speakers choice of words or language usages in cyber-communication. The results indicate that most identified gender difference (such as females use more polite expressions, adjectives and intensive adverbs etc.) in language in previous concerned studies can be affirmed but without reachi

15、ng significant level in QQ online-chatting. However, in the aspects of using numbers, onomatopoeic words and revealing personal information, male and female QQ users have different features respectively. The cyber-language in male students chatting logs contained more “female” stylistic features, wh

16、ile that in female students turns to show more “male” stylistic features without so-called obvious gender mark. Besides, accommodation is obviously found between same gender chatting and mixed gender chatting in this study and same gender chatting shares more gender differences than mixed-gender chatting. That is to say, both men and women are able to accommodate male-preferential language and women-preferential language. Whats more, men and women tend to be motivated to acce


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