new_2019高考总复习优化设计1轮英语人教课时规范练38(选修8 Unit 3)(附答案).doc

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《new_2019高考总复习优化设计1轮英语人教课时规范练38(选修8 Unit 3)(附答案).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《new_2019高考总复习优化设计1轮英语人教课时规范练38(选修8 Unit 3)(附答案).doc(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课时规范练38(选修8Unit 3).阅读理解A(2018山东平阴第一中学第三次月考)Its up there right now,flying about 340 miles above the earth.Its a telescope in the sky.Its called the Hubble Space Telescope.The telescope itself is not really much to look at.If you could see it right now,you might think its just a big bucket with two so

2、lar arms.Its about the size of a school bus and weighs about as much as two elephants.But that silver bucket is pure gold for astronomers.It has made such a big impact that NASA,the space agency that takes amazing pictures,calls Hubble the most important advance in astronomy since Galileos telescope

3、.Hubble didnt win high marks in the beginning.It was launched on April 24,1990,aboard the space shuttle Discovery from Kennedy Space Center,Florida.The next day it was released into space,but scientists soon realized there was a big problem.The telescopes primary mirror had a flaw (瑕疵).Hubble became

4、 a late-night talk show joke.But in December of 1993 shuttle Endeavour astronauts repaired the telescope.The late-night joke stopped.So why is Hubble so special?Because its on what NASA calls the ultimate mountaintop.Sitting high above the earth,far away from our light-polluted cities and hovering (

5、盘旋) far away from clouds and storms,Hubble has a good view of the universe.Scientists have used it to make observations about planets,stars,galaxies and to show parts of our universe we didnt know.The telescope has made more than 1 million observations and astronomers have used Hubble data in more t

6、han 12,700 scientific papers,making it one of the most productive scientific instruments ever built.Eventually,Hubble will stop working.NASA hopes to use a space shuttle to bring it home for a museum exhibit.Now,it seems that NASA will have to come up with a plan to help its superstar telescope come

7、 back to the earth and fall into the sea.Hubble fans hope that date is far in the future,but NASA already has plans to send up a new space-based instrument,the James Webb Space Telescope,in 2018.1.What does the Hubble Space Telescope look like?A.A school bus.B.A heavy elephant.C.A bucket.D.A long ar

8、m.2.Why did the Hubble Space Telescope become a late-night joke?A.It had a flaw in its primary mirror.B.It was launched in Florida.C.It appeared on a talk show.D.It took the amazing pictures.3.What do the scientists think of the Hubble Space Telescope?A.Effective and useful.B.Special and strange.C.A

9、ncient and helpless.D.Interesting and funny.4.Where will the Hubble Space Telescope stay in the end?A.In the sea.B.In a museum.C.In outer space.D.On the mountaintop.导学号23280151B(2018福建福州八县一中第二次月考) Three Chilean students got the idea for a plant-powered device to charge their cellphones,while sitting

10、 in their schools outdoor courtyard during a break from exams,with dead mobile phones.Then,one of them had an “aha” moment.“It occurred to Camila to say about plants,” said inventor Evelyn Aravena.“There are so many plants and living things that have the potential to produce energy;why dont they hav

11、e a charging outlet?”Their invention a small biological circuit (生物电路板) called E-Kaiatakes advantage of the energy plants produce during photosynthesis (光合作用).A plant uses only a small amount of that energythe rest goes into the soil,and thats where the E-Kaia collects it.The device literally plugs

12、into the ground and then into your phone.“They brought the prototype;the prototype workedand thats when it all changed.Its the most amazing project Ive ever seen in my life,plain and simple,but it was transformational.And I began to support them,” said Mauricio Cifuentes of Duoc University.The devic

13、e solved two problems for the engineering studentsthey needed an idea for a class project and an outlet to plug in their phones.“Looking for a place to charge the mobile phones and the notebook that had no energy,we werent able to find anything because all the other students were in the same state o

14、f madness trying to find a place to charge their devices,” said Aravena.But plants are everywhere,and the biological circuit uses their excess power.“There is a complete energy cycle of the plant.We decided to incorporate into the cycle,and then we would not affect the plants growth.The biological c

15、ircuit makes an acquisition and that is transformed into energy to later make charges for low consumption,” said inventor Camila Rupcich.The E-Kaia doesnt carry much charge,but its powerful enough to completely recharge a mobile phone in less than two hours.The student inventors have applied for pat

16、ent on their technology,and expect the E-Kaia to go on sale in December.5.According to the text,the E-Kaia .A.should be put into a mobile phoneB.may slightly affect the plants growthC.collects the energy plants produce from the soilD.consumes several hours to charge a mobile phone6.The underlined word “prototype” in Para.4 can be replaced by “”.A.original mod


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