Unit 3 At the zoo

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《Unit 3 At the zoo》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 3 At the zoo(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,Unit 3 At the zoo,Part A Lets learn Lets do,碧峰中心小学胡红霞,warmup,Lets go to the zoo and see animals . OK?,Guessing game: What are they?,-动物园里有两扇大门, 每扇大门后面都有一种小动物。 猜一猜,它们是什么动物? 猜对了就能进入动物园哦,加油!,It has a long neck.(长长的脖子) It is tall.,Gate 1:第一关,tall,short,Its so funny(滑稽). It has a long tail. (长尾巴) It lik

2、es(喜欢) bananas.,Gate 2:第二关,fat,thin,tall,short,绿色圃中小学教育网,Look at that giraffe.,Its .,Be tall. Be tall. Be tall , tall , tall.,Be short. Be short. Be short, short ,short.,fat,Look at that monkey Its .,Be fat. Be fat. Be fat, fat, fat.,fat,thin,Lets learn,Be thin. Be thin. Be thin, thin, thin.,Look at

3、 that monkey. Its thin.,Look at that monkey.Its thin. Look at that monkey.Its fat. Look at that giraffe.Its tall. Look at that giraffe.Its short.,thin,fat,tall,short,practice,Lets play a game,Act and guess 教师请一名学生上台,悄悄对他说单词 fat, tall, short 或thin,该学生做动作,其他学生猜单词。,绿色圃中小学教育网,Look and say,Look at Yao Ming.He is tall.,Lets do,Lets do.,Summary(小结),tall,thin,short,fat,反义词,反义词,Look at that Its ,1.不能扔垃圾; 2.不能随便喂食小动物; 3.不能打扰动物休息,乱丢异物; 4. 不能随便触摸动物,逗打动物; 我们要关爱动物,What should we do at the zoo? (在动物园我们应该怎么做呢?),1Groups make a dialogue of Lets learn. 2用一句话描述你家里的小动物。,Homework,Goodbye!,


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