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1、听力短对话热点与难点一 make it (to something) eg. 1) I barely made it.2) I am afraid I cant make it by seven oclock.二 have a hard time with something; have difficulty/trouble with something ; have a hard time with something;have difficulty/trouble (in) doing somethingeg. 1) I have a hard time with the reading

2、list.2)I have trouble following Prof.Johnson.三 should know better than to do something; should have known better than to do somethingeg. 1)You should know better than to ask him for advice.2)You should have known better than to take his words too seriously.四 Im afraid eg. 1)Im afraid I have a compla

3、int to make.2) Im afraid we are going to be late for the ten twenty flight.五 to be +p.p 还未;有待 于 eg.1)The effects remain to be proven. 2)Whether there will be a briefing is (yet) to be decided.六. I wonder whether/ifeg. 1)I wonder whether it is possible to for you to work late.2) I wonder whether it i

4、s possible to borrow your ladder.七. get/have something done eg.1)We can get our tickets changed for this evening.2)Pity you had your hair cut.八.邀请的方式:1) Can/could you ?eg.Can you join me for dinner?2) Would you like to?eg.Would you like to go to the dance with me tonight? 3) Why not ?/Why dont you?

5、eg.Why not sit out in the backyard and enjoy the beautiful weather?4) I wonder if/whethereg. I wonder if/whether you can stay for dinner./I wonder whether it is possible for you to stay for dinner.5) How about?eg. How about having dinner with me this evening?6)Lets eg.Lets go to the seaside.九.拒绝的方式:

6、1)Id love to, but2) Im sorry, but3) Well, 4) , but十.建议的方式:1.Why not/Why dont you?2). If I were you, Id3. It would be better if you 4. Dont you think 十一请求的方式1. Do you mind if I ?2. Shall I ?3. Can/May I ?4. I wonder if/whether I can 5. I wonder if/whether it is possible for me to 十二. 道歉的方式1. I am sor

7、ry.2. I must apologize.3. I feel bad about 十三.表示遗憾的方式1It was a pity场景词汇(一) 机场:check in, flight, delay, baggage/luggage, counter, information desk, gate, departure, take off, land, see sb. off,go through the customs,declare,check (in)mechanical problemwindow seat,aisle aeat,security check,十三.图书馆:chec

8、k in,check out,reference books,opening hoursvolume,shelf,catalog(ue)十四. 饭店restaurant,order,table,reserve/book,waiter/waitress,menu,treat sb. (to sth.)十五.银行account,cash,check,cashier,ATM,deposit,savings account,teller,interest rate,exchange rate,balance,bank clerk,credit card,loan,十六.飞机上airhostess,bu

9、siness class,economy class,first class, fasten the seat belt,security guard,airsick,十七.与就医、医院、诊所、医生、病人有关的词汇patient,physician,surgeon,clinic,ward, emergency,physical check-up/examination,have a temperature/fever,flu,have a running nose,have a stuffy nose,have a sore throat,injection,operate on/ have

10、an operation/surgery,drug,medicine,prescribe/prescription,dose,overdose,十八.司机、警察、旅客driver,traffic lights,ticket,break traffic rules,one-way street,heavy traffic,parking lot,speed limit,speeding,fine,drivers licence/license,十九.办公环境boss,type,office politics,secretary,fire,send a fax,laptop,二十.与邮政有关的词汇

11、postal clerk,postage,parcel,registered mail/letter,express mail,39-cent stamps,envelope,二十一.与购物有关的词汇shopping center,shopping mall,discount,overpriced,on sale,bargain,size,二十二.与(住)宾馆有关的词汇reception desk,room service,housekeeper,wake-up call service,single room,double room,porter,check in,check out,二十三.与交通工具及出行有关的词汇get about/around conveniently,go on a trip,need transportation,be stuck in traffic/a traffic jam,二十四.与看戏、看电影有关的词汇play,drama,act,part/role,actor,actress,reserve/reservation/book,audience,grand theater/cinema,hit,violence,horror,romantic,thats the last thing Id do.



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