高中英语 unit2 working the land section1课件 新人教版必修4

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1、Working the land,Unit 2,Section Warming-up & Reading,Unit 2,.单词速记 1_(n.)数据;统计;统计数字;统计资料 2_(adj.)晒黑的 3_(vi.&n.)斗争;拼搏;努力 4_(n.)十年;十年期 5_(adj.)特级的;超级的 6_(n.)产量;输出 7_(vt.&vi.)使变大;伸展 _(n.)伸展,扩展 8_(adv.)因此;所以;因而,statistic sunburnt struggle decade super output expand,expansion,therefore,9hunger(n.)饥饿;欲望(vt

2、.&vi.)(使)饥饿_(adj.)饥饿的;空腹的 10disturbing(adj.)引起烦恼的;令人不安的_(adj.)被打扰的_(vt.)搅乱,扰乱 11circulate(vt.&vi.)循环;流传_(n.)循环;运行 12_(n.)自由;自主free(adj.)自由的;自主的 13equip(vt.&vi.)配备;装备_(n.)设备,装备,hungry,disturbed,disturb,circulation,freedom,equipment,14export(vt.&vi.)输出;出口_(vt.&n.)输入;进口 15nationality(n.)国籍_(adj.)民族的;国民

3、的_(n.)民族;国家 16occupation(n.)工作;职业;占领_(vt.)占领,占据,import,national,nation,occupy,.短语互译 1work the land _ 2graduate from _ 3thanks to _ 4rid. of _ 5be satisfied with _ 6关心;在乎 _ 7宁愿;宁可 _ 8怀有的希望 _ 9喜欢;照顾 _ 10有关系;有影响 _,耕种土地 毕业于 幸亏;由于;因为 使摆脱或除去 对感到满意 care about would rather with the hope of care for make a d

4、ifference,.完成句子 1你种过植物吗?如果种过的话,你是怎样种植的?如果没有种过的话,你想要尝试种什么植物? Have you ever grown any plants? _, what did you do to grow them? _, what kind of plant would you like to try growing?(状语从句的省略) 2每天,有超过8亿人饿着肚子睡觉。 More than 800 million people go to bed _.(形容词作状语),If so,If not,hungry every day,3袁隆平种植的是被称之为“超级

5、杂交水稻”的稻种。 Yuan Longping grows _ (what引导宾语从句) 41973年,他成为世界上第一位种植高产水稻的农业先锋。 In 1973, he became _ _ that has a high output.(the firstn. to do sth.第一位做人),what is called super hybrid rice,the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice,5这种特殊的稻种使得同样的田地多收获五分之一的粮食。 This special strain of rice _ _ i

6、n the same fields.(make itadj.to do sth.) 6用他的杂交水稻种子,农民们种出的粮食比以前多了一倍。 Using his hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests _.(倍数as. as.),makes it possible to produce 20% more of the crop,twice as large as before,.课文理解 Step 1 Fast Reading Skim the passage and give the general idea of the text. 1It i

7、s about _ who made a great contribution to producing better _. 2Skim the text to get the main idea of each paragraph. AYuan Longpings dreams. BYuan Longpings personality. CYuan Longpings brief life experiences. DYuan Longpings appearance and his achievement.,Step 2 Careful Reading Choose the best an

8、swer according to the passage. (1)Why has Yuan Longping struggled for many years? AHe wants to become one of the top scientists. BHe wants to prove farmers can also become scientists. CHe wants to do something for the farmers. DHe wants other countries to know him.,(2)When did he begin to make a stu

9、dy of the ways to increase the rice output? AMore than 60 years ago. BMore than 50 years ago. CAbout 40 years ago. DAbout 30 years ago.,(3)When Yuan Longping was a young man, _. Amany people in the countryside didnt have enough food to eat Ball the people in the countryside were living a happy life

10、Cno one in the cities was able to help the poor in the countryside Dhe didnt like the life in the countryside,(4)From the passage we can know that Yuan Longpings hybrid rice _. Ahelps the farmers produce larger harvests Bcan be only grown in China Cis not accepted by the UN Dis now grown around the

11、globe (5)What kind of person is Yuan Longping? AHe likes to live with the poor and is ready to help them. BHe thinks much of himself but little of others. CHe is strict with other scientists and the farmers. DHe has his own dreams to help the people.,Step 3 细读文章并完成空格。,Step 4 Fill in the blanks with

12、proper words in the passage. Yuan Longping, the father of (1)_ hybrid rice, is a famous scientist. He has (2)_ for the past five (3)_ for the Chinese farmers. In 1953 when Yuan Longping graduated from college, hunger was a (4)_ problem in many parts of the countryside. Therefore, Yuan wanted to help

13、 (5)_ his motherland of (6)_ by increasing the rice output without (7)_ the area of the fields and he made it. Yuan Longpings another dream is to (8)_ his rice to the world. (9)_ Yuan Longping, the UN has more tools in the (10)_ against hunger throughout the world.,Step 5 Discussion Is Yuan Longping

14、 more of a scientist or more of a farmer?What can we learn from him? _ _,答案:Step 1 (1)Yuan Longping; rice (2)DCBA Step 2 (1)(5)CBAAD Step 3 (1)scientists (2)Sunburnt (3)graduated from (4)goal (5)output (6)circulating (7)satisfied (8)keep (9)spending (10)export Step 4 (1)super (2)struggled (3)decades (4)disturbing (5)rid (


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