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1、华中科技大学 硕士学位论文 电压控制型三相逆变器的并联与并网技术研究 姓名:徐慧 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:电力电子与电力传动 指导教师:康勇;裴雪军 20070608 I 摘 要 以由三个单相全桥逆变器所组成的组合式电压控制型三相逆变器为研究对象, 对 三相逆变器的数学模型、控制技术及其并联系统作了分析与研究,详细分析研究了逆 变器并联控制系统、数字锁相技术以及并联控制策略,初步探讨了电压控制型逆变器 的并网控制方案。 建立了三相逆变器在 ABC、dq 坐标系中的数学模型,分析了基于同步坐标 系下三相逆变器数学模型中的耦合现象, 并介绍了基于同步坐标系下瞬时值 PID 闭环 控制与重复控制相

2、结合的波形控制技术。 对以三相逆变器组成的并联系统,可看作为三个单相逆变器组成的并联系统,故 本文以单相逆变器为单元对逆变器的并联控制系统进行了分析。 详细分析了两台逆变 器并联时系统环流的特性,以及逆变器并联时输出有功无功的特性,从而根据实际逆 变器的输出阻抗特性而选择相应的并联控制策略;分析了逆变器电压闭环控制时,逆 变器输出阻抗对输出电压抑制负载扰动以及对并联系统环流的影响。 分析了锁相环同相、无功闭环调压并联控制策略的控制思想、原理及其实现,建 立了逆变器中数字锁相环的离散域的数学模型,详细分析了数字锁相环控制系统;建 立了锁相环同相、无功闭环调压方案的控制系统模型。基于该并联方法,建

3、立了两台 三相逆变器的并联仿真模型,并对电压突变以及相位突变引起的环流作了仿真分析。 将逆变器并联的控制思想借鉴到逆变器并网的控制中,采取锁相环锁相、有功调 压的控制策略,对并网的电压控制型逆变器进行控制,以达到抑制环流的目的。给出 了这一方案的原理及具体实现形式,初步探讨了可能存在的问题。 本文最后对两台 10kVA 组合式三相逆变器组成的并联控制系统做了实验,实验 结果验证两种并联控制策略有效地抑制了环流。 对单台三相逆变器与电网并联的系统也做了实验,得到了初步的实验结果,环流 抑制的控制还不理想,这方面的工作还需要做进一步的尝试与修正。 关键词:电压控制型三相逆变器,环流,软件锁相环,功

4、率调压,并联控制, 并网控制 II Abstract Taking combined three-phase voltage-controlled inverter which is composed by three single full-phase inverters as object of study, the paper analyzes and studies its mathematical model, control technology, parallel control system, and thus studies specially in detail the p

5、arallel control system, the digital phase-locked loop(DPLL) as well as the parallel control strategy. The paper also discusses the grid-connected control strategy for voltage-controlled inverter. The paper establishes mathematical models of three-phase inverter in ABC, and dq reference frame, and an

6、alyzes control technology which based on combination of PID closed-loop control and repetitive control in Synchronized reference frame. The parallel system composed by the three-phase inverters could be regarded as three single inverters parallel system, the paper carries on the analysis to inverter

7、s parallel system by taking a single-phase inverter as one unite. It analyzes not only circulating currents characteristic of parallel system which consisted of two inverters but also inverters output reactive and active powers characteristics in parallel system, and thus relative parallel control s

8、trategy can be selected according to the characteristics of the actual inverters output impedance. The paper includes how the output impedance of inverter making affects on restraining loads disturbance as well as circulating current in parallel system when inverter is controlled with closed-loop of

9、 voltage. The paper includes thought, principle and realization of the parallel control method of PLL for synchronization and closed-loop control of reactive power for voltage adjusting. It presents model of parallel control system for the strategy. It makes two three-phase inverters parallel simula

10、tion model on the base of the parallel strategy, and simulates their circulating currents caused by breaks of voltage and phase. It constructs discrete mathematical models about SPLL in the inverter. SPLL control system is studied in detail. The control strategy of PLL for synchronization and closed

11、-loop control of active power for voltage adjusting is used to minimize circulating current in grid-connected inverter followed by parallel control strategy. Principles and realization of the control III strategy is presented in this paper. Some potential problems are also discussed. Experimental re

12、sults are presented from a two-10-kVA parallel-connected inverter system, showing the feasibility of the proposed approach. Experimental results are also presented from a 10-kVA grid-connected inverter system, showing the feasibility of the proposed approach in some sense. Since the circulating curr

13、ent is not small enough, more research and experiments are supposed to take in the future. Keywords: Voltage-Controlled Three-Phase Inverter, Circulating Current, Software Phase-Locked Loop, Regulating Voltage Based on PQ, Parallel-Connected Control, Grid-Connected Control 独 创 性 声 明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人

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16、电力双极型晶体管(BJT) ,电力场效应管 (Power-MOSFET)等全控型器件以及 80 年代的绝缘栅极双极型晶体管(IGBT)等 复合型器件则代表了第二代全控型器件,使电力电子技术的面貌焕然一新;功率集成 电路(Power IC)代表了第三代智能化器件,是未来电力电子技术发展的一个重要方 向。 开关型电力电子变换器有两类应用领域: 开关型电力电子变换电源和开关型电力 电子补偿控制器。利用半导体开关型电力变换电路,可以经济、有效地将一种频率、 电压、波形的电能变换为另一种频率、电压、波形的电能,再对负载供电,使用电设 备在最佳的供电电源下工作,获得最大的技术经济效益。除此之外,还可用作电力电 子补偿控制器,补偿和控制电力系统中的谐波电流、谐波电压、节点电压、基波阻抗、 无功功率、有功和无功功率潮流,平衡电力系统有功功率以及抑制电压瞬变和功率振 荡2。 其中,开关型电力电子变换电源仅作为负载供电电源而论,在最近 20 年间,已 在工业、交通、军事装备、尖端科技等领域中以


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