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1、Communication Workshop and Culture Corner,一、从右栏中找出与左栏单词对应的英文释义 1.damage a.a place where you can safely cross a road,railway,river etc.,or from one country to another 2.nowhere b.a passage built underground,for example to allow a road or railway/railroad to go through a hill,under a river,etc. 3.cros

2、sing c.as well as sth./sb.;and also 4.tunnel d.the money that you pay to travel by bus,plane,taxi,etc. 5.plus e.not in or to any place 6.frequent f.physical harm caused to something which makes it less attractive,useful or valuable 7.fare g.happening or doing sth. often 答案:1.f 2.e 3.a 4.b 5.c 6.g 7.

3、d,二、阅读America on the Wheel,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F) 1.Henry Ford invented the motor car in 1908.( ) 2.Even after cars were mass-produced,not everyone could afford to buy one.( ) 3.The interesting designs of the car became an important factor in buying a car in the 1950s.( ) 4.In the 1960s,American cars becam

4、e less popular simply because they were more expensive.( ),F,T,T,F,三、根据America on the Wheel,填写下面的汽车发展简史 1.1889: 2.1908: 3.19081927: 4.By the 1930s: 5.By the 1950s: 6.In the 1960s: 7.Today:,The motor car was invented by Gottlieb Daimler. The first mass production car was created by Henry Ford. The Mo

5、del T Ford achieved a huge success. People wanted cars to be not only practical but also beautiful. The designs of cars were more interesting. European cars became more popular than American cars. Cars play an important role in American culture.,1,2,1.A report last year also showed that air pollutio

6、n from traffic is increasing and the old buildings in the town are getting dirty and damaged. 去年的一份报告也显示,车辆造成的空气污染正在加剧,该镇的古建筑正在变脏并遭到损坏。 剖析 该句为复合句,其中that引导宾语从句,从句是and连接的并列句。,3,1,2,考点damage vt.& n. 损害,损失 Once the damage is done,it will take many years for the farmland to recover. 一旦受到损害,农田需要花费很多年才能恢复原

7、状。 Smoking seriously damages your health. 吸烟严重损害人体健康。 The front of the car was damaged and we had to get out by the rear door. 车身前部受损,我们只得从后门出来。 Im going.I have done enough damage here already. 我要走了,我在这里造成的损害已经够大了。 The earthquake caused damage to property estimated as $6 million. 地震造成大约600万美元的财产损失。,

8、3,1,2,考点延伸 (1)辨析damage与destroy: The front part of his car was damaged when it hit the tree. 他的车子撞到树时车头部分受损了。 The car my uncle had just bought was destroyed in the earthquake. 我叔叔刚买的那辆汽车在地震中被毁坏了。 归纳damage表示“损害”“损坏”,通常是指部分性的损坏,往往暗示损坏后价值、效率、功能等会降低。 destroy表示“毁坏”,通常指彻底的毁掉或毁灭,往往暗示无法或很难修复。,3,1,2,(2)damage

9、用作名词: It will take many years to repair the damage done/caused by the floods. 洪水造成的损失将要花好几年才能修复。 New ways of reducing the damage to the environment are urgently needed. 迫切需要新的方法来减少对环境的伤害。 归纳damage作名词时,常与动词cause或do搭配,表示“造成损害/伤害”;表示“对造成的损害/伤害”用damage to sth./sb.句式。,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,2.There is a train sta

10、tion plus a free car park. 有一个火车站和一个免费的停车场。 考点plus prep. 加,加上 Two plus five is seven.2加5等于7。 The total cost was $10,000,plus 14% interest. 总费用是1万美元,外加14%的利息。,1,2,3,1,2,3,3.Trains are regular and also there is a frequent service at weekends and at holiday times. 有定期的列车,周末和节假日还有很多班次。 考点frequent adj. 时

11、常发生的 Frequent hand washing is the single best thing people can do to avoid getting sick. 经常洗手是人们预防疾病简单而有效的一个办法。 Cold air is frequent in March and April in northern China and it brings gales and sandstorms to the areas. 三四月份中国北部冷空气活动频繁,给该地区带来了大风和沙尘暴。,1,2,3,考点延伸 派生词:frequently adv. 频繁地,经常地 infrequent adj. 很少的,不常的 Those who change mobile phones frequently will pay a heavy price for being fashionable. 那些频繁更换手机的人将为时髦付出昂贵代价。 Explosions,though infrequent,are an occupational hazard for coal miners. 矿井爆炸虽然不常发生,却是煤矿工人职业中的危险。,1,2,3,1,2,3,



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