视听阅读第二册 unit1 cheetahs

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1、1,Cheetahs in Focus,Watch, Listen & Read,Book 2, Unit 1,2,1. giraffes (长颈鹿) 2. a hyena(土狼) 3. reedbucks(小苇羚) 4. a cheetah(印度豹) 5. a zebra(斑马) 6. a buffalo(水牛),Warming up I Cheetahs,3,博兹瓦纳,又译为波札那,正式全名为博茨瓦纳共和国(博茨瓦纳语:Lefatshe la Botswana),是位于非洲南部的内陆国,全国国境皆为干燥的台地地形,南邻南非,西边为纳米比亚,东北与津巴布韦接壤,其国土北端只有在维多利亚瀑布附

2、近与赞比亚接触到些许。博是非洲经济发展较快,经济状况较好的国家之一。以钻石业、养牛业和新兴的制造业为支柱产业。但是,疾病仍然严重威胁着该国的社会经济安全,博茨瓦纳也是全球艾滋病感染率最高的国家之一。,4,5,大部分地区属热带干旱草原气候,西部为沙漠,属热带沙漠气候。年均气温21。年均降水量400毫米,是世界死亡率最高的国家。官方语言为英语,通用语言为茨瓦纳语和英语。多数居民信奉基督新教和天主教,农村地区部分居民信奉传统宗教。,6,Warming up II Cheetahs,(1) predators (2) prey (3) species (4) habitat (5) extinct,P

3、rofile: Can reach speeds between 112 and 120 km/h over short distances up to 500m. Can increase speed from 0 to 100 km/h in 3 seconds. Weight: 3665 kg Length: 115135 cm,7,Part I Word Bank,sprint extinct capture expedition,run very fast for a short distance no longer in existence, esp type of animal,

4、 etc. record or take a picture of something a journey organized for a special purpose,8,Describing an animal: Its the fastest animal on land With an astonishing ability to sprint At full speed, it can reach Nothing can escapeat full sprint. This animal is capable of tremendous bursts of speed. It ha

5、s the capacity to gain speed more quickly than a sports car. This beautiful, shy animal This magnificent creature This creature is cautious by nature. This amazing creature,Part I Useful expressions,9,Part I,II. Watch again,I. Watch Part 1,1. C,2. C,3. D,photographing cheetahs,helping (save) cheetah

6、s,Moremi Wildlife Reserve, Botswana,Chris Johns, photographer; Dave Hamman, guide,trucks, cameras,10,Part II Word Bank,incredibly: extremely, amazingly conservation: the protection of natural things such as animals, plants maintain: make sth. Continue in the same way as before,11,Part II Useful expr

7、essions,Narrating an unexpected event: But then sth incredibly unexpected occurs To my great surprise, I find/see This is beyond the expectation of/ This is out of ones expectation. I was amazed/ surprised/ astonished to see/ find I cant believe my eyes. I have never expected Something happened It w

8、as more than he has ever expected.,12,Part II,II. Watch again,I. Watch Part 2,A,1. in the bush what they had been hoping for 2. loss of habitat 3. extinct unspeakable,4. natural world 5. capable gain 6. make a kill,13,Part III Word Bank,concentration: the ability to focus turn into: to say time pass

9、ed slowly e.g. The difficult search turns from weeks into months. turn in turn away turn up turn down vulnerable: exposed or unprotected cautious be cautious of sth. / sb. be cautious about doing sth.,14,Part III,II. Watch again,I. Watch Part 3,1. month week 2. exhausted fine 3. afternoon morning 4.

10、 giraffes reedbucks 5. predator prey,( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ),C,A,F,B,E,D,15,Part III Listen and Repeat,The challenge is to keep your concentration, to constantly look. They scan everything from heavy bushes to open grasslands, hoping to catch sight of her. Chris must wait to see if the mother cheeta

11、h will let him back into her trust. The men must drive as quickly as possible in order to get the shot. If another predator moved in on her, the mother could be ambushed.,16,Part IV Word Bank,fantastic: extremely good highlight: a great or special point tremendous: huge or great,17,Part IV,II. Watch

12、 again,I. Watch Part 3,(1) clicks (2) focuses (3) freezes (4) walks (5) smell (6) lick,1. F,2. T,3. F,4. T,5. F,18,Follow-up,Day 1,Day 2,Day 3,A week later,A. B. C. D. E. F. G.,19,Reading Reading Comprehension,1. D 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. C,6. B 7. A 8. capturing 9. cautious 10. protect,20,Home Listening,

13、II. Listen again,I. Listen to the passage,1. C,2. D,3. A,1. T,2. T,3. F,4. F,5. F,21,Home Listening Listen and Repeat,Studies have shown that almost all living things will eventually become extinct. In many cases, replacement species emerge over time. Human activity is having a tremendous negative impact on extinction rates. Some of the worlds species cannot survive without help. Some groups may have a vested interest in not protecting certain species.,22,Thank you!,


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