2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 4 Earthquakes夯基提能作业 新人教版必修1

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1、Unit 4 Earthquakes.阅读理解A(2018河北唐山模拟)Surviving Hurricane Sandy(飓风桑迪)Natalie Doan,14,has always felt lucky to live in Rockaway, New York.Living just a few blocks from the beach, Natalie can see the ocean and hear the waves from her house.“Its the ocean that makes Rockaway so special,”she says.On Octob

2、er 29, 2012, that ocean turned fierce. That night, Hurricane Sandy attacked the East Coast, and Rockaway was hit especially hard. Fortunately, Natalies family escaped to Brooklyn shortly before the citys bridges closed.When they returned to Rockaway the next day,they found their neighborhood in ruin

3、s. Many of Natalies friends had lost their homes and were living far away. All around her, people were suffering, especially the elderly. Natalies school was so damaged that she had to temporarily attend a school in Brooklyn.In the following few days, the men and women helping Rockaway recover inspi

4、red Natalie. Volunteers came with carloads of donated clothing and toys. Neighbors devoted their spare time to helping others rebuild. Teenagers climbed dozens of flights of stairs to deliver water and food to elderly people trapped in powerless high-rise buildings.“My mom tells me that I cant contr

5、ol what happens to me,”Natalie says, “but I can always choose how I deal with it.”Natalies choice was to help.She created a website page, matching survivors in need with donors who wanted to help. Natalie posted information about a boy named Patrick, who lost his baseball card collection when his ho

6、use burned down. Within days, Patricks collection was replaced.In the coming months, her website page helped lots of kids:Christopher, who received a new basketball; Charlie, who got a new keyboard. Natalie also worked with other organizations to bring much-needed supplies to Rockaway. Her efforts m

7、ade her a famous person. Last April, she was invited to the White House and honored as a Hurricane Sandy Champion of Change.Today, the scars(创痕) of destruction are still seen in Rockaway, but hope is in the air. The streets are clear, and many homes have been rebuilt. “I cant imagine living anywhere

8、 but Rockaway,”Natalie declares.“My neighborhood will be back, even stronger than before.”1.When Natalie returned to Rockaway after the hurricane, she found.A.some friends had lost their livesB.her neighborhood was destroyedC.her school had moved to BrooklynD.the elderly were free from suffering2.Ac

9、cording to Paragraph 4, who inspired Natalie most?A.The people helping Rockaway rebuild.B.The people trapped in high-rise buildings.C.The volunteers donating money to survivors.D.Local teenagers bringing clothing to elderly people.3.How did Natalie help the survivors?A.She gave her toys to other kid

10、s.B.She took care of younger children.C.She called on the White House to help.D.She built an information sharing platform.4.What does the story intend to tell us?A.Little people can make a big difference.B.A friend in need is a friend indeed.C.East or west, home is best.D.Technology is power.BThe HR

11、 manager(招聘经理) calls with great news: the job is yours. The hardest part is over, right? Maybe not. Determining whether to take a job offer canand shouldbe a more difficult decision. Before you take on a job, you need to evaluate the situation carefully. Here are principles you can follow to ensure

12、you make the right decision.Do more in-depth researchYou can find out a lot about a company before you send in your resume, but once you have the offer in hand, its time to do more in-depth research. Dig around for the information about the organization, the culture, and your future co-workers. Find

13、 company employees on Linked In and see what they say about their job on social media. You also want to find out the organizations future prospects. In a bad economy, you have to consider whether the company will still be around in a few years.Be realistic about your expectationsUnfortunately, most

14、job searchers do not compare several offers at once. More likely, youll say “yes” to your first offer even if you have sent in several resumes. Look at the applications you have filled out and reasonably assess which are likely to hire you. You should compare the offer in hand with a wish list of wh

15、at you really want in your future job. Besides, you need to think about what kind of investment an employer will make in you and what bad impacts there will be if you leave. After all, any future employers will look down on a quick job switch.If you decide to say noSaying no to a job offer can be co

16、mplicated. The last thing you want is for the company to think you play them. If you do say no, remember that never imply that the job or the salary is to blame. Instead, focus on whats not a good fit. This will keep the door open for the future.5.Whats the purpose of this passage?A.To provide some suggestions on how to apply for a job.B.To provide some specifics on deciding wh


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