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1、学院 系 专业班级 姓名 学号(密封线外不要写姓名、学号、班级、密封线内不准答题,违者按零分计)密封线考试方式:闭 卷太原理工大学英语(1)A试卷适用专业:08级一级考试日期: 09年1月7日 时间: 120 分钟 共 11 页题 号一二三四五六七八九总 分得 分太原理工大学08级一级英语试卷 A卷(2009年1月7日上午8:30-10:30)监考教师注意事项一、注意A、B卷的发放顺序。二、9:00收试卷二,10:30收答题卡、试卷一。收卷时答题卡和试卷二按从小到大顺序排列,不分A、B卷。三、仔细检查考生答题卡是否填涂正确。考生注意事项一、正确填涂考试证号及A、B卷,否则得不到成绩,由本人负责

2、。二、将专业班级、姓名、准考证号用钢笔或圆珠笔填写在答题卡和试卷二(考卷最后一页,请撕下来)。试卷一、答题卡和试卷二均不得带出考场。三、选择题的答案用2B铅笔涂在答题卡上,要有一定的粗度和浓度。四、9:00收试卷二,10:30收答题卡、试卷一。试卷一放音时间为10:00。College English TestBand 1Part I Listening Comprehension(20%)Section ADirections: Now you will hear ten short conversations. A question will follow each conversatio

3、n. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.1. A. They both took a language class on the Internet.B. They both saw an ad on the Internet.C. They both looked for information on online language learning.D. They both wrote a note about their online studies.2. A. Some a

4、re too difficult for children. B. Some only accept young people. C. Some require that students be of a certain age. D. Some have only 18-year-old students.3. A. Because she wants to study at home. B. Because she wants to finish her studies. C. Because she wants to study in a different way unlike oth

5、ers. D. Because she wants to learn how to study.4. A. Studying online is more effective.B. Studying online continually offers something new.C. Studying online offers a new way to make friends.D. Studying online allows her more free time.5. A. To make classes easier.B. To give students more work. C.

6、To be nice to students.D. To improve the class.6. A. Because she leans over the table.B. Because her eating habits are very messy. C. Because she stands up when she eats.D. Because she eats too fast.7. A. Her fault was too great. B. She gave them too much. C. They are too giving to her. D. Her child

7、ren are entitled.8. A. Not to get a tattoo.B. Not to be out late.C. Not to go out with Mike.D. Not to be late again.9. A. Let her become a writer.B.Want her to enter banking. C. Choose which bank she uses.D. Pick her career for her.10. A.Because she cant make any choices .B. Because she cant do thin

8、gs for herself. C. Because she never watches cartoons.学院 系 专业班级 姓名 学号(密封线外不要写姓名、学号、班级、密封线内不准答题,违者按零分计)密封线D. Because she watches cartoons all day.Section BDirections: Now you will hear a long conversation followed by five questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible c

9、hoices.11. A. A loud noise. B. Her teacher shouting. C. A student crying. D. The phone ringing. 12. A. The police. B. The teacher. C. The student. D. The male speaker.13. A. Calling for the police. B. Taking the gun away. C. Crying for the student. D. Holding the student.14. A. Crying. B. Shooting C

10、. Trying to kill. D. Solving problems15. A. Because the police took him away. B. Because the teacher promised to see him. C. Because his problems were too big. D.Because his parents were coming.Section CDirections: Now you will hear a passage followed by five questions. Listen carefully and choose t

11、he best answer from the four possible choices.16. A. He makes rules for interviews. B. He tells people what to do. C. He gives interviews. D. He does basic work.17. A. Read about the company. B. Talk about the company. C. Have confidence in the company. D. Fill the needs of the company.18. A. To und

12、erstand more about the company. B. To talk about how you can fill those needs. C. To explain the job to the interviewer. D. To speak with confidence about the company.19. A. People who understand the company. B. People who know why they should get the job. C. People who leave a remarkable impression

13、. D. People who are smart and good-looking.20. A. Those who fill the companys needs. B. Those who are smart and good-looking. C. Those who are the most powerful. D. Those who understand the company. Part Reading Comprehension(40%)Directions: There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,


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