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1、Period 3,Grammar,Module 2 Science and technology,Oxford English,Unit 3,Computers,Will computers make our lives better?,Revision and introduction,1,Complete the article.,The first computers were _ than cars, but now they are becoming _ and _. Computers can calculate at a _ speed than we can. Computer

2、s are not _ than human beings, but they may be able to do a _ job than us. In the past, computers were _ expensive, but now they are much _.,cheaper,cleverer,faster,smaller,bigger,more,Grammar A The comparative of adjectives,2,When we compare two people or things, we can use the comparative of adjec

3、tives.,better,better,How do we form the comparative of adjectives?,-er,more,than,The first computers were _ than cars, but now they are becoming _ and _. Computers can calculate at a _ speed than we can. Computers are not _ than human beings, but they may be able to do a _ job than us. In the past,

4、computers were _ expensive, but now they are much _.,cheaper,cleverer,faster,smaller,bigger,more,better,better,The small dog runs fast.,The horse runs _ than the small dog.,fast,faster,fastest,The leopard runs _.,faster,the fastest,The cow is _ than the sheep.,The elephant is _ of all.,heavy,heavier

5、,heaviest,The sheep is heavy.,heavier,the heaviest,Jim is strong. Li Lei is . Tom is .,stronger,the strongest,Exercise,The blue car is nice. The red car is the blue car.(红车比蓝车好看) The colourful car is of all. (彩色车最好看),nicer than,the nicest,How do you like these Christmas trees?,1 2 3,The first Christ

6、mas tree is beautiful.,The second one is _than the first one.,The third one is _of the three.,more beautiful,the most beautiful,¥ 500.00,¥ 1000.00,¥ 1500.00,The green bag is expensive. The white one is _ _ than the green one. The purple bag is _one of all the bags.,more expensive,the most expensive,

7、形容词和副词比较级和最高级的规则变化:,规则变化,一般在词尾加-er 或-est,shorter,the shortest,以字母e结尾的单词后加-r 或-st,finer,the finest,heavier,the heaviest,以“辅音字母+y” 变y为i,再加-er或-est,short,fine,heavy,bigger,big thin hot,the thinnest,thinner,the biggest,hotter,the hottest,以辅+元+辅结尾的,双写尾字母,再加-er/ -est,长的形容词 多音节或少数双音节形容词,在词前more/ most,expen

8、sive beautiful useful,the most expensive the most beautiful the most useful,more expensive more beautiful more useful,1. large _ _ 2. nice _ _ 3. dry _ _ 4. thin _ _ 5.clever_ _ 6. happy_ _ 7. heavy_ _ 8.fat _ _ 9.politely_ _10. early _ _ 11. beautiful _ _ 12. quickly _ _ 13. interesting_ _ 14. exci

9、ted _ _,larger the largest,nicer the nicest,drier the driest,thinner the thinnest,cleverer the cleverest,happier the happiest,heavier the heaviest,fatter the fattest,more the most ,more beautiful,the most beautiful,Lets do it!,写出比较级和最高级,more quickly the most quickly,more interesting the most interes

10、ting,more excited the most excited,earlier the earilest,这个箱子比那个箱子重。 This box is _ that one.,2. 你的电脑比我的大。 Your computer is _mine.,heavier than,bigger than,3. 长江比黄河长。 The Yangtze River is _ _ the Yellow River.,longer than,4. 这个故事没有那个有趣。 This story is _ _ _ that one.,less interesting than,Fill the blan

11、ks.,A + 谓语 + 比较级 + than +B,Conclusion:比较级的句子结构:,Oral Translation,1你认为英语比数学简单吗? Do you think English is easier than math? 2 这个相机比那个相机贵。 This camera is more expensive than that one. 3 玛丽比吉姆学习努力。 Mary studies harder than Jim. 4 我比我姐姐跳得远。 I jumped farther than my sister,A + 谓语 + 比较级 + than +B,Lets play

12、a game: 开火车,You must compare yourself with someone in our class. (e.g age, height, weight, hair length) or other things (e.g book, watch, pen, school bag ) 如果你们组有任何人掉链,都会被扣掉一个A。整组都接上,将会得到4A. eg: Im fatter than ,more expensive,lighter,Complete the conversation below and on page 40 with the comparativ

13、e of the adjectives from the box.,heavier,smaller,bigger,S1: _, Canada or China? (country/big) S2: _.,Ask and answer questions using the following information. The first one has been done for you.,(country/big),Canada China,(city/big),(river/long),(island/large),(mountain/high),S1: _,Cananda or Chin

14、a? (country/big) S2: _.,Ask and answer questions using the following information. The first one has been done for you.,The red laptop is the smallest among/of the three.,When we compare more than two people or things, we use the superlative of adjectives.,Grammar B The superlative of adjectives,3,The red laptop is the smallest among/of the three, but it is _.,the most expensive,How do we form the superlative of adj


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