英语人教版三年级上册beautiful colours

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1、Beautiful Colors,湖南省株洲市芦淞区贺家土小学 欧阳畅,义务教育课程标准实验教材小学英语(PEP)三年级上册Unit 2,庆祝北京奥运会胜利召开!,Congratulations!,Congratulations!,He Jiatu Primary School 50 years!,Can you colour the pictures for the schools birthday? (你能用各种色彩将图片变漂亮,为我们的校庆添光彩吗?),blue,green,yellow,red,purple,Lets chant,Blue, blue. its blue, I like

2、 blue. Green, green, its green, I like green. Yellow, yellow, its yellow, I like yellow. Red, red, its red, I like red. Purple, purple, its purple, I like purple.,Homework,1、Surf the internet and find out what the colors stand for ! 上网收集资料,找出各种颜色所代表的含义. 2、Make a birthday card for our school! 用各种各样的颜色为学校的五十周年生日设计一张生日卡。 3、Can you say the colours ? 把自己家物品的颜色用英语说给家长听。,Good-bye!,Thank you !,


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