2019春六年级英语下册 unit 9《the year 2050》课件1 (新版)北师大版

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1、Unit 9 The Year 2050,yearj(r) 年,peoplepi:pl人,thinkk认为,以为,believebli:v认为,相信,livelv 居住,lifelaf生活,生命,hardh:d 困难的,futurefju:t(r)未来,everythingevri一切,每件事,happenhpn发生,morem:(r)更多,betterbet(r)更好的,较好的,dirtyd:ti脏的,terribleterbl糟糕的,seasi:海洋,crystal ballkrstl b:l水晶球,Lets have a quick review of words(单词回顾),futue

2、,live,hard,year,future,happen,everything,life,people,think,sea,more,better,believe,dirty,terrible,crystal ball,have robots at home,take vacation on Mars,go around by flying car,live on the moon,人们,发生,认为,困难的,居住,一切,每件事,生活,生命,更好的,较好的,糟糕的,更多,海洋,在家有机器人,去火星上度假,认为,相信,居住在月球上,坐飞车到处飞,脏的,水晶球,go around by flyin

3、g car搭飞车到处飞,have robots at home在家里有机器人,live on the moon 居住在月球上,take vacation on Mars在火星上度假,Get ready,Will people live on the moon in the year 2050?,Yes ,I think they will,Will people go around by flying car in the year 2050?,I think they will .,Will people have robots at home in the year 2050?,I thi

4、nk they will.,Will people take vacation on Mars in the year 2050?,I think they will.,What_ you do in the _ 2050?,Mocky Its _ to say,Look!This _ _can _ you!,A crystal ball?Tell us _ _ in 2050,then.,You will have _ at home,Ken.,Wow,thats _.Will they do _ for me?,I _ they will.They will do _ .,But I do

5、nt _ they will do your _ for you.,Will they help Mom _?,Sure ,they _.,Thats _,Mocky.Tell us _ about the _.,_ will be _ ,and _ will _ longer.,Thats great!Will people live on _?,I think _.There will be _ air and _ water on Mars.,Cool.Will people _to the moon and take their _ there?,Sure.In 2050,some _

6、 will live on the _ because the _ will be too _.,Thats terrible!What can we do now?,The _ is in our _.We can do a _ to help.,Oh,Mocky!Its _ the crystal ball.Its the _!,连词成组或句,1: home,have,at ,robots 2:home,work ,from 3:hard ,say ,it ,is ,to 4:car,go,flying ,by ,around 5:vacation ,Mars,take,on 6:live

7、 ,in ,2050,will ,on ,year,people ,moon,the,the,7:think ,they ,I ,will 8:better,I ,life ,think ,will,be 9:will ,there ,be ,air, fresh 10:longer,people ,will ,live 11:dirty ,too,the,Earth ,be ,will 12:you ,in the year 2050,will ,what ,do 13:dont ,I ,so ,think,Lets practice,have robots at home,work fro

8、m home,travel to the moon,go around by flying car,live on Mars,live under the sea,I think people will live under the sea in the future.,I dont think so.I think people will live on Mars.,肯定回答:I think so,否定回答:I dont think so,I think people will have robots at home in the future.,I dont think so.I thin

9、k people will live under the sea.,I think people will live on Mars in the future.,I dont think so .I think people will travel to the moon.,I think people will go around by flying car in the future.,I dont think so.I think people will work from home.,study at home,travel by flying car,use e-textbooks

10、,have robot teachers,Henry:What will the future be like? Lisa:I think life will be better. Henry:Will we travel by flying train? Lisa:No,I dont think so.I think we will travel by flying car.,Lesson 4 Have a try,Mary:How old will you be in 2050? Ken:I will be 50 years old. Mary:What will you be in 2050? Ken:I will be a teacher. Mary:What will you do ? Ken:I will help robots learn the arts.,


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