高考英语一轮复习 unit3 celebration课件 北师大版

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1、模块1 Unit 3 Celebration,.写出下列必考单词,基础再现,识记类词汇 1scholarship(n.)_ 2occasion(n.)_ 3celebration(n.)_ 4decorate(vt.)_ 5sticky(adj.)_ 6alcohol(n.)_,奖学金,场合,时机,庆祝,装饰,粘的,酒精,基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破,栏目链接,基础再现,7reception(n.)_ 8congratulation(n.)_ 9entrance(n.)_ 10ceremony(n.)_ 11contribute(vt.)_ 12seriously(adv.

2、)_ 13swallow(vt.)_ 14fry(vt.)_ 15production(n.)_,接待,祝贺,入口,仪式,贡献,严肃地,吞下,煎,生产,基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破,栏目链接,基础再现,表达运用类词汇 1毕业(n.)_ 2婚礼(n.)_ 3如今(adv.)_ 4力量;权力(n.)_ 5黑暗(n.)_ 6毁坏(vt.)_ 7服务(vt.)_,graduation,wedding,nowadays,power,darkness,destroy,serve,基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破,栏目链接,基础再现,8退休(vi.)_ 9工资(n.)_

3、10申请(vt.)_ 11青少年(n.)_ 12聪明地;漂亮地(adv.)_ 13出席(vt.)_ 14链接(vt.)_ 15成年人(n.)_,retire,salary,apply,teenager,smartly,attend,link,adult,基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破,栏目链接,.写出下列单词的变化形式,基础再现,1传统的(adj.)_ 传统,惯例(n.)_ 2包括,包含(vt.)_ 包含在内的(adj.)_ 包含(prep.)_ 3装饰,布置(vt.)_ 装饰(n.)_,traditional,tradition,include,included,inclu

4、ding,decorate,decoration,基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破,栏目链接,基础再现,4申请;应用(vt.)_ 申请(书) (n.)_ 申请人(n.)_ 5祝贺(n.)_ 祝贺(vt.)_ 6捐献,贡献(vt.)_ 贡献(n.)_,apply,application,applicant,congratulation,congratulate,contribute,contribution,基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破,栏目链接,基础再现,7不幸地(adv.)_ 幸运地(adv.)_ 幸运的(adj.)_ 运气(n.)_ 8能力;力量(n.)

5、_ 强大的,强壮的(adj.)_ 强大地,强有力地(adv.)_ 无力的(adj.)_ 无力地(adv.)_,unfortunately,fortunately,fortunate,fortune,power,powerful,powerfully,powerless,powerlessly,基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破,栏目链接,基础再现,9退休(vi.)_ 退休(n.)_ 10毕业(n.)_ 毕业(vi.)_,retire,retirement,graduation,graduate,基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破,栏目链接,基础再现,活学活用,用所给

6、单词的适当形式完成句子。 1Chinese people will usually keep_,especially in the Spring Festival.Nearly every family has the_foods for this biggest festival.(traditional) 2Our teacher asked a team of 10 to do the cleaning after school_4 girls.Much to his surprise,he found only 9 persons in the classroom,two strang

7、ers_He didnt_the strangers in the team.It turned out that the strangers were his students fathers.(include),tradition,traditional,including,included,include,基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破,栏目链接,基础再现,3My daughter wanted to_for a job as a manager.She learned that it was hard to make her_accepted because ther

8、e were more than 10_for the position.So she did all she could to prepare for it.(apply) 4A_man is one who can seize every chance to make a_,my son realized this fact,but_my daughter didnt.She was a lazy but_girl because she had a good brother.(fortunate),apply,application,applicants,fortunate,Fortun

9、e Fortunately,unfortunately,fortunate,基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破,栏目链接,基础再现,5As we all know,the expert has made_ to the space exploration.And he_a lot of good ideas to our discussion yesterday.(contribute) 6Its the common people,not the_leaders,who control the fate of a nation.It has been proved that_c

10、omes from common people.Even the_people can play an important role in history.(powerful) 7The father bought many Christmas_for his son to_the house.(decorate),contributions,contributed,powerful,power,powerless,decorations,decorate,基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破,栏目链接,基础再现,8“_!” the boy_his friend on his su

11、ccess.(congratulate) 9Nearly every student hopes for their _,but when they really_from their schools,they will surely feel upset.(graduate) 10Soon the old man will_from the company.After_he will go to live with his children.(retire),Congratulations,congratulated,graduation,graduate,retire,retirement

12、,基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破,栏目链接,.短语熟记,基础再现,翻译下列必背短语 1参与,参加_ 2以不同形状和大小_ 3收到请柬_ 4继续,坚持_ 5即使_ 6依靠_,take part in,in many shapes and sizes,receive an invitation,carry on,even if/though,depend on,基础再现 考点整合 语法专题 写作导航 题型突破,栏目链接,基础再现,7申请_ 8组成_ 9就取得一致意见_ 10也,同样地_,apply for,make up,agree on,as well,基础再现 考点整合 语法

13、专题 写作导航 题型突破,栏目链接,即学即练,基础再现,根据括号中的解释,从课文中找出恰当的短语完成下列句子。 1Its an activity of the whole class,so the teacher asked all the students to_(share the responsibility in an activity) it. 2Father encourages me to_(request in writing)the position. 3We can_(trust) him to come and help us.He is always very kind.,take part in,apply f



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