高中英语 unit 2 section 3 using language课件 新人教版选修8

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1、Cloning Unit 2 Section Using Language Unit 2 课堂要点探究2 课堂达标验收3 课后强化作业 4 课前新知预习1 课前新知预习 .词汇过关 1_ (v.) 打;撞击;罢工 _ (过去式 )_ (过去分词) 2_ (adj.)虚荣的;自负的;徒 劳的_ (n.)自负;虚荣心;无意 义 3_ (vt.)抵抗、对抗_ (n.)_ (adj.) 4_ (adv.)仅;只;不过 _ (adj.) 5_ (n.)装饰_ (vt.) 6_ (vt.)崇拜;爱慕;喜爱 _ (n.)崇拜者;赞美者;热爱 者 strikestruck struck/stricken va

2、in vanity resistresistanceresistant merelymere decorationdecorate adoreadorer 7_ (adj.)合情理的;讲道理的 ;公道的_(n.)理由;道理 8_ (n.)假定;设想 _ (v.) 9_ (vi.)退休_ (n.) retirementretire assumeassumption reason reasonable .短语自查 1end in failure_ 2look back on_ 3develop a disease_ 4put sth. to sleep_ 5(be) bound to (do) _

3、 6strike. into ones heart_ 7用/对某物进行实验 _ 8不时,偶尔_ 9使复生;使复活_ bring back to life from time to time experiment with/on sth 以失败告终 回顾 患病 使(动物)无痛苦地死去 一定或注定(做) 使刻骨铭心 10白费力气;枉费心机_ 11把传给 _ 12状况很好(坏);情况很好(坏 )_ in good/poor condition pass on.to. in vain .经典句式 1Diversity in a group means having animals _ _. 群体的多样

4、性是指这群动物的基因要以不同 的方式排列。 2So _ _ is merely a dream! 所以说恐龙回归地球的可能性仅仅 是个梦想 罢了! 3It _ unfair to clone any extinct animals if they _ to live in a zoo. 任何绝种的动物,如果一经克隆便注定要生 活在动物园里的话,那是不公平的。 答案:1.with their genes arranged in different ways 2.the chances of dinosaurs ever returning to the earth 3.would be; wer

5、e .语篇理解 Read the text and choose the best answer according to the text 1. The writer of the text_. Ais excited by the possibility of cloning fierce and extinct animals Bbelieves that extinct animals can be brought back to life by cloning Cthinks it impossible or unsuitable to clone extinct animals l

6、ike dinosaurs Ddreams of dinosaurs returning to the earth 2The film Jurassic Park is popular because_. Apeople are interested in the subject of cloning Ball the actors are dinosaurs Cit was directed by a scientist who clones dinosaurs Dit proves very interesting 3Which of the following is TRUE? A. M

7、ice were cloned in 1981. B. Dolly the sheep was the first cloned animal. C. The name of the cloned cow is “Bison” D. China was successful in cloning twin calves. 4The reasons why a group of cloned animals all die of the same illness do NOT include_. Athey have the same arrangement of genes Bthere is

8、nt enough diversity in the group for them to overcome illnesses Cthe illness is a new one Dtheir arrangement of genes cannot resist that new disease 答案:14.CADC 课堂要点探究 1.strike v. however, it is still an open question whether it is fair or not to animals. Some people are in favour of animal testing.

9、They think it is vital for modern science and medicine. Scientific progress is impossible without animal testing. We will not have a lot of new drugs if animal testing is forbidden. Others are against animal testing.When animals die during the experiment,no one is to blame. It is cruel and unfair to

10、 animals. In my opinion,although animal testing is cruel, it is essential. Only by doing animal testing can scientists develop new kinds of medicine to save people from painful diseases and death. But we must control the number of animals used in the scientific research. 课堂达标验收 .单词拼写 1Do you think i

11、ts_(合情理的) to expect people to work more than 60 hours a week? 2He couldnt_(抗拒) showing off his new car. 3So the chance of dinosaurs ever returning to the earth is_(仅) a dream. 4She was punished for driving above the_(规定) speed. 5The problem has been_(困扰) me for weeks. 6They have just finished the_(装

12、 饰) of the bathroom. 7Every servant will_(退休) from his position at the age of 60. 8Many cases are handled without strictly following legal_(程序) in China. 9The teacher is capable of making complicated problems_(简单 ) for the students to accept easily. 10_(反对) to smoking is taken by most people. 答案:1.r

13、easonable 2.resist 3.merely 4.regulation 5bothering 6.decoration 7.retire 8.procedure 9straightforward 10.Objection .选词填空 1To avoid accidents,its important to check that all your tools are_before starting. 2All the doctors efforts were_and the man soon died. 3_a helicopter flew by,but mostly the sky remained clear. 4If you worked hard,you should_succeed. 5My father died last yearI wish I could_him_. 6Such a mistake would perhaps_disastrous consequences. 7Many people_starvation during famines every year. 8She_that no



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