四川省宜宾市一中2017-2018学年度高中英语上学期第5周模块三(第2课时)课文语言知识点教学设计 新人教版必修1

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四川省宜宾市一中2017-2018学年度高中英语上学期第5周模块三(第2课时)课文语言知识点教学设计 新人教版必修1_第1页
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四川省宜宾市一中2017-2018学年度高中英语上学期第5周模块三(第2课时)课文语言知识点教学设计 新人教版必修1_第2页
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四川省宜宾市一中2017-2018学年度高中英语上学期第5周模块三(第2课时)课文语言知识点教学设计 新人教版必修1_第3页
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四川省宜宾市一中2017-2018学年度高中英语上学期第5周模块三(第2课时)课文语言知识点教学设计 新人教版必修1_第4页
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四川省宜宾市一中2017-2018学年度高中英语上学期第5周模块三(第2课时)课文语言知识点教学设计 新人教版必修1_第5页
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《四川省宜宾市一中2017-2018学年度高中英语上学期第5周模块三(第2课时)课文语言知识点教学设计 新人教版必修1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四川省宜宾市一中2017-2018学年度高中英语上学期第5周模块三(第2课时)课文语言知识点教学设计 新人教版必修1(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module3课题必修1模块三(第2课时) 课文语言知识点课时1授课班级考点、知识点文章中出现的重点短语和语言知识点学习目标1. 掌握阅读文章中出现的重点短语和语言点的用法。2. 学会分析句子和归纳总结知识点。重、难点1. 重点:重点短语和语言点的理解和运用;2. 难点:句子的分析和知识点的归纳;学习内容学生活动Teaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语abandoned, desert, colorful, farm, fields, seaside, soil, diamond, midnight, scenery, shoo

2、t, journey, get out of, be short for, refer tob. 重点句式 P23We got on in . and we got off in ., right in the middle of Australia. We saw abandoned farms which were. During the day, I sat and looked out of ., and sometimes talked to. 2. Ability goals 能力目标Enable the Ss to describe the first ride experien

3、ce in their life.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the Ss learn how to express the first ride experience in their life.Teaching important points 教学重点Deal with the questions in Activity 4 on P24.Teaching difficult points 教学难点Enable the Ss to find the clues of the writers first ride on a train.Teachi

4、ng methods 教学方法Asking and answering activity, reading and discussing.Teaching aids 教具准备A tape recorder, a projector and a computer.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step I RevisionGreet the class as usual and check the homework. Step II Lead-inT: As we know, with the development of tourism, travel b

5、ecomes very convenient and it has become a very important part in peoples life. Many people travel everywhere during the holiday. Today Ill take you to a beautiful country Australia.Show the pictures about Australia on the screen. Ask the Ss to say one or two sentences about Australia. Then ask them

6、 some questions about Australia.T: Boys and girls now please look at the three pictures and say something about Australia.S1: Australia lies in the South Pacific Ocean.S2: The flag shows the UK flag and a large star with seven points. The other stars on the flag represent the Southern Cross.S3: Aust

7、ralia is the only country in the world that covers an entire continent.S4: The most famous animal is the Kangaroo. It has become the symbol of Australia.S5: Australia has more sheep than people, so it is a country built on the backs of sheep.T: Quite right. Now Id like you to answer the following qu

8、estions on the screen. After answering these questions, youll learn more about Australia.Show the following questions on the screen:1. How many people live in Australia?2. Whats the capital city of Australia?3. Where do you think most of the People live, in the central part of the country or on the

9、coast?4. What do you think the central part of the country is like?5. What Australian animals do you know about?Sample answers:1. About 19 million. Most of Australians live in the six major cities around the coast.2. The capital city of Australia is Canberra.3. Because two thirds of the country is d

10、ry and desert, most of the people live on the coast.4. I think there are many farms in the central part of the country, where farmers raise sheep and cattle.5. In Australia, the most famous animals are kangaroos and koala bears. There are also many varieties of parrots, and over 140 different types

11、of snakes.Step III ReadingT: Before we read the text, lets look at the words in Activity 2 on P22. Match some of the words in the box with the 6 definitions. If you are not sure, you can turn to your dictionary for help.Check the answers after the Ss finish it. T: Look at the picture on P23. Where i

12、s the train heading? And where does the story take place? Now read the passage quickly and get a general idea about it.A few minutes later.T: Whats the passage about?S1: Its about Alices traveling to the central part of Australia. It was her first ride on a long-distance train. She described her jou

13、rney and the scenery she saw on the way.T: You are quite right. Now please read the text again and find the answers to the questions in Activity 4 on P24. Sample answers:1. Recently Alice traveled on a long-distance train.2. Her destination was the central part of Australia.3. The scenery was not th

14、e same during the whole journey. For the first few hundred kilometers of the journey, the scenery was colorful; after that, it was desert; and then they saw abandoned farms which were built long time ago.4 She read books and listened to her Chinese cassettes while she was on the train.5. The Austral

15、ians used camels to travel to the central part of the country.6. They dont use camels to deliver goods now. They use railway instead.T: All of you did a good job. Do you still remember the passage we heard in last period? It was about the mans first long-distance flight.Ss: Yes. The man in the passa

16、ge came across many kinds of bad things on the way to Singapore from the very beginning to the end. When he finally reached the destination, it was l2 hours later. So he felt the journey was very boring. T: Very good. For todays reading passage, what did the writer think of her first journey? Did she enjoy h



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