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1、Cancer Vaccines 癌症疫苗Cancer vaccines have been studied for several decades, but advances in this field have beenslower than for other forms of immunotherapy. They are still mostly experimental treatments at this time. 对癌症疫苗的研究进行了几十年,较其它免疫疗法而言,这个领域的进展可就缓慢的多。目前癌症疫苗通常仍在实验阶段 。Most of us know about vaccin

2、es given to healthy people for infectious diseases, such as measles and mumps. These vaccines use weakened or killed viruses, bacteria, or other germs to start an immune response in the body. Putting the immune system on alert against these germs prevents people from being infected with them. 我们都熟悉使

3、健康人们不受传染病侵害的疫苗,如麻疹和腮腺炎疫苗。使用被弱化的或是死亡的病毒、细菌或微生物制造的疫苗启动体内的免疫应答。使人体的免疫系统处在警觉的状态来防止被微生物感染。Some cancer vaccines are designed to work the same way. For example, new vaccines against the human papilloma virus (HPV) may help prevent women from getting cervical cancer, and vaccines against hepatitis B virus (

4、HBV) may lower some peoples risk of getting liver cancer. 一些“癌症疫苗”也是仿照这种方式设计的。例如:乳突淋瘤,papilloma 病毒疫苗可以帮助女性预防宫颈癌,乙肝病毒疫苗可以降低患肝癌的风险。But these vaccines dont target cancer cells; they target viruses that can cause these cancers. True cancer vaccines are a little different. Instead of preventing disease,

5、they are meant to get the immune system to attack a disease that already exists. 但是这些疫苗不将癌细胞作为靶子,而是将导致癌症的病毒作为靶子。真正的癌症疫苗对此有些小小的区别。没有起到防病的作用,而是使免疫系统攻击已经存在的疾病。A cancer vaccine contains cancer cells, parts of cells, or pure antigens. The vaccine increases the immune response against cancer cells that ar

6、e already present in the body. It may be combined with other substances or cells called adjuvants that help boost the immune response even further. 每种癌症疫苗包含癌细胞、或癌细胞的某个部分、或纯粹的抗原。这些疫苗增强了免疫应答来抵抗已经存在于体内的癌细胞。它也可能和其它物质或是细胞结合成为辅助剂,进一步增强免疫应答。Cancer vaccines are thought of as active immunotherapies because t

7、hey are meant to trigger your own immune system to respond. They are specific because they should only affect the cancer cells. Vaccines dont just boost the immune system in general; they cause the immune system to attack cells with one or more specific antigens. 癌症疫苗被认为是一种积极的免疫疗法,因为它可以激发你自身的免疫系统来工作

8、。他们被称为是特效药,因为他们只杀灭癌细胞。 疫苗不仅全面提高免疫系统,而且还使免疫系统攻击哪些带有 1 个或多个特殊抗原的细胞(癌细胞)。While cancer vaccines have shown some promise 应答 in clinical trials 临床试验, none have yet been approved in the United States to treat cancer. Several types of cancer vaccines are now being studied. 在临床试验中尽管癌症疫苗已经显示了一些疗效,但在美国还没有批准疫苗用

9、于癌症治疗。几种癌症疫苗正在被研究中。Tumor cell vaccines 肿瘤细胞疫苗Tumor cell vaccines are made up of 有什么组成 cancer cells that have been removed during surgery 手术. The cells are treated in the lab, usually with radiation 放射物, so they cannot form more tumors. In most cases, doctors also change the cells somehow, often by a

10、dding chemicals or new genes 遗传因子, to make them more likely to be seen by the immune system. The cells are then injected into the patient. The immune system recognizes antigens on these cells, then seeks out and attacks any other cells with these antigens that are still in the body. 肿瘤细胞疫苗是由在手术中被切除的

11、癌症细胞制成的。这些肿瘤细胞在实验室通常被放射物处理过,使肿瘤细胞不能再进行繁殖。多数情况,医生们也将细胞加入化学物质或是新的遗传因子,使他们更容易被免疫系统识别。这些细胞被注射到患者身体。患者的免疫系统从这些细胞识别出抗原,然后根据这些抗原特征从患者体内找出带有这些特征的细胞并进行攻击。In some cases, doctors give the vaccine along with adjuvants 辅助 that increase the immune response. The general boost they give to the immune system is mean

12、t to make the vaccine work better. 在一些情况下,医生们将疫苗加入一些辅助剂来增强免疫反应。这些加到免疫系统的促进手段通常使疫苗更好的工作Some promising 有前途的 newer versions of these vaccines use tumor cells that are fused to dendritic cells, in the hope of further stimulating 促进 the immune system. 有希望一代的疫苗使用肿瘤细胞和树突状细胞结合,更有希望促进免疫系统。A possible advantag

13、e of tumor cell vaccines over antigen-based vaccines (described in the Antigen Vaccines section) is that not all cancer antigens have been found yet. Using the whole tumor cell may expose 使暴露 the immune system to a large number of important cancer antigens, including some that researchers have not y

14、et recognized. This may make them more effective. 基于抗原的肿瘤疫苗(在抗原疫苗章节描述)的发展潜力是所有的癌症抗原没有被全部发现。使用整个肿瘤细胞给免疫系统来扩大重要的癌症抗原,包括一些研究人员至今没被发现的。The 2 basic kinds of tumor cell vaccines are autologous 自体同源 and allogeneic.同种异源的2 种肿瘤细胞疫苗是自体同源和同种异源的。 Autologous vaccines 自体同源疫苗Autologous (pronounced aw-tah-luh-guss)

15、means coming from the self. An autologous tumor cell vaccine is made from killed tumor cells taken from the same person in whom they will later be used. In other words, cells are taken from you (during surgery), the vaccine is made from them in a lab, and the cells are injected back into you. Autolo

16、gous cancer cells may be reinjected shortly after surgery, or they may be grown in the lab or frozen and given later. Although autologous tumor cell vaccines are promising, there are some potential drawbacks:潜在的缺点 自体同源的意思是“来自自身”。一种自体同源肿瘤细胞疫苗是用取自患者自身的被杀死的肿瘤细胞制造的。换言之,手术时取自你身上的癌组织,在实验室制成疫苗,然后注射到你身体内。自体同源癌细胞可能在手术后马上注射到你体内,也可能被在实验室被生长或冷冻起来以后使用。尽管自体同源肿瘤细胞疫苗是很有前途,但他们有一些潜在的缺点。 It can be expensive to create a new, unique vaccine for each patient. Cancer cells tend to mutate 变异 (


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