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1、Lesson 68 Persistent,psistnt,persist坚持(不顾阻拦一味的坚持) persist in doing sth She persisted in reading his poems. insist坚持(认为,说,是人的一种态度) insist on doing sth I insisted on calling doctor.,insist vt. 坚持;坚决认为;坚决主张;坚决要求 +(that) He insisted that we (should) accept these gifts. vi. 坚持,坚决认为;强调坚决主张;一定要(+on/upon) I

2、 insist on seeing it. 我一定要见到它,persistent psistnt a. 坚持不懈的,固执的;持续的,持久的 The persistent rain will do harm to his weak knees. He was a persistent thief.,insistent a.坚持的,逼人注意的;显眼的,显著的 an insistent demand 迫切的要求 an insistent rhythm 动人的旋律 I am afraid of his insistent refusal again.,persistence n. 坚持,固执,顽固;持

3、续性,持久 persistence of energy 能量守恒 persistence of vision 视觉暂留 Her persistence and passion have helped the team to complete the difficult task.,insistence n.坚持,强调,极力主张。 insistence (up) on strict obedience 强调要严格服从 I did it because of your insistence.,persistent psistnt adj. 坚持的,固执的 avoid vid v. 避开 insis

4、t insist v. 坚持做 fancy fnsi v. 想象,幻想 cross kr:s v. 穿过 pretend pritend v. 假装 prevent privent v. 阻止 follow flu v. 跟随,avoid vid vt. 1. 避开,躲开 I avoided him as much as possible. 我尽量避开他。 2. 避免 avoid +n./+doing No one can avoid making mistakes while learning a foreign language. 3. 【律】使无效;撤销,pretend pritend

5、v. 1. 佯装;假装; 2. (尤指孩子)(在游戏中)假扮;装作 pretend to do sth a. 假装的;假想的,prevent privent vt. 防止,预防;阻止;制止;妨碍 Who prevents their plans from being carried out? 谁阻止他们的计划不让实施? prevent from doing sth,practice :,根据所给汉语,按正确形式填空: He _ (坚持) that he does that work alone . The teacher tells us that learning English must

6、be _(坚持的). She tried to _(逃避) answering my questions . She wasnt really crying ; she was only _(假装) . What can we do to _(阻止) the disease spreading ?,insists,persistent,avoid,pretending,prevent,Why did Elizabeth cross the street ?,questions :,What does Nigel always insist on doing ? Why did Elizabet

7、h tell Nigel that she was going to the dentist ?,1.I _ the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw me and came running _ me. 2.It was no use pretending that I had not seen him, _I waved to him. 3.He _ has anything to do. 4.No matter _busy you are, he always insists on _with you. 5.I was just wonderi

8、ng how to _ the morning - until I saw you. 6.Not at all, I lied, but Im going to the _. 7.Theres always plenty to read in the _ room!,Language points:,I crossed the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw me and came running towards me. cross v. 穿过 I cross the garden. across adv.&prep. 穿过 I go acros

9、s the garden. avoid doing sth. 避免 come running towards sb. 向某人跑过来,It was no use pretending that I had not seen him , so I wave to him .,wave to sb 向某人招手,It is/was no use doing sth 做某事是无用的,It is no use crying over the spilled milk 覆水难收,I never enjoy meeting Nigel Dykes. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做 appreciat

10、e sth./doing sth. 喜欢做,He never has anything to do. 用不定式做定语, 修饰anything,不定式放在不定代词后面 anything to do sth. 任何要做的事 anything to eat sth. 可以吃的东西 ; anything to drink 可以喝的东西,No matter how busy you are, he always insists on coming with you.,No matter 可以和疑问词(how , who , when , where , what 等) 一起引导让步从句,表示“无论”。,

11、-No matter where you go , you cant forget your home .,I had to think of a way of preventing him from following me around all morning. think of a way of doing sth. 想一个做某事的方法 think of a way of solving prevent sb. (from) doing sth. 阻止某人做某事, 让某人不做某事 stop sb. from doing sth. 让某人不做某事 keep sb. from doing s

12、th. 让某人不做某事(保持不做某事) forbid sb. to do sth. 禁止某人做某事,Fancy meeting you here! =Imagine meeting you here! 真想不到会在这见到你! (fancyimagine)“fance+名词”表示惊讶 fance vt. 设想,想像 Fancy Ian not knowing the answer to such an easy question! vt. 想要,喜欢(往往用于指个人爱好) Its a fine day and I fancy driving down to the coast.,Would yo

13、u mind my coming with you? 我跟你一道去行吗? 这是一个表示客气请求的结构,my是动名词coming的逻辑主语。 Would you mind opening the window? 你介意把窗户打开吗? Would you mind my opening the window? 你介意我把窗户打开吗? Fancy writing a letter like that! 真想不到写了那样一封信。 Fancy her writing a letter like that! 真想不到她写了那样一封信。,画出课文中所有以-ing结尾的动词,动名词复合结构:由名词所有格或物主

14、代词与动名词构成 动名词复合结构多作主语或宾语, 作主语时必须是所有格(名词所有格, 形容词性物主代词), 但作宾语时可以用所有格, 也可用普通格(人称代词宾格),avoid doing sth 避免做某事 enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事 insist on doing sth 坚持做某事 prevent sb from doing sth 阻止做某事 fancy doing sth 想象做某事 be busy doing sth 忙于做某事 mind doing sth 介意做某事 finish doing sth 完成做某事,只能接doing做宾语 的动词: suggest ,

15、 avoid , complete , feel like , finish , find , practise , escape from , delay , prefer to , give up , admire , enjoy , mind , miss , keep , forgive , admit , deny , consider , be busy , fancy , imagine , require ,只能接to do 的动词: want, would like , ask , tell , order , hope , wish , advise , promise , decide , expect , refuse , offer , pretend , fail , help, afford , allow , plan , intend , happen , invite , remind , prepare , agree , determine , learn , manage, encourage ,punish , warn sb not to do ,既可以接todo , 又可以接doing 的动词: stop , forge


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