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1、Lesson 69 But not murder,New words and expressions,murder m:d n. 谋杀 instruct instrkt v. 命令,指示 acquire kwai v. 取得,获得 confidence knfidns n. 信心 examiner igzmin n. 考官 suppose spuz v. 假设 tap tp v. 轻敲 react rikt v. 反应 brake breik n. 刹车 pedal pedl n. 踏板 mournful m:nfl adj. 悲哀的,murder 1). n. be guilty of mu

2、rder 谋杀罪 murder will out 纸包不住火 homicide hmisaid 杀人(犯) manslaughter mnslt(r)过失杀人 massacre msk 大屠杀 assassinate ssineit 暗杀 poison 毒杀 suffocate sfkeit窒息而死 hang 绞死 2). v. 谋杀 我确信他 谋杀了那个人 I am sure he murdered that man. murderer murderess,instruct 1). v. 指导,向下命令 tell 日常用语,运用广泛,语气不强 order 语气较强,有权威者用来指示别人服从

3、instruct & direct 用于客观、公事场合,对需要采取的行动准确说明 command 用于军事场合 The officer commanded his men to fire. 2). v. 教授,传授 instruct sb. in instructor 教员,教练,指导员 instruction C命令,指示 U 传授,指导,acquire 1). (靠努力或行为)获得 gain 获得自信 acquire confidence 2). 学得,养成(习惯) 养成抽烟的习惯 acquire a habit of smoking acquisition kwizin n.获得, 所获

4、之物, 收购,confidence n. have/lose confidence in sb./ sth. 他充满信心地回答问题 He answered the questions with confidence . I have every confidence that I can manage it be full of confidence 充满信心 confident adj. 有信心的, 有把握的 confident of sth. confident that 我肯定你能得到那份工作 Im confident that youll get the job. 他确信会达到目标 H

5、e was confident of achieving his aim.,examine v. 1). 调查,检查,研讨 我们的行李在机场进行了安检 We had our suitcases examined at the airport. 2). 测验 I examined the students in English on the previous lessons. 3). 诊察(看病) examiner 主考人 examinee被考人,suppose 1). 假设 假设你是总经理,在那种情况下你会怎么做 Suppose that youre the general manager,

6、what will you do on that occasion. 2). 认为 think, expect be supposed to 理应,应该 他应该准时在那 He is supposed to be there on time,tap. 1). v. knock gently tap at/on sth. tap sb. on the shoulder 2). n. 敲击声,水龙头 turn on/off tap tap water 自来水 mineral- water 矿泉水,react 1). react to sb./sth 当地居民对这一消息表示愤怒 Local resid

7、ents have reacted angrily to the news. 我花了很长时间才反应过来 It took me a long time to react. The market reacted by falling a further two points. 股市的反应是再下跌两个百分点 2). 化学反应 reactant 化学反应物 nuclear reactor 核反应堆,brake 1). n. 刹车、制动器 put on the brakes 踩刹车 2). v. 刹车 当狗跑上马路的时候,司机采取了急刹车。 The driver braked hard as the d

8、og ran onto the road. 她不得不猛踩刹车,以免撞上前面的车。 She had to brake hard to avoid running into the car in front.,pedal 1). n. 踏板 a brake pedal 刹车踏板 她猛踩刹车踏板。 She pressed her foot down sharply on the brake pedal. 2). v. 踩踏板,骑 骑自行车 pedal a bicycle 一个男孩骑车走了。 A boy pedaled away on his bicycle.,mournful adj. 悲恸的, 令

9、人惋惜的, 悲哀的 她脸上呈现出悲恸的神情。 There was a mournful look on her face. 他用悲恸的语气说。 He said in a mournful voice. mourn v. 感到悲痛 mourn for/over sb./sth. 人民哀悼他们被杀害的领袖 The people mourned for their slain leader. 她为她独生子的死而哀痛 She mourned over the death of her only son. mourner 哀悼者,But not murder,I was being tested for

10、 a driving licence for the third time. I had been asked to drive in heavy traffic and had done so successfully. After having been instructed to drive out of town, I began to acquire confidence. Sure that I had passed, I was almost beginning to enjoy my test. The examiner must have been pleased with

11、my performance, for he smiled and said, Just one more thing, Mr. Eames. Let us suppose that a child suddenly crosses the road in front of you.,As soon as I tap on the window, you must stop within five feet. I continued driving and after some time, the examiner tapped loudly, Though the sound could b

12、e heard clearly, it took me a long time to react. I suddenly pressed the brake pedal and we were both thrown forward. The examiner looked at me sadly. Mr. Eames, he said, in a mournful voice, you have just killed that child!,I was being tested for a driving licence for the third time. drivers licenc

13、e 驾照 practice licence 营业执照 licence plate (美)车牌 number plate(英)车牌 test 1)v. 测验,检查 我最好是检查一下眼睛 Id better have my eyes tested. 2)n. 考试,试验,检查, Their affection has stood the test of time. have a test drive 试车 test match国际锦标赛,I had been asked to drive in heavy traffic and had done so successfully. heavy ad

14、j. 大量的,多的,密集的 heavy traffic 交通流量很大,交通拥挤 这条路的交通比另一边的拥挤。 Traffic is heavier on this road than on the other side. traffic jam堵车 traffic lights, traffic signals 红绿灯 traffic circle(AE) roundabout(BE)转盘道,环形路口 heavy adj. 阴沉的 He had a heavy, sullen face. 重的 He dumped the heavy suitcases by the door. (因油腻而)

15、难消化的 I felt so full after that heavy meal.,drive 1)v.驾驶 Can you drive me home/to the station? The death of her son drove her mad. Failure drove him to suicide. 2)n. 路程,车程 到车站只有几分钟车程。 Its only a few minutes drive to the station.,After having been instructed to drive out of town, I began to acquire co

16、nfidence. Sure that I had passed, I was almost beginning to enjoy my test. The examiner must have been pleased with my performance, for he smiled and said, must have been表示对过去的事情的猜测 be pleased with 对满意 他对我的进步很满意 He was pleased with my progress. 她似乎很满意他来了。 She seemed very pleased that he had come performance


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