Confucian Cultural Pattern 儒家文化

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《Confucian Cultural Pattern 儒家文化》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Confucian Cultural Pattern 儒家文化(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 Confucian Cultural Pattern,Basic Confucian Beliefs,Man is good, if good examples are set for him Filial Piety - devotion, loyalty to family Obedience and respect for authority,Some basic features,Comes to be and develops in a condition of conflict and social dissolution Emphasis on the family

2、 as a pillar of social stability Becomes the dominant philosophy (ideology) in China after 136 CE Influence on Chinese (and East-Asian) culture can hardly be overstated,Key Principles of Confucian Teaching,1. Social order and stability are based on unequal relations between people,Five Key Relations

3、hips,Ruler and Subject (justice and loyalty) Husband and Wife (initiative and obedience) Parent and Child (love and filial piety) Older and Younger Sibling (friendliness and reverence) Friends (mutual faithfulness) Unequal Relationships (Kow Tow) 君臣有义,父子有亲,夫妻有别,长幼有序,朋友有信,Key Principles of Confucian

4、Teaching,2. Family is prototype of all social relations. “If the other is older than twice ones age, one must treat him like a father; if the other is older than within ten years, one must treat him like ones elder brother; if the other is not older than five years, one can walk with him a minor dis

5、tance to show respect.”,Confucian TEACHING,Family is the pillar of the country and the society. 国家 (guojia)= state + family 国 = nation 家 = family,Confucius believed that if people performed their familial roles properly, they would perform their roles in society and government properly. As the song

6、goes: Family is the smallest state and the state is made up of thousands of families.,Parallel between family and state,Key Principles of Confucian Teaching,3. Proper social behavior consists of not treating others as you would not like to be treated yourself.,More Confucian Virtues,己所不欲,勿施于人。 Recip

7、ricity The Golden Rule: “Do not do to others what you would not want others to do to you.” Li (rites, ritual) the inherent “pattern” in things For Confucius, Li is especially significant in a social context propriety or etiquette, the “pattern” of humane behavior,Core values/virtues of Confucianism,

8、Humanity“, “benevolence” to others, ren 仁 (6.23) Righteousness or loyalty to your friends, yi 义 Rituals, manners or Customsrather than laws, li 礼 (2.3) Wisdom, 智 Credit or trustworthiness 信,Another virtue-FILIAL PIETY “A Son should not stray far from his parents while they are alive . ” Parents, whe

9、n alive, should be served according to ritual; when dead, they should be buried according to ritual; they should be sacrificed to according to ritual.“,An important belife-Harmony,Active harmony, he In harmony with nature In harmony with others Harmony without uniformity,Confucianism,A political and

10、 social philosophy seeking social harmony on all levels: Within the self the family the community .the state the nation the world the cosmos Learning from the past to improve the future,The emphasis on education 学,Process of education never ends (Xunzi 1.1) Education means improving ones “humanity”,

11、 becoming “more human” Self-cultivation (xiushen 修身) Leads to profound sense of responsibility what you are is not only your self,The Great Learning (Daxue 大学),Self Family country World,Ultimate aim of Confucianism,Self-transformation of individuals, transcend egotistic desires and aspirations A har

12、monious society of civilized, educated individuals. To expand the social awareness beyond the borders of ones local society world peace and harmony of diverse elements.,Confucianism - Texts,The “Five Classics” (of the past): I-Ching The Book of History (Shu Ching) The Book of Poems (Shih Ching) The

13、Spring and Autumn Annals (Chun Chiu) The Book of Rituals (Li Chi) The “Four Books” (Confucian) Analects (Lun Yu) Doctrine of the Mean The Great Learning The Book of Mencius (Meng-Tzu),Is Confucianism a religion? No -Confucianism is not a religion but a set of practical principles and ethical rules f

14、or daily life. But I said Confucianism, without being a religion can take the place of religionConfucianism can give the mass of mankind the same sense of security and permanence which religion afford them. -Ku Hongming, The spirit of Chinese People.,Confucianism as a Religion,Deification of Confuci

15、us - statues Confucian Temples honoring Confucius Veneration of the ancestors Rituals within the household the village the state the nation,“Work hard when you are young or regret it when you are old” “Women and peasants are hard. Be too intimate with them and they will not respect you. Be too dista

16、nt and they will resent you”,More Teachings of Confucius,Confucius said: “If the Ruler is upright, then the People will be upright”. The emperors role was like that of a father: he would love his subjects as if they were his children, and they in turn would show loyalty and respect for him.,Remember the Mandate of Heaven? What were signs that a ruler was NOT upright and had lost the Mandate?,Impact of Confucianism,After his death, Confucius disciples wro


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