2020人教版PEP英语六年级上册Unit 5 测试提优卷

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1、全优卷2020人教版PEP英语六年级上册Unit 5 测试 提优卷五、判断每组单词画线部分的发音是(T)否(F)相同。( )1.A.worker B.officer C.computer( )2.A.coach B.boat C.window( )3.A.gym B.type C.university( )4.A.sports B.word C.work( )5.A.cleaner B.teacher C.healthy六、选词填空,补全句子。If after to at of1. My father often takes me_the school.2._you can type quic

2、kly, you can be a secretary.3. Hu Bin is good_playing football.4. My uncle works at sea. He sees lots_fish every day.5. He often goes running_school.七、选词填空,补全短文。kind farmers hospital police officer beby bus hobbies puzzles work plantingHello! Im Li Ling. Im from China. I want to 1. _ your friend. My

3、2._ are playing chess, collecting stamps and doing word 3._There are five people in my family. My grandparents are 4. _. They 5. _ on a farm. They like 6. _ vegetables and flowers. My father is a 7._. But he isnt strict. He is 8. _. My mother is a doctor. She works in a big 9._. She goes to work 10.

4、 _. Im a pupil. I go to school by bike. What about your family? Can you tell me?八.读对话 .相应的问句或答语 .使对话合理、通顺.1. Amy:Look, your brother looks so strong. _ Tom:He is a coach.2. Jenny:Your father has a healthy life._Tim:He goes to work by bike every day.3. Bob:My uncle is a fisherman. Anna:Really? _ Bob:H

5、e works at sea.4. Lily:I like using computers. Mike:Wonderful! _Lily:I want to be a secretary.5. John:Jack is good at sports. Sarah:What can he be? John:_九、阅读短文,回答问题。Hello, everyone. My name is Bob. There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and me. My father is tall and stro

6、ng. He likes doing sports and surfing on the Internet. He works in a gym. He likes his job very much.My mother is very pretty. She has long black hair. She is a teacher. She teaches English in our school. She teaches very well and she is very kind to her students.Everyone in our school likes her ver

7、y much.I am a student.1 like playing computer games and reading books. When my teacher asks me what l want to be in the future,I have nothing to tell her, because I dont know what l want to be. But when I see a good movie about teachers, I know the answer. My dream is to be a teacher, just like my d

8、ear mother.1. How many people are there in Bobs family?_2. Where does Bobs father work?_3. What does Bobs mother teach?_4. What are Bobs hobbies?_5. What is Bobs dream job?_十、书面表达。先仿照示例写出文中动词的第三人称单数形式,再用第三人称改写短文。My name is Sam.I live in the UK.I have many hobbies.1 like doing kung fuand cooking Chin

9、ese food.I also like playing basketball and going hiking.I often go to school on foot.I think its good for health.I do homework after dinner every day.I like science, so I usually read science books before sleeping.I study very hard and l want to work in a university in the future.live lives_ _ _ _

10、_ _ _ _His name is Sam. He lives in the UK._答案五. 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F六. 1. to 2. If 3. at 4. of 5. after七. 1. be 2. hobbies 3. puzzles 4. farmers 5. work 6. planting 7. police officer 8. kind 9. hospital 10. by bus八. 1. What does he do? 2. How does he go to work every day? 3. Where does he work?

11、 4. What do you want to be?5.示例 : He can be a coach.九 . 1. There are three people in Bobs family. 2. He works in a gym. 3. She teaches English. 4. He likes playing computer games and reading books. 5. A teacher.十. havehas likelikes gogoes thinkthinks dodoes readreads studystudies wantwants示例 : His n

12、ame is Sam. He lives in the UK. He has many hobbies. He likes doing kung fu and cooking Chinese food. He also likes playing basketball and going hiking. He often goes to school on foot. He thinks its good for health. He does homework after dinner every day. He likes science, so he usually reads science books before sleeping. He studies very hard and he wants to work in a university in the future.



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