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1、中国官职的翻译中共中央总书记 General Secretary, the CPC Central Committee 政治局常委 Member, Standing Committee of Political Bureau, the CPC Central Committee 政治局委员 Member, Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee 书记处书记 Member, secretariat of the CPC Central Committee 中央委员 Member, Central Committee 候补委员 Alternate

2、 Member 省委/市委书记 Secretary,Provincial/Municipal Committee of the CPC 党组书记 secretary, Party Leadership Group 中华人民共和国主席/副主席 President/Vice President, the Peoples Republic of China 全国人大委员长/副委员长 Chairman/Vice Chairman, National Peoples Congress 秘书长 Secretary-General 主任委员 Chairman 委员 Member (地方人大)主任 Chair

3、man, Local Peoples Congress 人大代表 Deputy to the Peoples Congress 国务院总理 Premier, State Council 国务委员 State Councilor 秘书长 Secretary-General (国务院各委员会)主任 Minister in Charge of Commission for (国务院各部)部长 Minister 部长助理 Assistant Minister 司长 Director 局长 Director 省长 Governor 常务副省长 Executive Vice Governor 自治区人民政

4、府主席 Chairman, Autonomous Regional Peoples Government 地区专员 Commissioner, prefecture 香港特别行政区行政长官 Chief Executive, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 市长/副市长 Mayor/Vice Mayor 区长 Chief Executive, District Government 县长 Chief Executive, County Government 乡镇长 Chief Executive, Township Government 秘书长 S

5、ecretary-General 办公厅主任 Director, General Office (部委办)主任 Director 处长/副处长 Division Chief/Deputy Division Chief 科长/股长 Section Chief 科员 Clerk/Officer 发言人 Spokesman 顾问 Adviser 参事 Counselor 巡视员 Inspector/Monitor 特派员 Commissioner 人民法院院长 President, Peoples Courts 人民法庭庭长 Chief Judge, Peoples Tribunals 审判长 Ch

6、ief Judge 审判员 Judge 书记 Clerk of the Court 法医 Legal Medical Expert 法警 Judicial Policeman 人民检察院检察长 Procurator-General, Peoples procuratorates 监狱长 Warden 律师 Lawyer 公证员 Notary Public 总警监 Commissioner General 警监 Commissioner 警督 Supervisor 警司 Superintendent 警员 Constable政府机构翻译(2007-09-04 15:29:10) 转载一、中共哈尔

7、滨市委员会CPC Harbin Committee中共哈尔滨市委办公厅 General Office, CPC Harbin Committee中共哈尔滨市委组织部 Organization Department, CPC Harbin Committee中共哈尔滨市委宣传部 Publicity Department, CPC Harbin Committee哈尔滨市文明办 Harbin Ethics Promotion Office中共哈尔滨市委外宣办 International Publicity Office, CPC Harbin Committee中共哈尔滨市委学理论杂志社 Jour

8、nal of Theory Learning , CPC Harbin Committee中共哈尔滨市委统战部 United Front Work Department, CPC Harbin Committee中共哈尔滨市委台湾工作办公室 Taiwan Affairs Office, CPC Harbin Committee中共哈尔滨市委政法委 Political and Judiciary Commission, CPC Harbin Committee中共哈尔滨市委政策研究室 Policy Research Office, CPC Harbin Committee哈尔滨市直机关工委 Wo

9、rk Committee for Offices Directly under Harbin Municipal Government中共哈尔滨市委老干部局 Retired Senior Officials Affairs Bureau, CPC Harbin Committee中共哈尔滨市委党校 Party School, CPC Harbin Committee中共哈尔滨市委党史研究室 Party History Study Office, CPC Harbin Committee哈尔滨市开发研究咨询委员会 Harbin Development Research and Consultat

10、ion Committee中共哈尔滨市纪律检查委员会 Commission for Discipline Inspection, CPC Harbin Committee中共哈尔滨市纪委办公厅 General office of Commission for Discipline Inspection, CPC Harbin Committee二、哈尔滨市人大常委会Standing Committee of Harbin Peoples Congress哈尔滨市人大常委会办公厅 General Office, Standing Committee of Harbin Peoples Congr

11、ess哈尔滨市人大常委会法制委员会 Legislative Committee, Standing Committee of Harbin Peoples Congress哈尔滨市人大常委会财经委员会 Financial and Economic Affairs Committee, Standing Committee of Harbin Peoples Congress哈尔滨市人大常委会内务司法委员会 Internal and Judicial Affairs Committee, Standing Committee of Harbin Peoples Congress哈尔滨市人大常委会

12、教科文卫委员会 Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee, Standing Committee of Harbin Peoples Congress哈尔滨市人大常委会城建环保委员会 Urban & Rural Construction and Environmental Protection committee, Standing Committee of Harbin Peoples Congress哈尔滨市人大常委会农林委员会 Agriculture and Forestry Committee, Standing C

13、ommittee of Harbin Peoples Congress哈尔滨市人大常委会民宗侨外委员会 Ethnic, Religious, Overseas Chinese and Foreign Affairs Committee, Standing Committee of Harbin Peoples Congress哈尔滨市人大常委会人事和代表联络委员会 Personnel and Deputies Liaison Committee, Standing Committee of Harbin Peoples Congress哈尔滨市人大常委会研究室 Research Office,

14、 Standing Committee of Harbin Peoples Congress哈尔滨市人大常委会法制工作室 Legislative Affairs Office, Standing Committee of Harbin Peoples Congress哈尔滨市人大常委会机关党委 Party Membership Committee, Standing Committee of Harbin Peoples Congress三、政协哈尔滨市委员会The Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference, Harbin Commit

15、tee 或简写为 CPPCC, Harbin Committee哈尔滨市政协办公厅 General Office of CPPCC, Harbin哈尔滨市政协研究室 Research Office of CPPCC, Harbin哈尔滨市政协机关党委 Party Committee of CPPCC, Harbin哈尔滨市政协经济委员会 Economic Affairs Committee of CPPCC, Harbin哈尔滨市政协科教文卫体委员会 Science, Education, Culture, Public Health and Sports Committee of CPPCC, Harbin哈尔滨市政协提案委员会 Proposal Handling Committee of CPPCC, Harbin哈尔滨市政协社会和法制委员会 Social And Legal Affairs Committee of CPPCC, Harbin哈尔滨市政协文史和学习委员会 Learning and Historical & Cultural Data Committee


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