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1、 密级: 学校代码:10075 分类号: 学 号:20091711 历史学博士学位论文 帝王的健康与政治 宋代皇帝疾病问题研究 学 位 申 请 人: 史 泠 歌 指 导 教 师: 姜锡东教授 汪圣铎教授 学 位 类 别: 历史学博士 学 科 专 业: 中国古代史 授 予 单 位: 河北大学 答 辩 日 期: 二一二年五月 Classified Index: CODE: 10075 U.D.C.: NO: 20091711 A Dissertation for the Degree of Dr.History The Emperors Health and Politics The Resear

2、ch of The Song Dynasty Emperor Diseases Candidate: Shi ling-ge Supervisor: Prof. Jiang Xi_dong Prof. Wang Sheng-duo Academic Degree Applied for: Doctor of History Specialty: Ancient History of China University: Hebei University Date of Oral Examination: May, 2012 摘 要 I 摘 要 疾病,伴随人类的历史,故人类的历史可称为疾病的历史。

3、对于中国帝制时代的皇 帝们来说,因为处在中央集权专制等级社会的最上层,养尊处优、嗜食肥甘厚味、房室 过度的生活方式,追求长寿、长生等行为,使膏粱之疾成为他们最常见的疾病,包括药 物中毒、酒精中毒、脑血管疾病、感染、高血压等常见疾病;过量饮酒、服食丹药导致 的精神疾病, 亦成为皇帝人群的常见疾病。 和其他朝代相比, 宋代皇帝家族具有的肥胖、 脑血管疾病、高血压等遗传基因,及压抑的宫廷生活等环境因素影响,使脑血管疾病成 为宋代皇帝们最常见的疾病,且具有言语障碍、行动不便等共同特征。宋代高度中央集 权的政治体制,使宋代皇帝精神压力增大,加上恐惧、多疑等性格因素的影响,使恐惧 症、神经衰弱等疾病成为他

4、们的易患疾病。 和前代相比,宋代整体医疗水平都有显著提高,不论医学理论,还是专科医学的发 展、疑难杂症的救治处理,都有很大进步。在社会上整体医学水平提高的情况下,宋代 宫廷不仅有专门的诊疗机构为皇帝服务,必要时,还通过多种方式从社会上征召医生, 来加强宫廷医疗力量。在这种环境下,珍视生命,贪恋皇位,贪恋生活享受的宋代皇帝 非常注重养生保健,不仅借鉴他人的养生之道,还有自己的养生观念,注重中国传统养 生方式,如喜欢读书、音乐、书法、下棋,擅长蹴鞠、骑射等运动,注重饮食调养等, 以求健康长寿。 虽然宋代皇帝注重养生,但因为处在专制等级社会顶端的政治地位,高度的中央集 权使他们精神压力增大,同时,其

5、他王朝皇帝们嗜食肥甘厚味、宴饮无度、纵欲过度的 生活方式宋代皇帝同样不能避免,故他们仍然不能抵御脑血管疾病、高血压、恐惧症等 身体、 精神疾病的侵袭。 宋代皇帝患病时, 不仅影响正常朝政处理, 还出现了权臣擅权、 皇后或者皇太后临朝执政,及宗室对皇位的争夺危机等现象。 关键词 关键词 宋代 皇帝 疾病 政治 Abstract Abstract The history of mankind can be called the history of disease. For the Chinese imperial emperors, provide for one and lived comfo

6、rtably, ate fatness food lifestyle, the pursuit of longevity, health behavior, and make rich food. The most common diseases of them, including drug poisoning, alcoholism, cerebral vascular disease, infection, hypertension and other common diseases, excessive drinking, taking danyao to the mind disea

7、se, also became emperor populations of common diseases. As other dynasties, because Zhao Song family with obesity, hypertension, cerebral vascular disease, genetic, and suppressed the court life and other environmental factors, So the cerebral vascular disease became emperors were the most common di

8、seases, and had a speech impediment, action inconvenience and other common features. The Song Dynasty high centralization of authority, resulting in the Song Dynasty emperor mental pressure increasing, and fear, suspicion and personality traits influence, make the phobia, neurasthenia and other dise

9、ases they became susceptible to the disease. Compared with previous ones, the level of overall health care of the Song Dynasty had significantly increased, regardless of medical theory, the development of specialist medical, incurable diseases where treatment has made great progress. In the communit

10、y of holistic medicine to increase the level of the case, the court of Song Dynasty not only had specialized clinics for the emperor, when necessary, also through a variety of ways from the society recruited doctors, to strengthen the Royal Medical strength. In this environment, cherish life, cling

11、to the throne, cling to life to enjoy the Song Dynasty emperors pay much attention to health care, not only from the others a way of keeping good health, and their health concept, a variety of health, such as knowledge, understood the medicine like music, chess, calligraphy, did pay attention to die

12、t to restore, to health and longevity. Although the Song Emperors to focus on health,but because in the authoritarian hierarchical society at the top of the political status of the high degree of centralization of power to make them mental stress increases. The same time, the other dynasty emperors

13、were addicted to eat high-calorie high-fat foods, drink excessive, oversexed lifestyle they also Abstract III could not be avoided,so they still could not resist the invasion of cerebrovascular disease,hypertension,fear psychosis body,and mental illness. health effect is not significant, cannot resi

14、st the attack of illness, suffering from physical, mental illness.The Song Dynasty emperors illness, not only affect the normal political process, also appeared the normal handling of affairs of state, powerful minister monopolize power,the ruling of the Empress dowager or Empress power, and Royalty

15、 coveted the throne phenomena such as.Song once strict preventive measures,so the Song Dynasty to the throne was the surname of the wins and replacing it with things. Keywords: The Emperors of Song Dynasty Diseases Politics 目录 IV 目录 绪 论.1 第一章 宋代皇帝疾病考.8 第一节 中国皇帝常见疾病概述.8 第二节 宋代皇帝所患疾病.25 第二章 致病因素.44 第一

16、节 遗传与环境.44 第二节 生活方式.51 第三节 性格因素.60 第三章 宋代皇帝享有的医疗条件与医疗保障.68 第一节 宋代疾病治疗的水平.68 第二节 负责皇帝疾病诊疗的机构.85 第三节 宫廷医官的选拔.88 第四章 宋代皇帝的养生与防病.96 第一节 养生观念.96 第二节 养生方法.100 第三节 防病措施.114 第四节 宋代皇帝养生防病效果.118 第五章 宋代皇帝疾病与政治的关系.122 第一节 中国历史上其它朝代皇帝疾病与政治的关系.122 第二节 宋代皇帝疾病对政治的影响.130 余 论.142 附表一 中国皇帝寿命、病症、死因统计表.151 附表二 中国皇帝寿命频数分布表.169 附表三 宋代统治阶级上层男性寿命统计表.170 参考文献.198 绪 论 1 绪 论 一、选题的学术价值和现实意义一、选题的学术价值和现实意义 2009 年冬季,导师姜锡东


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