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1、ENGLISH FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS Friendship Relationships: Friends and Acquaintances Written to enhance communication between individuals learning to speak English and English- speaking natives, this handbook uses the subject areas of U.S. culture and cross- cultural communication as a vehicle for lear

2、ning English. Intended to help readers understand and adapt to American culture and to cultural differences affecting their communication with American English speakers. About the book Deena Levine has been a consultant in cross-cultural communication for over ten years, having built her career on h

3、er earlier work in the TEFL/TESL field. She conducts workshops, seminars, and courses in cross- cultural awareness and skills for teachers, social service providers, and business people. Ms. Levine has also co- authored a second ESL/EFL text: The Culture Puzzle: Cross-Cultural Communication for Engl

4、ish as a Second Language(1987). She is currently working on a book dealing with the challenges of managing multicultural law enforcement. About the authors Mara Adelman is an assistant professor in the Department of Communication Studies at Northwestern University in Chicago. Her primary research in

5、terests are in the use of social support systems in coping with stress and adapting to change. She is co-author of the book Communicating Social Support (1987). Her review on social support and adaptation was published in the International Journal for Intercultural Relations (1988). Ms. Adelman was

6、awarded an Interculturalist Award by the Society for Intercultural Education, Training, and Research for her contribution to this field. E.g. 1) Parents give their children much love and affection.父母对孩子的爱. 习惯用语 fix ones affections upon sb.钟情于某人 gain sb.s affection affections 得到某人的爱 情 win sb.s affect

7、ion affections 得到某人的爱 情 have an affection for深爱着 1. affection a feeling of liking for a person or place友爱, 爱情, 影响 , 疾病, 倾向 E.g. 1)Ive taken on too many commitments. 我承担的义务太多了。 2) He doesnt want to get married because he is afraid of any commitments. “他不想结婚,因为他害怕承担任何责任。“ 2. commitment something that

8、you must do or deal with that takes your time承诺;责任; E.g. 1) The police are pursuing an escaped prisoner. 警方正在追捕一个在逃的犯人。 2) She pursued the study of English for five years. 她持续不断地学了五年英语。 3)The ship continued to pursue a northern course. 船继续向北航行。 3. pursue to follow someone or something, usually to tr

9、y to catch or kill them追随;跟随; E.g. reveal a mystery secret 揭露一个秘密 reveal ones identity 揭示身分 4. reveal to make known or show something that is surprising or that was previously secret展现, 显示, 揭示, 暴露 E.g. 1) That bird is very rare in this country. 那种鸟在这个国家很稀有。 2) Jasper White is one of those rare peopl

10、e who believes in ancient myths. 贾斯珀.怀特是那些少有的相信古代神话 的人之一。 a rare bird 珍禽 rare metals稀有金属 5. rare not seen or found very often, or not happening very often稀有, 杰出的, 珍贵的, (肉类)半熟的 E.g. 1) When talking about the older people or older generation, we often say they are very conservative in their consciousn

11、ess. 一提到老人或老一代,我们常说他们的意识保守 2)The researchers made a conservative guess at the population of Tokyo. 研究人员对东京的人口作了一项保守的估计。 rightist conservative ideas右倾保守思想 Conservative party(英国的)保守党 6. conservative tending not to like or trust change, especially sudden change保守的, 守旧的 E.g. 1) The mobile medical team w

12、ill soon be here. 巡回医疗队不久就要到这儿来。 2) People these days are much more geographically mobile. 如今的人们流动性很快 7. mobile able to move freely or be easily moved可移动的, 易变 的, 机动的 E.g. 1)He struck me with a stick. 他用棍子打我。 2) An idea suddenly struck me. 我心中忽然产生一个念头。 3) The workers are on strike. 工人们在罢工。 4) They st

13、ruck up after meeting at a party. 晚会后他们 开始结交 1. Strike up交谈起来,结交起来 E.g. 1) The young scientists encountered many difficulties during their exploration. 年轻的科学家们在探险期间遇到了许多 困难。 2)my first encounter with Mary 3)One rainy night, the policeman encountered with a gang of smugglers 在一个雨夜,那个警察正好碰上一伙走私 犯。 2.

14、encounter with 偶遇 E.g. 1) He is down at the end of the garden. 他在花园的尽头的那边。 2)The battle ended in a victory. 战争以胜利而结束。 3)Wasteful people usually end up in debt. 挥霍浪费者最后往往负债。 4)He ended up head of the firm.他最后 成了商行的主管人。 3. end up 以结束,结果为 E.g. 1) The car broke down halfway to the camp. 车子在去营地的半路上抛锚了。 2

15、) The crowd started to break up when the night fell. 天快黑时人群开始散开了。 3) The company top meeting didnt break up until midnight. 公司高层会议到半夜才结束。 4) He may break up under all this pressure. 在这么大的压力下他可能会崩溃。 4. break up (突然)结束 E.g. 1) Mary was attached to her brother. 玛丽很喜爱她的弟弟。 2) I am very attached to that

16、old picture. 我很喜欢那幅旧画。 3) He attached his horse to a tree. 他将马栓在树上。 4) The hospital is attached to that university. 这医院附属于那所大学。 5) He attached labels to all his bags. 他在所有的袋子上都系上标签。 5.attach to依恋;喜欢;系,连结 Since 介词,自以来; 自以后 E.g. 1) I have been there many times since the war. 自那次战争以来,我曾去该地多次。 2) “Since then, he has developed another bad habit.“ “自那以后,它养成了另一种环习惯。“ 3) “Since then, they have been trying to find out how the fire began.“ “自那时以来,他们一直在设法查明起火的原因。“ 1. A friend


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