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1、When was it invented ?,Unit 6,Section A peiond1,What is/are used for? Its/Theyre used for,1b Listen and match the inventions with the years.,-1876 -1927 -1885 -1976,A: When was the _ invented? B: I think it was invented in _.,Pairwork (1c:),1976,1885,1876,1927,1971,A: What is the _ used for? B: It i

2、s used for _.,talking with people,(talk with people),A: What is the _ used for? B: It is used for _.,(study),studying,Who were they invented by? What are they used for?,What are they used for?,They are used for giving light.,light bulbs,Who invented the car?,_ invented the car.,Karl Benz,Karl Benz,T

3、he car_ _ by_.,was invented him,1885,When was it invented ?,was invented,1971,It_ _ in _.,1876,Bell,A: Who was the telephone invented by?,B: It was invented by_.,A: When was it invented ?,B: I think it was invented in _.,alarm clock,Its an annoying invention. Because it wakes me up when Im sleeping.

4、,I think computer is the most helpful invention. Because it helps me search the information that I need.,inventions,shoes with special heels,hot ice cream scoop,shoes with lights,Listening,Listen and number the inventions in the order that you hear.,2a,3,1,2,Listen again and complete the chart below

5、,2b,2C Make conversations,A .What are they used for? B.They are used for,Homework,When was it invented ?,Unit 6,Section A peiond2,A: When was the _ invented? B: I think it was invented in _.,Pairwork,1976,1885,1876,1927,1971,A: What is the _ used for? B: It is used for _.,talking with people,(talk w

6、ith people),2d Read and answer,1.Who invented the zipper ? 2.When was the zipper invented ?,Read and find out the passive voice sentences with the past form,1. The pioneers of different inventions were listed there. 2.The zipper was invented by 3.It wasnt used widely.,Listen and repeat,4a .Rewrite t

7、he sentences using the passive voice.,The fridge was sold at a low price,My camera was stolen from my hotel room,1,Where were these photos taken ?,We were advised not to go out alone.,1.They sold the fridge at a low price,2.Somebody stole my camera from hotel room.,3.Where did you take these photos?

8、,4.Our parents advised us not to go out alone.,5.Differet writers translated the book into different languages.,The book was translated into different languages by different writers,battery-operated slippers,Julie Thompson,seeing in the dark,What are they?,Who were they invented by?,What are they us

9、ed for?,heated ice cream scoop,Chelsea Lanmon,scooping cold ice cream,What is it?,Who was it invented by?,What is it used for?,用“invented” 或 “used for”填空. 1. What are electric slippers _? 2. Who were shoes with adjustable heels _ by? 3. When was tea _? 4. What are microwave ovens _? 5. When were pot

10、ato chips _?,EXERCISES,used for,invented,used for,invented,invented,A: Look! This looks so interesting! B: Ah, its a great invention of China. A: Really? When _ it _? B: I think it _ _ in Han Dynasty. (汉朝) A: What _ it _ for? B: Guess! A: _ it _ for holding water? B: No. It _ _ for testing earthquak

11、es. A: Wow, its really amazing!,was,invented,was,invented,is,used,Is,used,is,used,abacus in the six century Chinese calculating,PAIRWORK,What telescope When 1609 Who Galileo Use watching stars,.主动语态与被动语态: 英语动词有两种语态,即主动语态(The Active Voice)与被动语态(The Passive Voice)。 主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者; 被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。,主动

12、语态,被动语态,主动语态,被动语态,e.g Many people speak English.,主动语态变被动语态的步骤: 1、主动语态的宾语变为被动语态的主语; 2、主动句的谓语动词变为被动结构; 3、主动句的主语变为被动句的宾语,由by 引出,当不强调动作的执行者时,常省略。 4.其它成分不变。,变被动语态时需要注意的事项,一变 二套 三注意,宾变主,主变宾,宾语前面by跟,谓语动词变过分,不忘前面be动词跟,套时态,主被动时态一致,注意因人称的变化而引起的主谓一致问题。,各种时态的被动语态的构成:,1.一般现在时态 am, is, are +过去分词 2.一般过去时态 was, wer

13、e +过去分词 3.一般将来时态 will/am.is.are going to + be +过去分词 4.过去将来时态 would/was.were going to + be + 过去分词 5.现在完成时态 have, has + been +过去分词 6.过去完成时态 had + been +过去分词 7.现在进行时态 am, is, are + being +过去分词 8.过去进行时态 was, were + being +过去分词 9.含情态动词的 情态动词 + be +过去分词,所有时态的被动语态否定就是在 最前面的助动词后加 not 疑问就是把最前面的助动词提前。,Many tr

14、ees are not being planted now,Are many trees being planted now?,把下列的句子变为被动语态的句子: 1、They speak English in Canada . 2、People used wood for making tables. 3、They are making computers in the USA.,English is spoken in Canada(by them).,Wood was used for making tables.,Computers are being made in the USA.,

15、把被动句变否定,Computers arent being made in the USA.,4、They have grown rice in South China. 5. We must plant more trees next year. 6.I am going to clean our classroom tomorrow.,More trees must be planted next year.,Our classroom is going to be cleaned tomorrow.,Rice has been grown in South China.,把被动句变疑问.,Has rice been grown in South China?,变被动语态的特殊情况,一、双宾语,buy/make sb sth,=buy/make sth for sb,give sb sth,=give sth to sb,1.My father bought me a computer.,A computer was bought for me by my father.


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