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1、Unit 1,Words and Expressions,Great scientists,提出了一个很好的建议 计划,draw/ come to/ reach/ arrive at a conclusion,得出结论,我们得出结论应该再给他一次机会,e.g. e drew a conclusion that we should give him another chance.,(drawdrew-drawn),一 重点单词 1. conclude: v. _ _ 1)The judge concluded that he was wrong. _ 2)The two countries co

2、ncluded the talk with nothing . _ conclusion: n. 结论,结束,法官认定他有错。,两国间的会谈无果而终(结束)。,作结论,断定,结束,2. defeat n._ v._ _ 1) She was a man who hated to admit defeat . _ 2) They hoped to defeat the enemy at sea . _,她是个不愿认输(承认失败)的女人。,他们希望在海上击败敌人。,失败,打败; 战胜,beat ,defeat , win win “赢得,获胜” ,后接_,宾语是game,prize 等,不能接_

3、beat “击败,战胜” ,在比赛中 “战胜、击败”对手,后接竞争队伍或者对手,敌人,宾语是_ defeat “击败,战胜” ,后接竞争队伍或者对手,敌人,宾语是_ (此用法同beat)但是defeat 侧重于战胜敌人;疾病等,奖品,奖金,名 誉,财产、比赛、战争,人,人,人,1.Mary _ the first place in the competition. 4. The athlete _ his competitors and _ the gold medal. 5.Who do you think will _ the next election? .,won,won,beat /

4、 defeated,win,3.attend vt. vi 2. Who will attend to the baby if you go out?,照料,护理,出席,参加,,如果你出去,谁来照顾孩子?,= _ =_ =care for 照看,照顾.,1. The doctor attended the patients.,医生护理病人.,look after,take care of,(2) 参加,出席, 到场,常见短语搭配 attend school/university _ attend church _ attend a lecture_ attend a wedding/meeti

5、ng _,上学/上大学,去教堂,听讲座,出席婚礼/参加会议,4. expose vt. _ eg: 1).Dont expose the baby to the burning sun. 2).Dont expose the film(胶卷) to light. 3).The teachers try to expose students to good art and music. 4).不要让药品暴露在强烈的阳光下。 Dont leave medicine _ _strong light.,切勿将小孩暴晒。,不要把胶卷曝光,老师们尽力使学生接触美好的艺术和音乐,exposed to,暴露,

6、揭露(发),使接触到,使曝光,总结:expose - to be exposed to,使-暴露; 使遭受面临(危险),1.Her youth will expose her to many dangers.,她的年幼会让它面临很多危险。 3. He smiled suddenly, _ a set of white teeth.,exposing,5. cure vt. & n. 治愈. 3).这药应该能治好你的感冒。 The medicine _ _you _your cold. 4).父母想办法纠正孩子们的坏习惯。 Parents try _their children of bad h

7、abits,should cure,of,to cure,-比较辨析:cure 和treat cure:指治愈疾病,消除痛苦,戒除恶习. treat: 只指治病,不包括治疗的效果如何。 cure sb of_ _ 与cure sb. of .类似的结构常用的还有: suspect sb. of sth.怀疑某人(做)某事 rob sb. of sth. 抢了某人的某物 inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事 warn sb. of sth. 警告某人某事 accuse sb. of sth. 指控/控告某人某事,治好某人的病, 矫正某人的不良行为,6. absorb vt. 吸收,

8、吸引,使专心。 1).Clever children absorb knowledge easily. 3).The writer was absorbed in his writing. -相关单词和短语: be absorbed in _ When I went in, they were _ in a heated discussion. absorb B. absorbed C. absorbing D. being absorbed,聪明的孩子容易吸收知识。,这位作家在全神贯注地写作。,专心于,全神贯注于,集中注意力于 be lost in fix ones attention on

9、 focus on concentrate on,7.blame vt.& n. _ eg:1)Many children are afraid of being blamed for making mistakes in speaking English. 2).绝不该责备我。I am in no way_. 3).You must bear the blame for the accident. _。 -相关短语: blame sb. _(doing) sth.因为(做)某事责备某人 be to blame (for) 应(为)承担责任;该(为)受责 备(此处不能用_语态),to blam

10、e,你必须承担这次事故的责任,for,被动,责备,谴责,过失,10. contribute v _ 1) He contributed his money to the poor . _ 2). She had contributed to a newspaper. _ 3) A proper amount of exercise contributes to good health._,他把钱捐献给穷人。,contribution n 贡献 4).He made a very positive contribution to the overall success of the projec

11、t. _,她向一家报纸投稿。,适度的运动有益健康。,捐款,贡献;投稿;有助于,他对项目的全面成功做出了非常积极的贡献。,Summary 向捐助、捐献 _ 有助于,有益于_ 对作出初贡献_,contribute sth. to,contribute to,make a contribution/contributions to,Exercises 1).那位作家亲自捐赠了5000英镑给地震基金会 The writer personally_ 5,000 _the earthquake fund. 2).多呼吸新鲜空气有益于健康。 Plenty of fresh air _ _good healt

12、h. 3) He _ _ _ _ _ a space development program . 他对太空的发展计划有很大的贡献。,contributed,to,contributes to,has made great contributions to,二重点短语: 1.put forward 2).你真的要提出这种观点吗? Are you serious in _ _such a view? 3).We put liu Xiang forward as a member of IOC. 4)we have put forward the wedding by one week.,提出,推荐

13、,提前,是谁提出了黑洞的理论?,我们推荐刘翔作为IOC的成员之一,我们已经把婚礼提前了一周,putting forward,“提出(建议,计划等)”= come up with,与put 相关的短语 put on _ put out _ put off_ put away_ put back_ put up with_ put down_,穿上,扑灭,生产,推迟,延期,放好,收起来,放回,容忍,忍受,写下;记下,2.apart from _ 2).Apart from sports, my other interest outside class is music. 3).Apart from some spelling mistakes, the composition (作文)is fairly good. (1) apart from兼有“除外”和“除-之外还有-”的双重意义 ,相当于 except ; besides.,除. . 之外;此外,3.make sense 有道理,讲得通. 1).这个句子好像一点也讲不通。 The sentence doesnt seem_



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