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1、relative latecomer相对晚来者British shores英国海岸 date backe to 追溯到millennium mlenimn.千禧 duchess dtsn. 女公爵; 公爵夫人 Bedford bedfdn.贝德福德; householdhashldn. 家庭; 家庭,户; servant s:vntn.仆人 tray tren. 托盘pause p:zn.暂时的停顿 gown gann. 长袍, a selection of: 一系列 daintydentiadj. 精致的; 娇俏的 scone skn 烤饼 pastrypestri n. 糕点; (Ceyl

2、on)/siln/锡兰(斯里兰卡红茶) silverslv(r)teapot银的茶壶Bone china 骨质瓷 delicate delktadj. 微妙的; 熟练的,易碎的 average vrdadj. 平均的; 平常的; suburbansb:bn adj. 城郊的, mug mg 马克杯,杯子n.脸;杯,茶,是英国最重要的饮品之一,是不列颠海岸中相对的后来者。尽管喝茶的习俗可以追溯到中国的公元前3前年前。但知道17世纪中期才第一次在英国出现。 下午茶是在1840年,贝德福德的第七任女公爵安娜引入到英国的。女公爵在下午四点经常会饿,而晚餐在她家一般都很晚,在八点左右,因此会留下较长的一

3、个午餐和晚餐的空隙时间。安娜公爵会请她的仆人午后给她拿一杯茶,面包,黄油,糕点到她房间。这成为了她的习惯并开始邀请她的朋友们一起喝茶。 这种喝茶的小憩成为了一种时尚的社交活动。在1880年代,上流社会的贵妇会换上礼服,手套,并带上帽子去喝下午茶,通常是在下午四五点之间的画室里举行。 传统的下午茶是由一系列的精致的三明治,烤饼并涂上奶油和果酱。蛋糕和糕点也会有。印度茶和锡兰茶将被从银制的茶会倒入精美的骨瓷杯中。然而,在普通郊区民居中,下午茶只是一块饼干,或一块小蛋糕和一马克杯的茶,茶是茶包泡的。,Reading,Reading,Lets enjoy the beauty of the UK,伦敦

4、塔,Tower of London,London Eye,London Tower Bridge 伦敦塔桥,Buckingham Palace,白金汉宫,Palace of Westminster/ Houses of Parliament,Westminster Abbey, England 西敏寺,温莎堡 Windsor Castle,Big Ben!大本钟,The River Thames 泰晤士河,St Pauls Cathedral,圣保罗大教堂,Royal Greenwich Observatory,格林尼治皇家天文台,Cambridge University,成立于1209年,是

5、世界十大学府之一,73位诺贝尔奖得主出自此校。,牛津产生了4位英国国王,46位诺贝尔奖获得者,25位英国首相,Oxford University,Puzzles in Geography,Reading,What does the title mean ?,List the names you have heard of the country,England Britain The Great Britain The UK Scotland Wales Northern Ireland London,Why?=The Puzzles,How to clarify this question

6、? By_,Predicting:,So the following paragraphs will talk about:,_ did the UK come into being? But is it the main idea of the whole text? If not ,Listen and find more,Part 1 (Para1-3) Part 2 (Para4) Part 3 (Para 5-6),How did the UK come into being?,_ is divided into 3 zones.,The cultural importance of

7、 _.,Listen and write down the main idea,England,London,Task II Find out the right answer: 1. What does the passage mainly about?,A brief introduction of_,based on geography, h_, _,The UK,istory,culture,Detailed-reading,England,Wales,Scotland,Northern Ireland,the UK =,+,+,+,Part 1-Geography,The Unite

8、d Kingdom c_ of the four countries.,first only England,the 13th century, England + Wales.,17th century AD, England + Wales + Scotland,Great Britain,Later, Great Britain + Northern Ireland,England,the United Kingdom,Part 1-the history,Union Jack,Flag changes,The Union Jack flag unites the flags of th

9、ree countries in the United Kingdom. Which country is left out? Why? The country left out is Wales. It is usually considered to be part of England.,In what ways are the four countries same and in what areas are different? They are the same in international relations, but they have differences in edu

10、cational and legal systems as well as football teams.,Part 2-England,the North of England,Find people s_in the South,the Midlands,England is the largest of the countries and it is divided into three zones.,_,Industrial cities,Why did capital London become the cultural center of England ? There are a

11、 lot of historical treasures in London.(Three the oldest.) Why are there so many historical treasures in London? London has been influenced by some invaders.,Part 3-London,In the England history, there are several invasions. They are: _, _, _, _.,the Romans,the Anglo-Saxons,the Vikings,the Normans,W

12、hat did they leave?,Part 3-Invaders,Romans:,Anglo-Saxons:,towns and roads,Language and government,the Vikings:,the Normans:,the vocabulary and place-names of the North,Castles and words for food,Which group of the invaders did not influence London?,The Vikings,The writer mentions London in the last

13、but one paragraph mainly because _. A. London is the capital of the United Kingdom. B. London can best reflect British history and culture. C. London is the home of art collections. D. London has the oldest port and castle.,B,Post reading-,Fill in the blanks. The full name of England is the _ _ of G

14、reat Britain and Northern Ireland .It consists of four parts ,they are _,_,_ and _, people always think _is a part of England. The flag of the UK is called the _ _.The four countries have different _and _ _as well as different _ _. _is the largest of the four countries and it is _ _ three parts. Mos

15、t of the people settled in the _,but most of the large industrial cities in the _and the _.The capital of the UK is _, it has many great places of interest.,United,Kingdom,England,Scotland,Wales,Northern Ireland,Wales,Union,Jack,educational,legal,systems,football,teams,England,divided,into,South,Midlands,North,London,Write a summary for this passage about 30words,Summary:,The passage tells us _ the four countries: England, Wale


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