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1、Types of Writing Narration,I. What is Narration?,A narrative is to give an account of an event or a series of events. Such as : 1. A real story 2. Imaginary story 3. Biographies 4. News item 5. Histories 6. Narrative poem,Narration, according to its different uses, is divided into two types: exposit

2、ory and literary. Expository narrative is the factual account of events, including history, biography, travels, news reports and journals, with informative or illustrative purpose.,3,II.Two Types of Narration,Literary narrative is usually fictitious, found abundantly in literary creations such as an

3、ecdotes, tales and fables, romances, short stories, novels, and stories in verse. (used chiefly for experiential or aesthetic purpose ),Two Types of Narration,Note,These two types of narrative have much in common. And sometimes it is difficult to tell one from the other, for a piece of good exposito

4、ry narrative can also be experiential and aesthetic with its lively and vivid tale.,Narration often goes hand in hand with description.,Characteristics,A narration will 1. tell a story 2. have a theme rather than a topic sentence, 3.be written in the first person, 4.tend to be factual, 5. include de

5、scription, 6. include dialogue, 7. rely on sensory details for impact, 8. follow a chronological organization.,III. Concept,Ways of narration 记叙文主要的叙事方式有顺叙、倒叙、插叙和夹叙夹议。 2. 顺叙(in sequence of time)通常是按事情发生的先后顺序进行叙述;倒叙(flashback)把结局提到前面叙述,然后再按时间的顺序进行叙述;插叙(narration interspersed with flashbacks)是在叙述过程中,由

6、于某种需要,暂时把叙述的线索中断,插入与之相关的另外一件事;夹叙夹议(narration interspersed with comments)是一面叙述事情,一面对这种事情加以分析或评论。,a. Six elemnts :人物、时间、地点和事情的起因、经过、结尾(who/when/where/why/what/how) b. Choose proper point of view (1st or 3rd person)。 第一人称可以使记叙显得逼真,让读者有一种身临其境的感觉,也便于表达作者的思想感情,这种形式常用在写自传、本人经历或记叙耳闻目睹的事件;第三人称可不受时间、空间的限制,可以更

7、加客观地反映内容,常用在对重大事件的客观报导以及记叙他人的经历或事迹。 c. Logical development 一般来说按开端、发展、高潮、结尾的顺序进行的。常用的表达时间顺序的词和短语有:first, second, third, after that, next, meanwhile, while, afterward, later, whenever, finally, from then on, soon after, during等。,3. 一篇好的记叙文必须具备以下几点要求:,d. The use of verbs simple past tense the variety

8、of tense 动词出现率最高,且富于变化。 这是英语记叙文区别于汉语记叙文的关键之处。英语写作的优美之处就在于这些动词时态的变化,正是这一点才使得所记、所叙有鲜活的动态感、鲜明的层次感和立体感。这一点在准备记叙文的写作中值得注意。 e. Clear topic。 中心思想是文章的灵魂。我们记叙任何事件都必须有一个明确的主题,要围绕主题思想精心设计情节,而不是罗列琐碎的小事。这个中心思想就是指对所记叙的人、事、物究竟是持什么态度,是赞成还是反对;是歌颂还是批评都必须明确,并且保持主题始终如一。,There are five aspects which should be considered

9、 by the writer. 1. Purpose 2. Selection of details 3. Context 4. Organization 5. Point of view,III. Five Aspects in a Narrative,Purpose (目的) 记叙文不是单纯地流水账式的记叙,必须有一定的写作目的。可以是证明某种理论,例举某种概念,赞扬某种美德或是批评某种恶行。所以,在细节的选取和情节的设计上都必须紧紧围绕这一写作目的。,III. Five Aspects of Narration,NOTE,The purpose of your narration may

10、 be to entertain, teach a lesson, or create an impression. YOU CAN write a sentence summarizing the point of the narration you plan to write.,Selection of Details (细节的选取) 一个事件总是由大大小小的细节构成的。细节的选取要适量,如果太少无法使读者了解整个事件的发生及过程,如果太多又会使情节显得杂乱从而使读者失去兴趣。细节的选取应遵循一个原则:即仅选取那些与主题相关,能够带出中心思想的细节。,III. Five Aspects o

11、f Narration,Sequence or order Use the conventions found in any story: a plot the characters a climax an ending,10-4,Be sure to include the following information: why (the plot is important) who (the characters are) where (it happened, is happening, will happen) when (it happened, is happening, will

12、happen) Use flashback to make a narrative interesting.,I jumped off the bus before it stopped and began walking down the street. As I had arrived early, I decided to look at the shop windows before going home. The idea makes me quite happy, but at the same time I had the unpleasant feeling that I ha

13、d forgotten something. I stopped in the middle of the pavement and began searching my pockets. All of a sudden I remembered that I was without my briefcase! I had left it on the bus and it was full of important papers. The thought was enough to make me start running down the street, though by now, t

14、he bus was out of sight.,Sample,Follow That Bus ! The first person; Sequence,III. Five Aspects of Narration,Context (背景) 记叙文的背景包括事件发生的时间、地点、人物等要素,这些需要在文章的开头交代清楚,从而为事件的发展提供一个背景环境,帮助读者更好地理解事件的进程。,Elements of the Context,Plot the arrangement/flow of incidents or events in a story Character maybe a pers

15、on, a group or even animal (who act or think like people) who is/are placed in a situation which contains a problem he/she must solve. Conflict the problem in the story which the protagonist should resolve.,Setting the physical background of the story. This includes where and when the story takes pl

16、ace. Style the ways the author expresses him/herself and conveys his/her ideas and central purpose,Organization (情节的组织) Time order/Chronological order 一般的记叙文可以按照时间的顺序展开,即开端、发展、结局依次将情节展开。如果整个故事情节已经清楚地交代完毕,则无需另外添加结尾。但有的情况下有必要在叙述完整个事件的经过后,对事件的意义或后续进展做简单论述。,III. Five Aspects of Narration,Point of View (观点) 即可选用第一人称或第三人称的写法。第三人称的选择可以比较客观地表达作者的观点,III. Five Aspects of Narration,Principles FOR writing a narrative essay,Point of view If its your story, use “I”; If its a story ab


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