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1、动词200组1. 说:say/ comment, demonstrate, elaborate, get across, illustrate, interpret, mention, observe, present, relate, remark, narrate, depict, dwell on All his friends _(谈论) the change in him.Lets not _ (细想) the past.The lawyer wont _ (评论) publicly on the case.Can you _ (解释) these statistics in det

2、ail?He refused to _ (详细解释) why he had resigned.The engineer _ (示范) how to use the new software.To _ (阐明) her point, she told a story.The movie _ (描述) the king as a dictator.The professor will _ (提出) his research in the lecture.A good lecturer is able to _ (解释清楚) his ideas to the audience.We hired a

3、professional to _ (讲解) the documentary film.2. 看:see, watch, eye / browse, gaze, stare, observe, study, spot, glare, glimpse, glance, scan, skim, peep, peer, inspect, examine, identify, scrutinizeShe could see at a _ (一瞥) that something was seriously wrong.He kept talking at the concert, and people

4、were _ (怒视) at him.He caught a _ (一瞥) of her face.He _ (偷看) over his shoulder to see if anyone was watching.The hunter _ (凝视) through the fog into the night.All the new products are _ (仔细检查) by the laboratory.I tend to _ (浏览) in a bookstore on weekends.She quickly _ (发现) him in the crowd.You feel un

5、comfortable when you are _ (盯) at.The police asked the witness to _ (鉴别) the suspect.3. 导致,激起:lead to, raise, result in, bring about, arouse, set off, give rise to / motivate, prompt, generate, provoke, evoke, stimulate, stir up, agitate, triggerThe teacher is good at _ (激励) her students to further

6、effort.Im confident the project will _ (带来) huge profits.A good boss has a team of highly _ (士气高) staff.The news finally _ (激发) a riot.The smell of chalks always _ (唤起) memories of my school days.The attacks _ (引发) a war in the Middle East.4. 想象,构思:picture, imagine, design / plot, devise, formulate,

7、 frame, envisage, envision, contrive, visualize, conceiveIts hard to conceive what the world will be like a hundred years from now.We must devise a way to prevent this from happening.They contrive a way to punish the producers of pirated goods.The company envisions adding at least five stores next y

8、ear. 展望,设想The Administration said it was formulating a new policy for Internet security. 设计,规划5. 吃喝:drink, eat / take in, absorb, consume, digest, suck, chew, swallow, sip, lick, bite I was taken in by the shop-owner. She was absorbed in the experiment.Farmers were licking their wounds after the cro

9、p prices dropped by 50%.Someone has got to bite the bullet and tell the American people that taxes have to be raised.Dont bite off more than you can chew.The company was swallowed up by a competitor.I got sucked into this thing.We all thought that movie sucked.6. 领导,命令:control, demand, direct, head,

10、 manage, order, require, rule/ command, define, govern, lay down, prescribe, regulate A secretary of education cannot and should not prescribe the curriculum of the nations colleges.As a diabetic, she regulates her sugar intake carefully.The dark figures are sharply defined on the white background.T

11、he judge ruled that the defendant be innocent of murder.Prices of manufactured goods are governed largely by the cost of raw materials and labor.7. 集合:collect, gather, crowd / accumulate, assemble, pile up, build up, flock, herd, jam, squeeze, pour, mobilize, summon, appeal, rally, swarmDont wait un

12、til problems pile up.The Red Cross is appealing to the public for blood donation.He accumulated his first fortune by smuggling.The buildup of troops on the border is a worry.Small businesses are being squeezed out of the neighborhood by developers.African-American groups rallied around the President

13、 when he was under attack. Rural laborers are pouring into cities.I was summoned to appear in court.They mobilized public opinion to oppose the construction of new waste-disposal facilities.8. 计算,衡量:count, calculate, judge, determine, measure, weigh, compute / reckon, estimate, evaluate, assess, app

14、raise, rate, gaugeTherell be eight for dinner, counting us.Happiness counts more than money.She was widely reckoned to be the best actress of her generation.She was weighed down by the pains and aches of old age.The judge told the jury to weigh the facts and the evidence.A college assesses a student

15、s ability based on grades.It was not easy to gauge his height from this distance.Doctors evaluate the patients condition.A professional appraised my jewelry.9. 打:beat, blow, hit, knock, strike, attack / bang, clap, slap, pat, tap, rap, punch, slam, assault, raid She patted me on the shoulder.The chair rapped the table to get everyones attention. You punch a clock when you arrive at and leave work.The bomb blew a huge hole on the ground.a _ in the face侮辱The FBI said they h


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