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1、Unit 10Section I Listening Skills PromotionA Listening Strategy:Listening for Important Details (1)Besides understanding the main idea of a listening text, we often find it necessary to grasp the important details of the text. What counts as important details depends on the kind of information we wa

2、nt. Generally speaking, if we are listening to the narration of an event, we need to sharpen our ears for the when and where, the what and how and why something happened. In listening to a weather report, for example, the important details we should watch out for are the current weather conditions,

3、temperature, and weather outlook.1. 2. B Practical Training 1.beneficiary 2.liquidity3.term insurance4.mortgage5.portfolioPassage IMark the following box before each statement with “T” for true or “F” for false.( ) 1. Property and casualty insurance companies will insure against any loses from all t

4、ypes of events except natural disasters.( ) 2. If a possible loss being insured is too large, only big insurance companies can share the risk.( ) 3. Lloyds of London is a famous risk-sharing association.( ) 4. Lloyds of London has claimed that itll insure against any contingency.( ) 5. Insurance com

5、panies in the US have no problems.Passage IIAnswer the following questions according to the information you get from thetape.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Interpretation: 礼仪祝词(Ceremonial Speeches)第一部分 词汇练习addressannualarenaat short noticeboard meetingchairmanchancellorcheersclosing ceremonyclosing speech/addressco

6、cktail partycome all the way hereconcludeconferencecongratulateconveydelegationdeliver an opening/closing speechdistinguishdynamismearnestexchange of viewsexchange of visitsfarewell speech/addressgive a banquet in honor of goodwill visitgratifyinggratitudeheartfelt thankshospitalityhosthost a banque

7、t forhost countryillustratein closing/conclusioninformal visitin the name oflast but not leastmissionmunicipal governmentmunicipality official visiton behalf of on learning with great joyon the happy occasion ofon the occasion of on/upon invitationopening ceremonyopening remarks/speech/addressoutsta

8、ndingpatienceperseverancepersistencepremierpresentpresentationprime ministerprivate visitpropose a toast toreciprocal banquetremarkrepresentativerewardingribbon-cutting ceremonyseminarsessionshareholder meetingsincereslidestate banquetsupervisory meetingtake time from ones busy scheduletea partythou

9、ghtful arrangementwelcome speech/addressYour/His/Her ExcellencyYour/His/Her HighnessYour/His/Her HonorYour/His/Her Majesty第二部分 记录与解释1. 我代表我的同伴,感谢你们为我们所做的一切。我们来这里以后,一直领受着你们最热烈的友谊与款待。你们对我们不仅敞开家门,热情相待,而且开诚布公,推心置腹。记录 代 同伴 TK 一切 After 到 Enjoy yr 友谊 款待 u: open door 热情 + Candid Heart解释(1) 本段话有三层意思,分别用横线分隔。

10、(2) 听到“我们来这里以后”,在竖线左边写上“after”显示时间概念,虽然在译成英文后不一定用,但可提示译员有时间顺序。(3) “TK”或“TKS”代表“感谢”,“yr”代表“你的”或“你们的”,是“your”的发音,“u”代表“you”,“代”是“代表”的意思,“+”表示“而且”。(4) 并列部分如“友谊”与“款待”、“敞开家门”与“热情款待”、“开诚布公”与“推心置腹”用垂直格式。参考译文On behalf of our group, I would like to thank you for all you have done for us. Ever since we arrive

11、d, we have enjoyed nothing but the warmest friendship and hospitality. You have opened your hearts as well as your homes to us.讲评(1) 本段第一句是典型中国人发言致辞时所用的句式。其中的“代表”既不能译成名词“representative”(委派代表),也不能译成“represent”或“stand for”,表示“体现”,而应译为“on behalf of”,意为“替人办事或说话”祝酒词也是礼仪祝辞中常用的。一般外国人很少有劝酒的习惯,初次喝酒往往说:Here i

12、s to your health.Here is to your success.互相说一声Cheers,然后就径直喝下去。口译中的语言套路正式宴请时常用的祝酒词有:Now I propose a toast to the health of现在我提议为的健康干杯。May I propose a toast to the success of our cooperation?为我们合作成功干杯!May I propose a toast to our friendship?为我们的友谊干杯!May I propose a toast to the health of all the ladie

13、s and gentlemen present here?为在座的女士们、先生们的健康干杯!也可用:May I raise my glass with the guests present in a toast to the health of In conclusion, I ask all of you present to join me in raising your glasses to the health of 欢迎辞套语1. 我谨代表欢迎大家到来On behalf of I am delighted to welcome all of you to2. 我十分荣幸地欢迎大家来到Im honored to have this opportunity to welcome all of you to 3. 我非常高兴地欢迎各位出席It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you all toIt gives me great pleasure to welcome all of you to


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