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1、Northwest Corridor Project,AUGUST 11, 2014 Darryl D. VanMeter, P.E. State Innovative Delivery Engineer,1,2,Project Overview,Project length of 29.7 miles Utilizes Public Private Partnership (P3) delivery Design-Build-Finance (DBF) contract of $598.5M Begins at Akers Mill Road and terminates at Hickor

2、y Grove Road on I-75 and Sixes Road on I-575 Two (2) reversible barrier separated express lanes along the west side of I-75 from I-285 to I-575/I-75 interchange One (1) reversible barrier separated express lane in the median on both I-75 and I-575 from the I-75/I-575 interchange,3,Project Overview,S

3、outhbound operations in morning and reverses to northbound operations in evening Six (6) express lane interchanges on I-75; three (3) slip ramp locations on I-575 Dynamic tolls manage volumes in express lanes,4,Northwest Corridor Project Rendering,Barrier separated express lanes on I-75 south of the

4、 I-575 and I-75 interchange,Barrier gate to enter the Northwest Corridor (NWC) express lanes at Roswell Road,5,Northwest Corridor Project Rendering,6,Northwest Corridor Project Rendering,Northbound slip ramp to enter NWC express lanes,Increased travel options between general purpose and express lane

5、s Reliable trip times - travel time savings to range from 5.4 to 43.5 minutes, depending on the trip segment and travel direction* Supports transit service and expansion - transit buses and registered vanpools travel free in the express lanes allowing customers to enjoy the benefits of the express l

6、anes without paying anything beyond the normal transit fare Supports economic growth by improving access to jobs and attracting new businesses to the region and state * Compared to the No-Build Alternative for 2018,7,Project Benefits,8,Project Status,Private sector partner, also known as Developer,

7、is Northwest Express Roadbuilders (NWER) a joint venture of Archer Western and Hubbard Construction Project contract with NWER was executed in November 2013 Design and pre-construction activities underway Construction expected to begin in summer/fall of 2014 Project anticipated to open to traffic in

8、 summer of 2018,9,Innovative Project Delivery,Delivery Options Considered Public-Financed Design-Bid-Build Public-Financed Design-Build Public Private Partnership (P3) Design-Build-Finance (DBF) P3 Design-Build-Operate-Maintain P3 Design-Build-Finance-Operate-Maintain,10,Innovative Project Delivery,

9、Evaluation Factors Project cost Open to traffic Number of contracts Price and date certainty of delivery Potential benefits from private section innovation Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) credit worthiness Lifecycle optimization Private sector term of commitment Risk

10、 allocation to State and Developer Toll rate control after open to traffic,11,Innovative Project Delivery,P3 Design-Build-Finance Selected Provided shortest time for FHWA environmental approval Included single contract approach Avoided coordination risk on GDOT Maximized innovation Least cost for ov

11、erall project management and overhead Allowed for design-construction innovation and cost savings via implementation of Alternative Technical Concepts (ATCs) Maximize cost and risk sharing State maintains control to set toll rate Developer financing Allows flexibility in GDOT program finances and de

12、lay debt issuance,12,Innovative Project Delivery,First P3 DBF project for GDOT Sophisticated procurement required technical, legal, and financial expertise in P3 Enhanced collaboration with industry to ensure procurement transparency and contract clarity Proposers reviewed draft DBF documents Extens

13、ive one-on-one meetings with each proposer Procurement goals Keep construction cost low by inviting innovations Select the “right” team Let procurement work for GDOT,13,Innovative Project Delivery,Technical Advisor Magnitude of project and innovation placed additional challenges on overall decision

14、making requiring collaboration of multiple GDOT Divisions with Technical Advisor to obtain technical recommendations and develop technical contract documents Legal Advisor Typically provided internally, however development of new DBF contract and extent of potential risk required outside experience

15、from a firm with previous P3 experience Financial Advisor GDOTs first privately funded project prompted retaining of a financial firm with expertise in P3,14,Project Procurement,Alternative Technical Concept (ATC) process Confidential process that allowed for innovations and project savings (ATCs ar

16、e proposer requested deviations from contract requirements) Developer financing at 10% of design-build-finance contract cost Design-build approach reduced utility relocation costs GDOT initiated ROW activities during procurement phase to accelerate start of construction First use of a web-based project management system Design submittal review, contract change request, monthly invoice review, noncompliance management, co



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