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1、中考专题复习,Grammar Review-numbers,数词,three,five,eight,nine,twelve,fifteen,thirteen,fourteen,first,second,third,fifth,sixth,seventh,eighth,ninth,tenth,eleventh,twelfth,-teen,-th,-ty,变y为ie再加th,twentieth,thirteenth,基数词,序数词,fourth,twenty-first,forty-second,seventy-ninth,hundredth,three hundred and fifth,几十几

2、只变个位,101-999,百位与十位/个位之间要加_.,and,基变序,有规律,末尾加上th; 一二三,特殊记,八去t ,九去e, f 来把ve替; ty 变成tie 若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。,【巧学妙记】基数词变序数词,看谁说得快!,A B C D 38 15 23rd 69 34th 51 1st 92nd 720 600 849 952 217th 469 583,数词的应用,1.时刻,年龄,日期的表达 2.编号顺序的表达 3.年日,世纪,年代, 几十多岁的表达 4.分数的表达 5.百分数的表达 6. 其他用法,直击中考(2014遵义),A. 小对话理解 10. A. At 7:

3、00pm B. At 9:00pm C. At 2:00pm B. 短文理解。 11. How old is Lucy? A.14 years old B. 15 years old C.16 years old 2013年中考模拟 图片理解 2. A. B. C. B、小对话理解 6. A. $100. B. $150. C. $200. C.请听短文 12. When does Mr. White usually leave his home to work? A. At eight oclock. B. At half past seven. C. At five past eight.

4、,What should we do now, Mr. Clark? Please turn to Page _ and look at the _ picture. A. Nine; fifth B. Ninth; fifth C. Nine; five D. Ninth; five,表示顺序,_放在_之后,该名词首字母要 _要放在_的前,且序数词前要加_.,基数词,名词,大写。,序数词,名词,the,1.年、日的表达法。“年”用_词,“日”用_词,前面加定冠词 _。 September 8(th),2005 2005年9月 8 日,September the eighth two thou

5、sand and five,3. 年代、世纪、几十多岁的表示法:,基数,序数,the,(in) the nineties,(in) the nineteenth century,(in) 1730s或1730s,(in) his forties,(在)90年代,(在)19世纪,(在)18世纪30年代,(在)他四十多岁,1. Its said that _of the water around the world_polluted. A. two third; has B. two-thirds; have C. two third; are D. two thirds; is,表示分数时,子_

6、母_,分子大于1,分母用_,修饰名词时加_连接。 1/2, 1/4分别用 _和_表示。,2.I think _of the materials I listen to at the beginning of the exam _easy. A. three fourths, is B: third four, are C: three-fourths, are D: three fourth, are,基,序,复数,of,a half,a quarter,注:分数+of+名词作主语时,谓语动词的单复数应由后面_来定,名词的单复数,百分数的表达法,5%读作 05%读作 200%读作,percen

7、t,原形,five percent,zero point five percent,two hundred percent,百分数的读法:先读基数词,再读百分号“%”(读作_),无论基数词的多少,percent 始终用_。,1)一个五岁的男孩 2)长江长6300公里。 3)once,twice,5次 4),a five-year-old boy,The Changjiang River is 6,300 kilometers long,five times,another three hours,two more apples,5) hundred,thousand, million, bil

8、lion,hundreds of,thousands of, millions of,billions of,6) five plus two=seven five minus two=three sixteen times five=eighty seventeen divided five = three point two,7) The third time a third time,7,9,8,12,69,346,98%,7/8,8:23,第三,10月1日,70,第10课,22,根据所给单词适当形式填空。 1.Two _(three) of the work has been fini

9、shed.,thirds,根据所给单词适当形式填空。 2.Three quarters of the workers in the factories _(be) women workers.,are,3. _ month of the year is May.(2014,天津) ATwo BThe second CFive DThe fifth,单句改错 4.It was my grandpas eighty birthday yesterday. (2011遵义) I wrote an 800-words composition yesterday。,eighty-eightieth,80

10、0-words- 800-word,5. How far is it from Tianjin to Changsha? It is a _ flight from Tianjin to Changsha.(2014,呼和浩特) A2hourlong B2hourslong C2 hours long D2 hour long,6. Today is the boys _ birthday. He is 12 years old. A. twelve B. twelveth C. twelfth D. the twelfth,7.When will the _ Oscar ceremony(奥

11、斯卡典礼)be held? On February 23, 2015. A. eighty-seventh B. eightieth-seven C. eighty-seven D. eightieth-seventh,8.What should we do now, Mr. Clark? Please turn to Page _ and look at the _ picture. A. Nine; fifth B. Ninth; fifth C. Nine; five D. Ninth; five,9. Our school has more than two _ teachers an

12、d many _ students. A. hundreds of; thousands of B. hundred; thousands of C. hundred of; thousand D. hundred; thousand of,Its very cool in Guizhou in summer, so_ people come here for vacation. (2014遵义) A. two thousands B. thousands of C. thousand of,10. He Jiong became famous as a host in China in hi

13、s _ (20). (遵义2013,81),twenties,11.There will be a composition contest named “My Good Teacher” to celebrate the _(30) Teachers Day.(遵义2014,76),thirtieth,12.To finish the task,weve tried three times,and after dinner well try _ time.(2013,安顺) Athe fourth Ba fourth Cfourth Dfour,13. When is your mothers birthday, Tina? Its on July the _. Atwenty Bninth CFive,14. Have you finished your todays work? No,I need _(2013,天水) Atwo another hours Banother two hours Cmore two hours Dtwo other hours,Numbers in our daily life: 110报警电话* 112市话障碍自动受理* 114市内电话号码查询 117自动报时台 119火警* 120急救中心* 121天气预报 122全国道路交通报警*,



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