人教版高中英语 必修五 unit4_using language

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《人教版高中英语 必修五 unit4_using language》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版高中英语 必修五 unit4_using language(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit4 Making the news,Extensive Reading,good news,bad news,the false news,Lead-in Question: How do you learn about news everyday?,Listening to radio,Watching TV,Surfing the Internet,Reading magazines,Reading newspapers,Covering news,As a reporter, Zhou Yang was eager to get a scoop. Now comes the ch

2、ance. Lets go to the text “ Getting the Scoop”,I. Translate the following words and phrases into English. 1. 主编 2. 独家新闻 3. 新闻文字编辑 4. 国际新闻编辑部,chief editor,scoop,news desk editor,International News Department,5.头版新闻 6.主标题 7.胶片 8.技术编辑,front page article,main heading,film negatives,copy-editor,Read the

3、text and try to get the main idea of it. The passage tells us the of and for,Scanning (fast reading),process,writing,printing,a newspaper article.,Careful reading Read the text and answer the following questions 1.What is a scoop? 2.What is the scoop about? 3.How many people read his article before

4、it was ready to be processed into the film negative (底片)? Who were they?,1. What is a scoop?,It means an important story which your newspaper gets ahead of all the other newspapers.,The scoop tells about a famous film star, who has done something wrong but has been lying.,2. What is the scoop about?

5、,3.How many people read his article before it was ready to be processed into the film negative (底片)? Who were they?,Five people: a senior editor the copy-editor the native speaker the chief editor the news desk editor,资深的编辑,技术编辑,母语为英语的编辑,主编,新闻文字编辑,have an interview and write the story.,the reporter:

6、,check the evidence and read the article.,edit the piece,the copy-editor:,design the main headline,& smaller heading.,polish the style.,read it and approved it.,Work on all stories and photos till all the pages were set .,All the information was processed into film negatives.,one last check the page

7、 The first edition was published.,a senior editor:,the news desk editor:,the native speaker:,the chief editor:,The process of writing and printing an article.,1.,1You go to an to get the information for your story2. You do some research to see if the story is true or not3. You begin to using notes f

8、rom the interview4. You give the article to to and to do editing. .,interview,write the story,a senior editor,check,copy editor,Work out the process of writing and printing an article.,5. The article is given to to check the use of English and improve the style 6. The article is by the chief editor7. All the stories and photos are set and the color negatives for the printing are made ready. The first of the newspaper is made. . .,a native speaker,checked/approved,edition,Thank you,


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