江苏省句容市九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Know yourself Reading 1学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版

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1、九年级上册Unit1 Reading1学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 家长签字_【板块要点】一、教学目标 1. 学会并能掌握描述人个性特征的形容词。2. 阅读在各自领域取得成就的两个人的文章,提升阅读技能。教学重点、难点 1. 会读P6-8生词短语并了解其意思。2. 通过对文本不同形式的读以及分层任务,理解文章大意。二、词汇、短语1eatup 吃光 (动副结构) use up 用完,用尽2get angry easily 容易生气3creative (adj.) 创造性的 create (v.) 创造 creatively (adv.)4curious (adj.) 好奇的 be curious ab

2、out对感到好奇 curiously (adv.)5energetic (adj.) 精力充沛的 energy (n.) 精力 more/most energetic6modest (adj.) 谦虚的 / proud 骄傲的 selfish (adj.) 自私的 / generous 慷慨的7organized (adj.) 有条理的; organize (v.); organization (n.); more/most organized8order (n.) 顺序,in order 按顺序;order (v.) 命令,订购 keep in order使保持井然有序9show off炫耀

3、,卖弄;show sb. around;show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb.10repeat grammar rules for sb.11come up with 想出,提出 = think of; 追上,赶上12neither (conj.) 两者不 neithernor (pron.) neither of (反) bothand eitheror 或者或者13accountant (c.n.) 会计 make a good accountant14born (adj.) 天生的 be born with.15impress (v.) 给留下印象 impres

4、ses (v. 三单)16praise (n. & v.) 赞扬,表扬;praise sb. for sth.17general (adj.) 总的;普遍的;首席的 in general (adv.) generally18race (c.n.) 赛跑 running race19lead (n.) take the lead 处于领先地位 play a lead role 扮演主角20fall behind 落后 fallfell-fallen21challenge (n.) 挑战 take on new challenges 接受新的挑战三、句型(语法)1. It says some pe

5、ople are generous. 2. It makes them feel good to share things with others. make sb. do sth. make sb./sth. + adj. 3. Neither my parents nor I think I can make a good accountant. neither nor (就近原则) Neither he nor I am well educated.4. Its terrible for me to work without speaking all day long. Its + ad

6、j. for sb. to do sth. Its + adj. of sb. to do sth.= Sb. is +adj. to do sth.九年级上册Unit1 Reading1学案学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 家长签字_【课前导学】一、翻译下列短语1. 想到_ 2. 炫耀 _ 3. 对好奇 _ 4. 很容易生气_5. 使保持井然有序 6. 一个天生的艺术家 7. 给留下深刻的印象 8. 适合 9. 接受新挑战 10. 赢得高度赞扬 二、Answer these questions1. What are your personalities?2. What do you want to b

7、e in your future?3. Do you think your personality is suitable for this job?三、用适当的形容词来描述下面人物的性格特点:Description of the personPersonalitySuzy: keeps all her things in good orderMillie: does not get angry easilyDaniel: never shows offSandy: often has exciting ideasSimon: always plays football for hoursSa

8、muel: often comes up with new ideasBilly: likes asking questions【课堂学习】Step1. Lead-inHave a free talk.Step2. Presentation 1. Introduce and present six types of personalities.2. Have the students finish Part A and explain some phrases.Step3. Listening and practice 1. Present the word “accountant” and

9、the phrase “neithernor”2. Have the students listen to the tape, and then complete a form.3. Read Part B in roles.4. Ask students to make up a new dialogue.Step4. Watching and practice 1. Have the students watch the video(between Hobo and Eddie), and then answer questions. 2. Read and act. 3. Discuss

10、. Step 5 Pre-readingPresent a photo of a teacher. Ask and answer with the class. Teach some new words.by showing some pictures. Finish Part B1 on P8.Step 6 Fast reading1.阅读文章,判断正误(T/F) Wu Weis friend does not think that his work is very good. _ Wu Weis sculptures are famous all over the country. _ S

11、u Ning was once happy with her job as an accountant. _ Su Ning changed her job five years ago. _ Liu Hao is the chief engineer of the new bridge. _ Liu Haos team members find it difficult to work with him. _ Fang Yuan thinks doctors should be very careful. _ Fang Yuan spends most of her time on her

12、work. _2.Read the articles on P8 and try to find out the two peoples jobs and their personalities.NameJobPersonalitiesWu WeiSu NingStep 7. Careful readingParagraph1: Does Wu Wei like to talk? _What has he won from the art community for his sculptures? _Paragraph2: Is Su Ning active and energetic? _ What do you think is more suitable for her, an accountant or a manager? _Paragraph3: What is Liu Haos personality? _Is Liu Haos personality suitable for his job? _Paragraph4: How long does Fang Yuan often do operations a day?



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